Do Snapshot of current screen and save to SD card, need enable LV_USE_SNAPSHOT=1 in cmake\dev_tools.make


[ESP216]<SNAP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SNAP

  • if SNAP is set, it will take a snapshot
  • if SNAP is not set, it will not take a snapshot


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 216
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

Additionnaly a raw file named snapshot<timestamp>.raw will be saved in the SD card if the snapshot is enabled

The raw file can be converted to a png file using the script tools/imageconv/
e.g. python snapshot<timestamp>.raw will generate a file: