Set ESP3D settings


[ESP401]<P=id> <T=type> <V=value> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • P

    • P is the id or position in EEPROM of the setting to change
  • T

    • T is the type of the setting to change
    • T can be:
      • S: for string
      • I: for integer
      • B: for Byte
      • A: for IP address / Mask
      • F: for float (only grblHAL)
      • M: for bits mask (only grblHAL)
      • X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)
  • V

    • V is the value to set if value has space add \`` in front of space to not be seen as separator e.g:[ESP401]P=1 T=S V=My\ SSID json`


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 401
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the id/position of the setting changed