The WebUI unfortunatly does not support UTF8, so for special character specific to the language like : ¡ í á ó
please refere to : specialcharacters.php and wiki

Language currently supported

English (en) : 100% Here

French (fr) : 72% Here

German (de): 72% Here

Hungarian: (hu) 99% Here

Italian : (it) 72% Here

Spanish : (es) 72% Here

Polish : (pl) 87% Here

Russian: (ru) 87% Here

Ukrainian: (uk) 87% Here

Portuguese-Br: (ptbr) 97% Here

Chinese (simplified) (zh_CN): 99% Here

Chinese (traditional) (zh_TW): 99% Here

Japanese (ja): 99% Here

Turkish: (tr) 97% Here

How to translate

  • Translate the right side only if necessary
  • Check language.tpl if any update
  • Submit Issue or PR with modified file

Note: English is the reference but it can be adjusted if necessary, just add the corresponding reference to the english file.

To add a new language :

The template file is here
Change lang to the proper local descriptor
Translate the right side only
* Submit Issue with modified file (do not do PR as another file need to be updated)