There are 2 websocket servers:

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3 the port depend on the firmware, please refer to the firmware documentation

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or "none" if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino the port depend on the firmware, please refer to the firmware documentation

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board (not implemented yet)

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request:

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status:

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state:

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string:

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is:


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is :


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame

C M 0 1 A