
Please note all commands are in format [ESPxx]. These first brackets [] are not optional.
Most of the time givin no argument will return current configuration If authentication is on, somme commands will need admin password. They are recognised by the optional argument pwd=<admin password> in command line.


  • Get/change STA SSID
    [ESP100] <SSID> pwd=<admin password>

  • Change STA Password
    [ESP101] <Password> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change Hostname
    [ESP102] <hostname> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change Wifi mode (STA/AP)
    [ESP103] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change STA IP mode (DHCP/STATIC)
    [ESP104] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change AP SSID
    [ESP105] <SSID> pwd=<admin password>

  • Change AP Password
    [ESP106] <Password> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change AP IP mode (DHCP/STATIC)
    [ESP107] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change wifi state (on/off)
    [ESP110] <state> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get current IP

  • Get/Change hostname
    [ESP112] <hostname>

  • Get/Set pin value
    [ESP201] P<pin> V<value> PULLUP=<YES/NO> RAW=<YES/NO> ANALOG=<NO/YES> ANALOG_RANGE=[255/1024] CLEARCHANNELS=<NO/YES} pwd=<admin password>
    if no V get P value
    if V 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16 GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
    if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
    if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

  • Output to oled column C and line L
    [ESP210] C=<col> L=<line> T=<Text>

  • Output to oled line 1
    [ESP211] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 2
    [ESP212] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 3
    [ESP213] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 4
    [ESP214] <Text>

  • Delay
    [ESP290] <delayMs> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get EEPROM mapping version

  • Get full EEPROM settings content
    but do not give any passwords can filter if only need wifi or printer [ESP400] <network/printer>

  • Set EEPROM setting
    [ESP401] P=<position> T={B | I | S | A} V=<value> pwd=<user/admin password>
    T type: B(byte), I(integer/long), S(string), A(IP address / mask)
    P position: address in EEPROM

     Description:        Positions: 
    EP_WIFI_MODE             0    //1 byte = flag
    EP_STA_SSID              1    //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_STA_PASSWORD          34   //65 bytes 64 +1 = string ;warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_STA_IP_MODE           99   //1 byte = flag
    EP_STA_IP_VALUE          100  //4  bytes
    EP_STA_MASK_VALUE        104  //4  bytes
    EP_STA_GATEWAY_VALUE     108  //4  bytes
    EP_BAUD_RATE             112  //4  bytes = int
    EP_STA_PHY_MODE          116  //1 byte = flag
    EP_SLEEP_MODE            117  //1 byte = flag
    EP_CHANNEL               118  //1 byte = flag
    EP_AUTH_TYPE             119  //1 byte = flag
    EP_SSID_VISIBLE          120  //1 byte = flag
    EP_WEB_PORT              121  //4  bytes = int
    EP_DATA_PORT             125  //4  bytes = int
    EP_OUTPUT_FLAG           129  //1  bytes = flag
    EP_HOSTNAME              130  //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_DHT_INTERVAL          164  //4  bytes = int
    EP_FREE_INT2             168  //4  bytes = int
    EP_FREE_INT3             172  //4  bytes = int
    EP_ADMIN_PWD             176  //21  bytes 20+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_USER_PWD              197  //21  bytes 20+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_SSID               218  //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_PASSWORD           251  //65 bytes 64 +1 = string ;warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_IP_VALUE           316  //4  bytes
    EP_AP_MASK_VALUE         320  //4  bytes
    EP_AP_GATEWAY_VALUE      324  //4  bytes
    EP_AP_IP_MODE            329  //1 byte = flag
    EP_AP_PHY_MODE           330  //1 byte = flag
    EP_FREE_STRING1          331  //129 bytes 128+1 = string  ; warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_DHT_TYPE              460  //1  bytes = flag
    EP_TARGET_FW             461  //1  bytes = flag
  • Get available AP list (limited to 30)
    Output is JSON or plain text according parameter

  • Get current settings of ESP3D
    Output is JSON or plain text according parameter

    [ESP444] <mode> pwd=<admin password>
    if authentication is on, need admin password for RESET, RESTART and SAFEMODE

  • Send GCode with check sum caching right line numbering
    [ESP500] <gcode>

  • Send line checksum
    [ESP501] <line>

  • Change / Reset password
    [ESP550] <password> pwd=<admin password>
    If no password set it use default one

  • Change / Reset user password
    [ESP555] <password> pwd=<admin/user password>
    If no password set it use default one

  • Send notification
    [ESP600] <message> pwd=<admin password>

  • Set/Get notification settings (type can be NONE, PUSHOVER, EMAIL, LINE)
    [ESP610] type=<type> T1=<token1> T2=<token2> TS=<Settings> pwd=<admin password> Get will give type and settings only not the protected T1/T2

  • Read SPIFFS file and send each line to serial
    [ESP700] <filename>

  • Format SPIFFS
    [ESP710] FORMAT pwd=<admin password>

  • Get SPIFFS total size and used size

  • Get fw version and basic information

  • Get fw target

  • Get state / Set Enable / Disable Serial Communication (state: {ENABLE, DISABLE)
    [ESP900] <state>