List files on /SD or defined repository


[ESP740]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

  • if Root is empty, it will list files on /SD
  • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"System Volume Information","size":"-1"},
         {"name":"mks_pft70.sys","size":"5 B"},
         {"name":"index.html","size":"57.47 KB"},
         {"name":"index.xml","size":"7.53 KB"},
         {"name":"index.print.html","size":"77.74 KB"}
      "total":"7.20 GB",
      "used":"52.06 MB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 740
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of files on /SD or defined repository

  • text

Directory on SD : /
[DIR]   System Volume Information
[DIR]   src
[DIR]   testdir
[DIR]   New%20folder2
[DIR]   conventions
[DIR]   extensions
[DIR]   fileupload
[DIR]   realtimecmd
[DIR]   variableslist
[DIR]   webhandlers
[DIR]   websockets
[DIR]   main
         mks_pft70.sys  5 B 
         index.html     57.47 KB 
         index.xml      7.53 KB
         index.print.html       77.74 KB 
Files: 4, Dirs :12
Total: 7.20 GB, Used: 52.06 MB, Available: 7.15 GB