Home Assistant is a home automation platform

Considering you have Home Assistant running in your local network:

1 - Go to Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant user's profile., and create a long-lived access token

2 - Save the generated token in ESP3D, and set HOMEASSISTANT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=HOMEASSISTANT T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxx TS=homeassistant.local:8123

3 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won't be displayed)

4 - Try to send message:
* [ESP600]/api/services/light/toggle#{"entity_id":"light.wintergarten_spots"}

5 - At the end of your gcode, you can add the following have your vacuum cleaner announce the print is done: * M118 P3 [ESP600]/api/services/tts/cloud_say#{"entity_id":"media_player.vacuum_audio","message":"3d\ print\ ready"} * Visit https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/ to find out how to post states and events too