You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib using the maintenance page, the web ui and the SD Card and OTA process.

Maintenance page

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.

This page is automaticaly available if no index.html / index.html.gz is present on flash filesystem. Another way to access it, is to add the parameter ?forcefallback=yes to your IP address in browser.

Web UI

You need to have webupdate feature enabled.

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.

SD Card

You need to have sd card enabled and sd update feature enabled in configuration.h.


You can update all ESP3DLib settings when board is starting using an ini file named esp3dcnf.ini at root of SD card.

#hostname string of 32 chars max
hostname = myesp

#radio mode bt, wifi-sta, wifi-ap, eth-sta, off
radio_mode = wifi-sta 

#station fallback mode bt, wifi-ap, off
sta_fallback  = wifi-ap

#active when boot device or not  yes / no
radio_enabled = yes

#sta ssid string of 32 chars max 
sta_ssid = myssid

#sta password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars 
sta_password = *******

#sta ip mode dhcp / static
sta_ip_mode = dhcp

#sta static ip
sta_ip =

#sta static gateway
sta_gw =

#sta static mask
sta_msk =

#sta static dns
sta_dns =

#ap ssid string of 32 chars max 
ap_ssid = myssid

#ap password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars
ap_password = 12345678

#ap static ip
ap_ip =

#ap channel 1~14
ap_channel = 11

#active or not serial bridge yes / no
serial_bridge_active = yes

# serial bridge baudrate
serial_bridge_baud = 115200

#active or not http yes / no
http_active = yes

#http port
http_port = 80

#active or not telnet yes / no
telnet_active = yes

#telnet port
telnet_port = 23

#active or not websocket yes / no
websocket_active = yes

#websocket port
websocket_port = 8282

#active or not webdav yes / no
webdav_active = yes

#websocket port
webdav_port = 8282

#active or not ftp yes / no
ftp_active = yes

#ftp control port
ftp_control_port = 21

#ftp active port
ftp_active_port = 20

#ftp passive port
ftp_passive_port = 55600

#auto notification
autonotification = yes

#notification type none / pushover / line / email / telegram /ifttt
notif_type = none 

#notification token 1 string of 64 chars max
notif_token1 = 

#notification token 2 string of 64 chars max
notif_token2 = 

#notification settings string of 127 chars max

#sd card speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32
sd_speed = 4

#check update from sd yes / no
check_for_update = yes

#enable buzzer yes / no
active_buzzer = yes

#active internet time yes / no
active_internet_time = yes

#time servers string of 127 chars max
time_server1 =
time_server2 =
time_server3 =

#time zone -12~12
time_zone = 2
#is dst yes/no
time_dst = no

#authentication passwords string of 20 chars max
admin_password = xxxxxxx
user_password = xxxxxxx
#session time out in min
sesion_timeout = 3

#sensor type if enabled none / dht11 / dht22 / analog / bmp280 / bme280
sensor_type = none
#sensor poiling interval in ms
sensor_interval = 30000

#target firmware marlin / repetier / marlinkimbra / smoothieware / grbl

#baud rate
baud_rate = 115200

#boot delay in ms
boot_delay = 5000

#boot verbose yes / no
boot_verbose = no

#printer screen yes / no
active_remote_screen = yes
#esp3d screen yes / no
active_esp3d_screen = yes
#esp3d serial yes / no
active_serial = yes
#serial bridge yes / no
active_serial_bridge = yes
#websocket yes / no
active_websocket = yes
#telnet yes / no
active_telnet = yes
#bluetooth yes / no
active_bt = yes

Once update is done all passwords set in file will be replaced by ********.



You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib firmware when board is starting using a binary image file of firmware esp3dfw.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfw.ok, if esp3dfw.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfw.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

Flash filesystem

You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib flash filesystem when board is starting using a binary image file of filesystem esp3dfs.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfs.ok, if esp3dfs.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfs.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

OTA (Arduino IDE / PlatformIO)

This feature need to be enabled in configuration.h

Arduino IDE esp8266

Arduino IDE esp32

PlatformIO esp8266

PlatformIO esp32