Extensions API

Basic code

<script type="text/javascript">

//Send message to web ui
function sendMessage(msg){
    window.parent.postMessage(msg, '*');

//Process Message coming from webUI
function processMessage(eventMsg){
    //now process eventMsg.data

//Setup message listener from webUI
window.onload = (event) => {
  window.addEventListener("message", processMessage, false);


<div class="container">
Display your HTML here

As you can see code is minimal - it will fit a Frame, webui css / theme will be added by webUI after loaded, so you do not need to add any, you can use any of existing class available in webUI.

Communication between frame and main window is done by messages using objects (string / array based), do not use any object that could ne be cloned or loading will fail.

Send message

message structure used by window.parent.postMessage(msg, '*'); has a defined format, some parameters are madatories, some are optionals and some depend on message type:
{type:'<message type>', target:'webui', id:'[origin]', noDispatch:[true], XXX:YYY}
<message type> is mandatory, it define the purpose of the message
target:'webui' is mandatory, it help to screen the message
id:'[origin]' is optionnal, it define which id must read the response if any, if present it can be used by extension to filter message, no id means the message is for everyone
noDispatch:[true] is optionnal, if true it will prevent to send answer if any, if not or set to false, it will send answer message if any
XXX:YYY are optionals/mandatories according message type

Send GCODE command or ESP command

Example: {type:'cmd', target:'webui',id:'terminal', content:'[ESP111]'}
type is cmd (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is terminal (optional)
content is the command that need to be sent, in our case [ESP111] (mandatory)

Note: there is no noDispatch:true so answer, if any from ESP firmware, will be sent
Note 2: there is no way to prevent the answer to be spread if it come from external board from serial, even if id and noDispatch are set

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

    • if success

          "type": "cmd",
          "content": {
              "status": "success"
              "response": "",
              "initiator": {  
          "id": "terminal"

      type is cmd
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "cmd", 
          "content": { 
              "status": "error", 
              "error":"Cannot connect", 
              "initiator": {  

      type is error for any error command
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send web query

Example: {type:'query', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'files', args:{action:'list', path:'/'}} type is query (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is terminal (optional)
url is the base url in our case files for /files (mandatory)
args is the set of arguments url in our case {action:'list', path:'/'} for /files?action=list&path=/ (optional for query)

Note: noDispatch:true and id:'term' are applicable in this case if needed

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    • if success

          "type": "query",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": "{\"files\":[{\"name\":\"config.yaml\",\"size\":\"1.55 KB\"}],\"path\":\"/\",\"occupation\":\"35\",\"status\":\"ok\",\"total\":\"1.31 MB\",\"used\":\"470.08 KB\"}",
              "initiator": {
                              "type": "query", 
                              "target": "webui", 
                              "id": "filemanager", 
                              "url": "files", 
                              "args": {
                                          "action": "list", 
                                          "path": "/"
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is query id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a JSON, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "query",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "Cannot connect",
              "initiator": {
                              "type": "query", 
                              "target": "webui", 
                              "id": "filemanager", 
                              "url": "files", 
                              "args": {
                                          "action": "list", 
                                          "path": "/"
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is query id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send web upload

Example: {type:'upload', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'files', content:[...],size:500, path:"/", filename:'file.txt'} type is upload (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is filemanager (optional)
url is the base url in our case files for /files (mandatory for upload)
content is the file in an array object (mandatory) size is the file size (mandatory)
path is the file target path (not including name) (mandatory) size is the filename (not including path) (mandatory) args is an object with optional arguments like for query, they are no used in post but in url itself

Note: noDispatch:true and id:'filemanager' are applicable in this case if needed

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    for upload the initiator does not contain the file content
    • if success

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": "{\"files\":[{\"name\":\"config.yaml\",\"size\":\"1.55 KB\"},{\"name\":\"file.txt\",\"size\":\"500B\"}],\"path\":\"/\",\"occupation\":\"35\",\"status\":\"ok\",\"total\":\"1.31 MB\",\"used\":\"470.08 KB\"}",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a JSON, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

    • progression message

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "progress",
              "progress": "100",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is progress, and the progression it self progress, in our case 100 = 100% and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

    • if error

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "Cannot connect",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

Send webdownload request

Example: {type:'download', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'preferences.json'} type is download (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is filemanager (optional)
url is the url of the file in our case preferences.json for /preferences.json (mandatory)
args is an object with optional arguments like for query

Note: id:'filemanager' is applicable in this case if needed, but not noDispatch:true as the purpose is to get response

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    • if success

          "type": "download",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": [...],
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a blob which is the file that need to be read properly, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • progression message

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "progress",
              "progress": "100",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is download id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is progress, and the progression it self progress, in our case 100 = 100% and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "download",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "404",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is download id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case 404 (file not found) and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send sound notification

There is no answer for this message, so id is not necessary

  • Generate a beep notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'beep'}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case beep (mandatory)

  • Generate a beep error notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'error'}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case error (mandatory)

  • Generate a beep sequence notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'beep', seq:[{ f: 1046, d: 200 },{ f: 1318, d: 100 }]}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case seq (mandatory)
    seq is an array of sequence of beep, in our case [{ f: 1046, d: 200 },{ f: 1318, d: 100 }] (mandatory), f is frequency and d is duration of the beep

Send toast notification

There is no answer for this message, so id is not necessary

  • Generate a success toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is a success', type:'success'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case success, and the text to display, in ou case This is a success (mandatory)

  • Generate an error toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is an error', type:'error'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case error, and the text to display, in ou case This is an error (mandatory)

  • Generate a normal toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is a toast', type:'default'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case default, and the text to display, in ou case This is a toast (mandatory)

Send translation request

  • simple translation Example: {type:'translate', target:'webui', id:'transpanel', content:'S153'}
    type is translate (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is transpanel (optional)
    content is the text that need to be translated, in our case S153 (mandatory)

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "translate",
          "content": {
              "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "transpanel"

      type is translate
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ? and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • full dump of translations
    Example: {type:'translate', target:'webui', id:'transpanel', all:'true'}
    type is translate (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is transpanel (optional)
    all to take all translations (mandatory)

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "translate",
          "content": {
              "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "transpanel"

      type is translate
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case an array of all translations and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send capabilities request

Example: {type:'capabilities', target:'webui', id:'transpanel'}
type is capabilities (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is infopanel (optional)

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

        "type": "capabilities",
        "content": {
            "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
            "initiator": {
        "id": "infopanel"

    type is capabilities
    id is the id set in command message to help to screen
    content has the response it self response, in our case a JSON and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Dispatch message to other extensions

Example: {type:'dispatch', target:'webui', id:'senderpanel', content:'any message' , targetid:'receiverpanel'}
type is dispatch (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is senderpanel (optional)
content the message to dispatch using

Note: there no answer as the purpose of this is to send answer

Send Modal dialog display request

  • Simple modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'This is tile', id:'simple_modal', style:'default', bt1Txt:'S126', response1:'ok', text:'some text', overlay:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), This is tile is used as example but you better use predefined text that could be translated
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here simple_modal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for simple modal it is default,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), S126 will be translated as Ok, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here ok, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in modal, if it is predefined’s one it will be translated (optional)

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "ok",
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
                                          "title":"This is tile", 
                                          "text":"some text", 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case ok because only one button, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • Confirmation modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'S26', id:'confirm_modal',style:'question',bt1Txt:'S27', response1:'yes',bt2Txt:'S28', response2:'cancel', text:'S30',hideclose:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), S26 will be translated as Please Confirm
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here confirmation_modal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for confirmation modal it is question,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), here S27 will be translated as Yes, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here yes, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), here S28 will be translated as Cancel, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), here cancel, the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in moda (optional), here S30 will be translated asDo you want to update?

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "yes",
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case yes because user clicked on button 1, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • Input modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'S90', id:'input_modal',style:'input',bt1Txt:'S106', response1:'create',bt2Txt:'S28', response2:'cancel', text:'S104',hideclose:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), S90 will be translated as Create Directory
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here inputmodal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for input modal it is input,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), here S106 will be translated as Create, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here create, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), here S28 will be translated as Cancel, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), here cancel, the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in moda (optional), here S104 will be translated asPlease type directory name

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "create",
              "inputData": "mydir"
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case create because user clicked on button 1, and the text entered is in inputData, here mydir, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

      Note: inputData is present for both buttons clicked, so screening must be done according response

Install an extension in Web UI

Upload it to local filesystem or any path available to web server

image image

Add extra panel or page using this extension

image image

It will be displayed according your settings image image

Sample codes
