
Setup development tools

1 - Install current nodejs LTS (currently using v16.14.2)

node -v

npm -v

2 - Download all necessary packages in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm install

Start dev server

in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm run dev-<system>-<firmware>
  • where <system> is cnc (CNC system, laser, spindle..) , printer (3D printer), sand (Sand Table)
  • where <firmware> is :
    • grbl, grblhal for cnc
    • marlin, marlin-embedded (esp3dlib), repetier, smoothieware for printer
    • grbl for sand

will open http://localhost:8088 which display the webUI using a local test server

Build index.html.gz to /dist folder

in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm run buildall

Will generate production version for each target and firmware in dist directory

to build specific index.html.gz

npm run <system>-<firmware>
  • where <system> is cnc (CNC system, laser, spindle..) , printer (3D printer), sand (Sand Table)
  • where <firmware> is :
    • grbl, grblhal for cnc
    • marlin, marlin-embedded (esp3dlib), repetier, smoothieware for printer
    • grbl for sand