
Get full ESP3D settings


[ESP400] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


Passwords are not displayed and replaced by ********

  • if json
{"F":"network/network","P":"130","T":"S","R":"1","V":"esp3d","H":"hostname" ,"S":"32", "M":"1"},
{"F":"network/network","P":"0","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"radio mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"99","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"ip mode","O":[{"dhcp":"1"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"1035","T":"B","R":"0","V":"5","H":"sta fallback mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"1022","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"auto notif","O":[{"no":"0"},{"yes":"1"}]},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"856","T":"S","R":"1","V":" ","S":"128","H":"ts","M":"0"},

1 - key : Settings
2 - value: array of data formated like this
{“F”:“service/notification”,“P”:“1004”,“T”:“B”,“V”:“1”,“H”:“auto notif”,“O”:[{“no”:“0”},{“yes”:“1”}]}

-   F: is filter formated as section/sub-section, if section is same as sub-section, it means no sub-section
-   P: is id (also position reference so it is unique)
-   T: is type of data which can be:
    -   S: for string
    -   I: for integer
    -   B: for Byte
    -   A: for IP address / Mask
    -   F: for float (only grblHAL)
    -   M: for bits mask (only grblHAL)
    -   X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)
-   V: is current value, if type is string and value is `********`, (8 stars) then it is a password
-   E: is integer for exactess / precision of float/double value (only grblHAL)
-   U: is text unit of value (only grblHAL)
-   H: is text label of value
-   S: is max size if type is string, and max possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   M: is min size if type is string, and min possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   MS: is additionnal min size if type is string (e.g for password can be 0 or 8, so need additional min size), M should be the more minimal value
    so MS value must be between M and S
-   O: is an array of {label:value} used for possible values in selection or bits labels list
-   R: need restart to be applied

Note: if Type M and X use O entry to define the label / position, if O is [] then axis label are used according need X, Y, Z, A, B, C
Note2 : the 2.1 Flag type is no more used, several entries are used instead grouped by sub-section

If no json the list is limited to a list of <help>: <value>

network/network/hostname: esp3d
network/network/radio mode: 5
network/network/radio_boot: 1
network/sta/SSID: NETWORK_SSID
network/sta/pwd: ********
network/sta/ip mode: 1
network/sta/sta fallback mode: 5
network/ap/SSID: ESP3D
network/ap/pwd: ********
network/ap/channel: 11
service/time/i-time: 0
service/time/tzone: +00:00
service/time/t-server: time.windows.com
service/time/t-server: time.google.com
service/time/t-server: 0.pool.ntp.org
service/notification/auto notif: 1
service/notification/notification: 0
system/system/targetfw: 0
system/system/baud: 115200
system/boot/bootdelay: 10000
system/boot/verbose: 0