
Setup your development environment

Click on the corresponding image to display how to setup.

Arduino IDE


Tip: The platformIO environment is the easiest to setup, because you do not need to setup the esp core neither the libraries by yourself.

Connect your board

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams for some printers and ESP boards

Printer motherboards

Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will also have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.

step1 step1

  • Step 2

Now prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:

step1 step1

  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout

step3 step3

Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

For more Info check lokster | space

For connecting version 1.7 Anet boards

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.

step1 step1

Anycubic i3 mega - Trigorilla 8bit board

To connect the ESP12e to the UART0. (Credits:197-murdock).
(Green = RX, Blue = TX)
5V (buck to 3.3v if directly connect to ESP - most development ESP boards already have this voltage limited built-in - but check!) and GND can be taken from the AUX3 exposed connector.
UART0 is normally used by USB port so don’t use both together - so this hack piggybacks on that same port at UART level.

step1 step1

step2 step2


step1 step1

AZSMZ-mini board

step1 step1

If you don’t have the soldering skills to grab the connectors from the unpopulated ethernet connection, you can also get 3.3v and GND from the ISP header (bottom left on the diagram above).

Azteeg X5 mini board

step1 step1

BIQU KFB2.0 board

all in one Ramps1.4/Mega2560 R3 controller based

step1 step1

Creality CR10 Ender 3 board

For the Sanguino based CR-10 and Ender printers you will need to solder to any of the via circled (can also be done in the backside of board), or to the legs of the Arduino or ftdi. Connect TX from the board to RX of Wemos D1 mini and RX from board to TX of Wemos D1 mini. 5v and GND are located in the six pin header next to the LCD connector.

step1 step1

Since soldering might be difficult because the solder points are so close to each other, another option is to scrape off the insulation from the traces on the backside and solder there. Be extra careful not to scrape the surrounding ground plane. You need suitable fine scraping tools for this. The picture below shows an Ender-2 PCB.

step2 step2

Creality Ender 4 board

You will need to solder to small circle, or to the legs of the ATmega2560 (RXD0 pin 2, TXD0 pin 3)

step1 step1

Davinci 1.0/2.0 board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

step4 step4

step5 step5

Davinci 1.0A board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

Alternate Module placement for increased WiFi range (outside metal chassis, antenna has vertical polarization)

step4 step4

MKS boards

To connect the ESP3D to the MKS GEN v1.2 (but the v1.3 and above 1.4 is the most used today).

An ESP12E with the standard schematics, the two resistor connected to the RX pin are substituted by a 1N4148 diode, like in the Adafruit Huzzah board.

step1 step1

ESP12E is connected to the AUX1

ESP12E RX is connected to the pin NEAR GND of the upper row (Marked TXD on pinout.)
ESP12E TX is connected to the adiacent pin at the end of the upper row (Marked RXD on pinout.)

step2 step2

MKS Smoothieware board

step1 step1

RADDS board

step1 step1

step2 step2

RAMPS 1.4/Re-ARM board

Ramps 1.4 can be used on Arduino Mega (repetier/marlin) and Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Alternative pins if use Re-ARM (J4/UART port)

step2 step2

Smoothieboard board

step1 step1

SKR Mini E3 board

This board is from Bigtreetech and went through various hardware revisions; all of them still feature a TFT pin header which is where you can tap the TX and RX needed. The wiring below is made with a 1.2 board, but the same applies for the other revisions as well; if you need the exact schematic for your mainboard version, you can check Bigtreetech’s github repository.

step1 step1

step2 step2

You literally cannot miss it because the TFT connector is labeled on the board; you can use dupont connectors for the wiring job, no soldering skills needed as long as your ESP comes with pre soldered headers. Just a heads up: the TFT connector provides 5V DC, so be sure to provide them on the correct ESP pin and, most importantly, if your ESP can work with 5 volts as input. You should also pay attention on the board orientation in the schematic, although I oriented it the same way as the actual picture on the left so it’s easier for you.

Weedo Tina2 board

This printer is also brand labelled as Monoprice MP cadet 3D printer

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In marlin this connection is serial port 3.

Note the Mega2560 is 5V powered and ESP is 3V3 powered.

For printer boards not listed here

Vast majority of printers have an USB port that is converted to UART before going to MCU. Many printers also have additional (unused) UART port you can use. When possible, always use the additional port for connecting ESP to printer board. When no additional UART port is available you might use the Tx and Rx lines between USB/UART converter and MCU but it’s recommended to cut (in a reversible way) the line to USB/UART converter to avoid conflicts.

If the board is ATmega based the simplest way to find a usable UART port for the ESP is to open ATmega datasheet.

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Installation

Arduino IDE

Prepare the development environment

  • Please download ide from


    Please use the Legacy IDE (1.8.X) or the latest Arduino IDE 2.X

  • Install the esp core according your target:

    • ESP8266


      Please use the version 3.1.1.

    • ESP32


      Please use the version 2.0.8.

  • Copy the content of the libraries directory and extra libraries directory (according your target ESP8266 or ESP32 ) to your arduino library directory


    Do not try any version different than the ones provided, they may not work properly.

Open esp3d/esp3d.ino file in Arduino IDE

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/configuration.h and set features you want.

You can also generate it, using the ESP3D configurator, which simplify a lot this step.

/* Setup station as default, use AP mode first if not done
* Note: need both defined to enable it
* Uncomment and edit them to define
//#define STATION_WIFI_SSID "*********"
//#define STATION_WIFI_PASSWORD "*********"

/* You can also use a different config file for SSID/password
* Just save it in same location as this configuration.h
* This file is ignored by github
#if defined __has_include
#  if __has_include ("myconfig.h")
#    include "myconfig.h"
#  endif

* Serial Communications
* Settings and protocols

/* Serial Communication protocol
* RAW_SERIAL // Basic serial protocol, without data change
* MKS_SERIAL // This is a MakerBase communication protocol, used with MKS printers and TFT, it encapsulated data in a custom protocol

/* Main Serial port
* which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only
//Main serial port

/* Bridge Serial port (deprecated on esp8266 as second serial is)
* which serial ESP use to bridge to another device (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only\
* Comment if not used

/* Serial buffer size
*  Maximum size of the serial buffer

* Target firmware
* Targeted firmware that ESP3D will communicate with
/* Target firmware (default UNKNOWN_FW can be changed later in settings)

* Radio mode of ESP3D
* The radio mode ESP3D communicate with the network

/* Use WiFi
* Enable wifi communications

/* Use Ethernet
* Enable ethernet communications
//#define ETH_FEATURE

//Ethernet type (Check ETH.h eth_phy_type_t)

//Ethernet board Clock mode

//Pins of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDC_PIN 23
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDIO_PIN 18

//Address of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_ADDR 0

/* Use Bluetooth
* Enable serial bluetooth communications

* Channels of ESP3D
* The way ESP3D communicate

/* Use Web server
* Enable http server

/* Use telnet server
* Enable telnet light (raw tcp) communications

/* Use Websocket server
* Enable websocket communications

// Enable notifications
// Allows to send notifications to the user

/* Notification message when online
* The message that will be sent when the ESP is online
#define NOTIFICATION_ESP_ONLINE "Hi, %ESP_NAME% is now online at %ESP_IP%"

/* Notification title message
* The title of notification
#define ESP_NOTIFICATION_TITLE "ESP3D Notification"

* Discovery methods of ESP3D
* The discovery methods of ESP3D

/* Use captive portal
* Enable captive portal in AP mode

/* Use mDNS discovery
* This method need `bonjour` protocol on windows, or `avahi` on linux

/* Use Simple Service Discovery Protocol
* It is supported on Windows out of the box

* SSDP Customization settings
* Customize your ESP3D

/* Model name
* Modele name of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NAME "ESP Board"

/* Model number
* Modele number of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 3.0"

/* Model url
* Modele url of device
#define ESP_MODEL_URL ""

/* Manufacturer name
* Manufacturer name of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"

/* Manufacturer url
* Manufacturer url of device

* Flash filesystem
* Filesystem on flash

/* File system type used by ESP3D
* Type of file system used by ESP3D to store files
* ESP_FAT_FILESYSTEM (ESP32 only with large partitions)

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD filesystem
* Filesystem on SD card

/* SD card connection
* ESP_NO_SD //(default)
* ESP_DIRECT_SD //Only your ESP board is connected to SDCard
* ESP_SHARED_SD //Printer SD Card is also connected to ESP3D
* Does your system has SD card and how it is connected to your ESP3D

/* SD card library
* ESP_SD_NATIVE //esp32 / esp8266
* ESP_SDIO      //esp32 only
* ESP_SDFAT2    //esp8266  / esp32

/* Sdio bit mode
* Mode used by SDIO library 1 bit / 4bits

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD card pins

/* SD card detect pin
* The pin used to detect SD card
//#define ESP_SD_DETECT_PIN 4

/* SD card detect pin value
* State of SD card detect pin when card is present

/* SD shared flag pin
* The pin used to enable SD card for ESP board

/* SD shared flag pin value
* State of SD card shared pin for ESP board

/* SD card CS pin
* The pin used to select SD card in SPI mode
//#define ESP_SD_CS_PIN 5

* Remote access
* Remote filesystem access

/* Enable global filesystem
* Allows to access to all filesystems from same location

/* WebDav access
* Use WebDav to access to your filesystem
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          mount SD FS

/* FTP access
* Use FTP to access to your filesystem (1 connection only)
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          //mount SD FS

* Reset ESP3D
* Reset ESP3D settings

/* Enable pin reset feature
* Use a pin to reset ESP3D settings

/* Reset pin
* The pin used to reset ESP3D setting if set to low for more than 1 second at start
#define ESP3D_RESET_PIN 0

* Update ESP3D
* Update ESP3D firmware

/* Enable OTA
* Over The Air Update (OTA)
//#define OTA_FEATURE

/* Enable Web Update
* Update firmware using WebUI, need 4MB of flash

/* Enable SD card Update
* Update firmware and settings using file on SDCard

* Display settings
* Rendering screens

/* Printer screen
*  If your printer has a display

/* ESP3D screen
* Screen connected to ESP board
* OLED I2C SSD1306 128X64
* OLED_I2C_SSDSH1106_132X64
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_240X240
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_135X240
//#define DISPLAY_DEVICE OLED_I2C_SSD1306_128X64

/* Flip screen
* Flip/rotate screen

/* Display i2C address
* Wire address of display
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDR 0x3c

/* Display reset pin
* The pin used to reset the screen (optional)
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_PIN_RST 22

/* TFT led pin
* The pin used for the backlight
//#define DISPLAY_LED_PIN -1

* Audio settings
* Buzzer feature

/* Enable buzzer
* Your esp board has a passive buzzer

/* Buzzer pin
* The pin used for the passive buzzer
//#define ESP3D_BUZZER_PIN 33

* Sensor settings
* Sensor feature
/* Sensor pin
* The pin used for the sensor
//#define ESP3D_SENSOR_PIN 34

/* Sensor Unit
*  Unit of the sensor result
//#define SENSOR__UNIT "C"

* Camera settings
* Connected camera

/* Camera type
* CAMERA_MODEL_CUSTOM          //Edit the pins in include/pins.h
* Camera connected to ESP board, only ones with PSRAM are supported

/* Flip vertically
* Flip camera vertically

* Levels of security
* How commands are allowed to be sent to ESP3D

/* Enable serial commands
* Allow commands to be sent to ESP3D via serial port

/* Allow remote access by enabling cross origin access
* check
* this should be enabled only in specific cases
* like show the camera in web page different than device web server
* /if you do not know what is that then better left it commented
* Allow to show the camera in web page different than device web server

/* Enable authentication
* Force usage of authentication for commands

* Additional features
* Extra settings

/* Enable direct control pin
* Controls pins using [ESP201]

* Scripting settings
* Scripting on ESP3D
/* Enable Autostart
* Commands to run on startup
* Separate commands with ';' or use file
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT "M117 Mounting SD;M21"
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT_FILE "autoscript.gco"

/* Enable lua interpreter
* Allow to use lua interpreter on ESP3D

/* Gcode Host Feature
* This feature allows to process Gcode files like macros.

Configure Flash settings

For ESP8266 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 4M (2M SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP8266 with 1MB of flash (this one may not support Web Update due to limited flash size)

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 1M (128K SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP32 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 240 MHz
  • Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Flash Mode: QIO
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with SPIFFS
  • Core Debug Level: None
  • PSRAM: Disabled

For ESP32 with 4MB of flash and Camera

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 240 MHz
  • Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Flash Mode: QIO
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with SPIFFS
  • Core Debug Level: None
  • PSRAM: Enabled

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Select the port you device is connected to and select Upload from sketch menu to compile and flash.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

VSCode & Platformio

Prepare the development environment

Open the ESP3D directory folder in VSCode

The first time you open the project, vscode need to download all necessary files, so be patient

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/configuration.h and set features you want.

You can also generate it, using the ESP3D configurator, which simplify a lot this step.

/* Setup station as default, use AP mode first if not done
* Note: need both defined to enable it
* Uncomment and edit them to define
//#define STATION_WIFI_SSID "*********"
//#define STATION_WIFI_PASSWORD "*********"

/* You can also use a different config file for SSID/password
* Just save it in same location as this configuration.h
* This file is ignored by github
#if defined __has_include
#  if __has_include ("myconfig.h")
#    include "myconfig.h"
#  endif

* Serial Communications
* Settings and protocols

/* Serial Communication protocol
* RAW_SERIAL // Basic serial protocol, without data change
* MKS_SERIAL // This is a MakerBase communication protocol, used with MKS printers and TFT, it encapsulated data in a custom protocol

/* Main Serial port
* which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only
//Main serial port

/* Bridge Serial port (deprecated on esp8266 as second serial is)
* which serial ESP use to bridge to another device (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only\
* Comment if not used

/* Serial buffer size
*  Maximum size of the serial buffer

* Target firmware
* Targeted firmware that ESP3D will communicate with
/* Target firmware (default UNKNOWN_FW can be changed later in settings)

* Radio mode of ESP3D
* The radio mode ESP3D communicate with the network

/* Use WiFi
* Enable wifi communications

/* Use Ethernet
* Enable ethernet communications
//#define ETH_FEATURE

//Ethernet type (Check ETH.h eth_phy_type_t)

//Ethernet board Clock mode

//Pins of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDC_PIN 23
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDIO_PIN 18

//Address of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_ADDR 0

/* Use Bluetooth
* Enable serial bluetooth communications

* Channels of ESP3D
* The way ESP3D communicate

/* Use Web server
* Enable http server

/* Use telnet server
* Enable telnet light (raw tcp) communications

/* Use Websocket server
* Enable websocket communications

// Enable notifications
// Allows to send notifications to the user

/* Notification message when online
* The message that will be sent when the ESP is online
#define NOTIFICATION_ESP_ONLINE "Hi, %ESP_NAME% is now online at %ESP_IP%"

/* Notification title message
* The title of notification
#define ESP_NOTIFICATION_TITLE "ESP3D Notification"

* Discovery methods of ESP3D
* The discovery methods of ESP3D

/* Use captive portal
* Enable captive portal in AP mode

/* Use mDNS discovery
* This method need `bonjour` protocol on windows, or `avahi` on linux

/* Use Simple Service Discovery Protocol
* It is supported on Windows out of the box

* SSDP Customization settings
* Customize your ESP3D

/* Model name
* Modele name of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NAME "ESP Board"

/* Model number
* Modele number of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 3.0"

/* Model url
* Modele url of device
#define ESP_MODEL_URL ""

/* Manufacturer name
* Manufacturer name of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"

/* Manufacturer url
* Manufacturer url of device

* Flash filesystem
* Filesystem on flash

/* File system type used by ESP3D
* Type of file system used by ESP3D to store files
* ESP_FAT_FILESYSTEM (ESP32 only with large partitions)

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD filesystem
* Filesystem on SD card

/* SD card connection
* ESP_NO_SD //(default)
* ESP_DIRECT_SD //Only your ESP board is connected to SDCard
* ESP_SHARED_SD //Printer SD Card is also connected to ESP3D
* Does your system has SD card and how it is connected to your ESP3D

/* SD card library
* ESP_SD_NATIVE //esp32 / esp8266
* ESP_SDIO      //esp32 only
* ESP_SDFAT2    //esp8266  / esp32

/* Sdio bit mode
* Mode used by SDIO library 1 bit / 4bits

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD card pins

/* SD card detect pin
* The pin used to detect SD card
//#define ESP_SD_DETECT_PIN 4

/* SD card detect pin value
* State of SD card detect pin when card is present

/* SD shared flag pin
* The pin used to enable SD card for ESP board

/* SD shared flag pin value
* State of SD card shared pin for ESP board

/* SD card CS pin
* The pin used to select SD card in SPI mode
//#define ESP_SD_CS_PIN 5

* Remote access
* Remote filesystem access

/* Enable global filesystem
* Allows to access to all filesystems from same location

/* WebDav access
* Use WebDav to access to your filesystem
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          mount SD FS

/* FTP access
* Use FTP to access to your filesystem (1 connection only)
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          //mount SD FS

* Reset ESP3D
* Reset ESP3D settings

/* Enable pin reset feature
* Use a pin to reset ESP3D settings

/* Reset pin
* The pin used to reset ESP3D setting if set to low for more than 1 second at start
#define ESP3D_RESET_PIN 0

* Update ESP3D
* Update ESP3D firmware

/* Enable OTA
* Over The Air Update (OTA)
//#define OTA_FEATURE

/* Enable Web Update
* Update firmware using WebUI, need 4MB of flash

/* Enable SD card Update
* Update firmware and settings using file on SDCard

* Display settings
* Rendering screens

/* Printer screen
*  If your printer has a display

/* ESP3D screen
* Screen connected to ESP board
* OLED I2C SSD1306 128X64
* OLED_I2C_SSDSH1106_132X64
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_240X240
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_135X240
//#define DISPLAY_DEVICE OLED_I2C_SSD1306_128X64

/* Flip screen
* Flip/rotate screen

/* Display i2C address
* Wire address of display
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDR 0x3c

/* Display reset pin
* The pin used to reset the screen (optional)
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_PIN_RST 22

/* TFT led pin
* The pin used for the backlight
//#define DISPLAY_LED_PIN -1

* Audio settings
* Buzzer feature

/* Enable buzzer
* Your esp board has a passive buzzer

/* Buzzer pin
* The pin used for the passive buzzer
//#define ESP3D_BUZZER_PIN 33

* Sensor settings
* Sensor feature
/* Sensor pin
* The pin used for the sensor
//#define ESP3D_SENSOR_PIN 34

/* Sensor Unit
*  Unit of the sensor result
//#define SENSOR__UNIT "C"

* Camera settings
* Connected camera

/* Camera type
* CAMERA_MODEL_CUSTOM          //Edit the pins in include/pins.h
* Camera connected to ESP board, only ones with PSRAM are supported

/* Flip vertically
* Flip camera vertically

* Levels of security
* How commands are allowed to be sent to ESP3D

/* Enable serial commands
* Allow commands to be sent to ESP3D via serial port

/* Allow remote access by enabling cross origin access
* check
* this should be enabled only in specific cases
* like show the camera in web page different than device web server
* /if you do not know what is that then better left it commented
* Allow to show the camera in web page different than device web server

/* Enable authentication
* Force usage of authentication for commands

* Additional features
* Extra settings

/* Enable direct control pin
* Controls pins using [ESP201]

* Scripting settings
* Scripting on ESP3D
/* Enable Autostart
* Commands to run on startup
* Separate commands with ';' or use file
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT "M117 Mounting SD;M21"
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT_FILE "autoscript.gco"

/* Enable lua interpreter
* Allow to use lua interpreter on ESP3D

/* Gcode Host Feature
* This feature allows to process Gcode files like macros.

Select the target in VSCode

vscode vscode

  • [env:esp32dev] for ESP32 boards
  • [env:esp32cam] for ESP32 Camera boards
  • [env:esp32-TTGO_T_Display] for ESP32 boards with TTGO_T display
  • [env:esp32-ST7789] for ESP32 boards with ST7789 display
  • [env:esp32-s2]for ESP32-S2 boards
  • [env:esp32-s3]for ESP32-S3 boards
  • [env:esp32-c3]for ESP32-C3 boards
  • [env:esp8266] for ESP8266 boards with 4MB flash
  • [env:esp01s_160mhz] for ESP8266 boards with 1MB flash

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Use Upload and monitor from the target environment you selected to compile and flash your module.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Hardware connection

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams examples for some ESP boards

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases: