There are 2 websocket servers:

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3and port is web port +1 (e.g: 80+1=>81)

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or "none" if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino and port is any defined port (e.g: 8282)

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request:

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status:

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state:

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is:


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is:


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame:

C M 0 1 A