1 - Add space to separate parameters
2 - If parameter has space add \
in front of space to not be seen as separator
3 - json
, json=YES
, json=TRUE
, json=1
are paremeters to switch output to json
By default output is plain text, to get json formated output add json or json=yes after main parameters.
The json format is:
cmd:"<command id>", //the id of requested command
status:"<ok/error>" //give if it is success or an failure
data:"<response>" // response corresponding to answer in json format too
- Show commands help
[ESP]<command id> json=<no>
- [ESP100] Set / Display Station SSID
- [ESP101] Set Station Password
- [ESP102] Set / Display Station IP mode
- [ESP103] Set / Display Station IP address
- [ESP104] Set station fallback mode state at boot
- [ESP105] Set / Display Access point SSID
- [ESP106] Set Access point password
- [ESP107] Set / Display Access point IP value
- [ESP108] Set / Display Access point channel value
- [ESP110] Set / Display radio state at boot
- [ESP111] Display current IP
- [ESP112] Set / Display Hostname
- [ESP114] Get/Set Boot radio state
- [ESP115] Get/Set immediate Network state
- [ESP116] Set / Ethernet Display Station IP mode
- [ESP117] Set / Display Ethernet Station IP address
- [ESP118] Set ethernet station fallback mode state at boot
- [ESP120] Get/Set HTTP state
- [ESP121] Get/Set HTTP port
- [ESP130] Get/Set TELNET state
- [ESP131] Get/Set TELNET port
- [ESP140] Sync / Set / Get current time
- [ESP150] Get/Set boot delay in ms / Verbose boot
- [ESP160] Get/Set WebSocket state
- [ESP161] Get/Set WebSocket port
- [ESP170] Get/Set Camera commands/values
- [ESP171] Save frame to target path and filename
- [ESP180] Get/Set Ftp state
- [ESP181] Get/Set Ftp ports
- [ESP190] Get/Set WebDav state
- [ESP191] Get/Set WebDav port
- [ESP200] Get/Set SD state
- [ESP201] Get/Set pin value
- [ESP202] Get/Set SD card Speed factor
- [ESP210] Get/Set Sensor Value / type
- [ESP212] Output to ESP3D screen status
- [ESP214] Output to ESP3D screen status
- [ESP215] Start a Touch Calibration
- [ESP220] Get ESP3D pins definition
- [ESP250] Play sound
- [ESP290] Delay/Pause command
- [ESP300] Process local lua script file on /FS or /SD
- [ESP301] Query and Control ESP300 script
- [ESP400] Get full ESP3D settings
- [ESP401] Set ESP3D settings
- [ESP402] Get/Set SD updater check at boot time
- [ESP410] List all AP detected around
- [ESP420] Get ESP3D current status
- [ESP444] Set ESP3D state
- [ESP450] List available ESP3D modules/ ESP3D related devices around
- [ESP500] Get authentication status
- [ESP510] Set/Get session timeout
- [ESP550] Set/Change admin password
- [ESP555] Set/Change user password
- [ESP600] Send Notification
- [ESP610] Set/Get Notification settings
- [ESP620] Send Notification using encodded URL
- [ESP700] Process local file on /FS or /SD
- [ESP701] Query and Control ESP700 stream
- [ESP710] Format ESP Filesystem
- [ESP715] Format SD Card
- [ESP720] List files on /FS or defined repository
- [ESP730] Do some actions on ESP Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create
- [ESP740] List files on /SD or defined repository
- [ESP750] Do some actions on SD Card: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create
- [ESP780] List Global Filesystem
- [ESP790] Do some actions on Global Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create
- [ESP800] Get ESP3D fw capabilities
- [ESP900] Get / Set state for main serial communication
- [ESP901] Set Serial baudrate for main serial communication
- [ESP910] Get / Set state for buzzer
- [ESP930] Get / Set state for Serial Bridge
- [ESP931] Get / Set baudrate for Serial Bridge
- [ESP999] Set quiet boot