About Lua interpreter

The ESP3D has a Lua interpreter that can be used to execute Lua scripts.

Lua is a lightweight, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language designed for embedded use. please refer to Lua for more information.

In addition to the standard Lua interpreter commands, the ESP3D has a few additional functions that can be used to interact with the ESP3D.

ESP3D functions

Name Description
pinMode(pin, mode) Set the mode of a pin
digitalWrite(pin, value) Set the value of a pin
digitalRead(pin) Read the value of a pin
analogRead(pin) Read the value of an analog pin
analogWrite(pin, value) Set the value of an analog pin
print(text) Print text on output of ESP3D, do not forget to add \n at the end of the text
millis() Return the number of milliseconds since the ESP3D started
delay(ms) Delay for a number of milliseconds
yield() Yield the execution of the script to the ESP3D
available() Return the number of commands available on a input of ESP3D
readData() Read a command from a input of ESP3D


Lua interpreter is not available in the ESP8266/ESP8285 firmwares


Because the script is executed is indepedant task of the ESP3D, do not forget to use the delay(ms) or yield() functions to avoid to trigger the watchdog of the ESP32 during a long script / long loop.