Email Notification is using SMTP and HTTPS, so you need to collect the following information fof your email supplier
- smtp server address and https port
- smtp username/ID
- smtp password
ESP3D use the parameters as follow:
- token 1 = ID to login to your email supplier
- token 2 = Password to login to your email supplier
- token settings =
the_recipient email#smtp_server:port
where # and : are fields separators.
For example:
1 -Save the token 1, token 2 and token settings in ESP3D, and set EMAIL as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=EMAIL T2=mypassword
2 - Type [ESP610]
to verify (T1 and T2 won't be displayed)
3 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi\ there,\ test\ from\ ESP3D
4 - Important : if you are using Gmail there is an additional step, as by default https access is disabled.
go to : and allow less secure applications to connect