Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.


  • Step 2

Prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:


  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout


Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

Anet boards v1.7

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.


Board pins voltage 5V
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don't use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD