Get fw capabilities eventually set time with pc time and set setup state


[ESP800]<time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> <version=3.0.0-a11> <setup=0/1> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

* json=yes
the output format
* time=
to set ESP3D time using ISO 8601 format : `YYYY`-`MM`-`DD`T`HH`:`minutes`:`seconds`
* tz=+08:00 (optional)
to set ESP3D time zone using ISO 8601 format : `+`/`-` `HH`-`minutes`
* version
version of webUI
* setup flag
Enable / Disable the setup flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 800

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response:

    • FWVersion Version of ESP3D firmware or targeted FW (Marlin with ESP3DLib / grblHal)
    • FWTarget name of targeted Firmware
    • FWTargetID numerical ID of targeted FW as same name can have several Ids
    • Setup Should be Enabled or Disabled according flag in EEPROM/Preferences, this allows to WedUI to start wizard automaticaly (or not)

    • SDConnection This is SD capability, SD can be

      • shared ESP does share access to SD card reader with main board or Firmware (Marlin with ESP3Dlib, ESP3D with hardware SD share solution)
      • direct ESP does have direct access to SD card reader (e.g: ESP3D, grblHal)
      • none ESP does not have direct access to SD card reader, (e.g: ESP3D with only serial connection)
    • SerialProtocol It define how ESP3D FW communicate with main FW
    • Socket ESP and main FW use same FW (e.g: Marlin with ESP3DLib, grblHal)
    • Raw Classic serial connection
    • MKS Serial connection using MKS protocol
    • Authentication Can be Enabled or Disabled
    • WebCommunication currently only Synchronous, because Asychronous has been put in hold
    • WebSocketIP Ip address for the websocket terminal
    • WebSocketPort Port for the web socket terminal 81
    • Hostname Hostname of ESP3D or main Baord esp3d
    • WiFiMode Current wiFi mode in use can be AP or STA
    • WebUpdate Inform webUI the feature is available or not, can be Enabled or Disabled
    • FlashFileSystem (currently FileSystem, to be updated soon ) The file system used by ESP board can be LittleFS, SPIFFS, Fat, none
    • HostPath Path where the preferences.json and index.html.gz are stored and can be updated (e.g: www)
    • Time Type of time support
      • none Time is not supported
      • Auto Board use internet to sync time and it is successful
      • Failed to set Board use internet to sync time and it is failed
      • Manual Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and it is successful
      • Not set Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and command did not sent it (time may have been set by previous command)
    • CameraID if ESP has camera it contain the camera ID
    • CameraName if ESP has camera it contain the camera name
    • Axisletters Currently only used for grbHAL can be :
    • XYZABC
    • XYZUVZ (supported soon)
    • XYZABCUVZ (supported soon)