WebUI support autoreporting but in case there is a need to get some information on demand, you can use polling commands.

A polling command is a GCode command that will be sent to the printer and the response will be parsed and displayed in the WebUI each xxxxms.

A refresh time of 3000ms is usally enough , shorter polling commands refreshtime may not be processed properly due to network latency.

Several polling commands for same refresh time can be added at once separated added by ;

Note: A refresh time of 0 means polling will be done only once when webui start.

Here the list of polling commands available per firmware type:


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M27 C Get current file name
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M106 Get fan speed
M115 Get printer capabilities
M31 Get print time
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M27 C Get current file name
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M106 Get fan speed
M115 Get printer capabilities
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M115 Get printer capabilities
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
? Get current status
$G View GCode parser state
$# View GCode Parameters
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
? Get current status
$G View GCode parser state
$# View GCode Parameters


Command Description
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status