Generate template files

Use the script npm run template to geenrate up todate template files for all packs


  • CNC GRBL in languages/cncgrblpack
  • CNC grblHAL languages/cncgrblhalpack
  • 3D Printers (all) languages/printerpack
  • Sand Table (all) languages/sandtablepack

Generate language pack files

  • Rename the template file according the language code using _ instead of - and add lang- in from of name. so for example :

    • for french language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-fr.json
    • for simplified chinese language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-zh_cn.json
    • for simplified chinese language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-zh_cn.json
    • for german language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-de.json
  • Modify the language pack file according to the language and test it against the WebUI

  • Compress the final pack use the following command to compress the final pack targeting the file :
    npm run package target=languages/<target pack>/lang-<target language>.json

    so for French language pack for example: npm run package target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json

Compare template pack with language pack file

This script is used to compare current language pack content against the template language pack to see if the language pack need to be updated.

npm run check reference=<template path file> target=<not compressed language pack>

npm run check target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json reference=languages/printerpack/en.json

> ESP3D-WEBUI@3.0.0 check
> node ./config/checkpack.js "target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json" "reference=languages/printerpack/en.json"

Comparing files

Checking extra entries...
S724 : Fermer l'application
...done, found  1 extra entries

Checking missing entries...
S14 : Settings
S24 : Close
...done, found  2 missing entries

Comparaison done

Propose / update language pack files

Please do a PR to webUI 3.0 github branch or submit ticket with compressed and clear version of the language pack file
if submitting PR please keep the clear version in languages/<target pack> and compressed version in dist/<target pack>