What is ESP3D Ecosystem ?

ESP3D Ecosystem is a collection of projects based on espressif boards like esp8266 and esp32. The purpose is to provide WiFi feature to users of 3D printer, CNC, Sand Table and plotter.

Depending of the configuration and the hardware the solution will be different but the goal is to provide a set of feature equivalent accross devices.

Check on the menu the current projects, each one has a different implementation for same purpose.

What project to use ?

Based on hardware

%%{init:{"theme":"default"}}%% graph LR; A{<strong>Hardware?</strong>} -->|ESP8266| B[ESP3D] A -->|ESP32| C{<strong>Is main board ?</strong>} C -->|No| D{<strong>Has Touchscreen ?</strong>} C -->|Yes| E[ESP3DLib] D -->|Yes| F[ESP3D-TFT] D -->|No| G[ESP3D]

Based on connection

%%{init:{"theme":"default"}}%% graph LR; A{<strong>Connection?</strong>} -->|Serial| B{<strong>Has Touchscreen ?</strong>} B -->|No|H[ESP3D] B -->|Yes|I[ESP3D-TFT] A -->|USB| C{<strong>Is ESP32-S3 ?</strong>} C -->|No| D[Sorry no support for this] C -->|Yes| E{<strong>Has Touchscreen ?</strong>} E -->|Yes| F[ESP3D-TFT] E -->|No| G[Coming soon in ESP3D]

Based on feature

%%{init:{"theme":"default"}}%% graph LR; A{<strong>Is main board ?</strong>} -->|Yes| B{<strong>Hardware ?</strong>} B -->|ESP8266| C[Sorry no support for this] B -->|ESP32| D[ESP3DLib] A -->|No| E{<strong>Hardware ?</strong>} E -->|ESP8266| F[ESP3D] E -->|ESP32| G{<strong>Has Touchscreen ?</strong>} G -->|Yes| H[ESP3D-TFT] G -->|No| I[ESP3D]

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Subsections of


What is ESP3D ?

ESP3D is a firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 boards from espressif, This firmware allows not only to have a cheap bridge between Wifi and serial, but also to have a web UI to configure wifi, to monitor 3D printer/CNC and even control it, and to make things easy, UI is fully customizable without reflashing FW.

Firmware support different target firmwares according version.


This is for esp8266, esp8285, esp32 boards as daughters boards connected to your main board only. For esp32 board as main board for your 3D Printer please use ESP3DLib

There is one production version and one development version, others versions are no more maintained.

Cybersecurity concerns

If you plan to have access to you ESP from outside of your private network than you need to apply some basic security rules to avoid anybody to be able to access your ESP.

Disclaimer : this is for reference - you are responsible of your board and internet network, we are not responsible for any damage to any of your network appliances.


Following steps must be done before your ESP is visible from public internet:

  • Activate authentication in comfiguration file before flashing
  • Change default user and password (this can be done with commands or webui)

Is also strongly recommended to:

  • Use strong passwords
  • Use unique passwords, not same as for other accounts
  • Change password regularly
  • Configure box to redirect a different port than 80 to the port 80 of ESP
  • Use DMZ feature of your box

Additional tips

  • Remember the web server is not https, this means the server will never be fully secure. In particular, avoid to connect to your printer from any public network you do not own. Stick to your 4G network or other safe places to avoid MITM attack

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Subsections of ESP3D

Version 2.1.X

This version is the production version, features are frozen, only bugfixes are accepted.

Firmware should work with the following firmwares:

The communication between ESP board and target board is done by serial.

The firmware must be used with ESP3D-WEBUI 2.X

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Subsections of Version 2.1.X


The V2.1.X features are :

  • Support for ESP8266, ESP8285 and standard ESP32 board with at least 1Mb of flash
  • Serial/Wifi bridge using configurable port 8888
  • Reset settings using GPIO2 pin
  • Complete configuration by web browser (Station or Access point) or by Serial/telnet commands
  • Authentication (optional) for better security
  • Update firmware by web browser for 4MB boards
  • Captive portal in Access point mode which redirect all unknow call to main page
  • mDNS, this feature is a discovery protocol, it need bonjour installed on computer, supported outof the box by OSX, on Windows and Linux need to be installed
  • SSDP, this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box
  • Fail safe mode (Access point)is enabled if cannot connect to defined station at boot.
  • Embedded FS uploader and updater
  • Basic OLED screen support
  • Notifications using Line / Pushover / Email
  • DHT sensor support
  • Direct pins control using ESP commands

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Subsections of Hardware

ESP8285 boards

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Subsections of ESP8285 boards


From blkbox

image image


  • ESP8285 with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

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From Itead, also named PSF-A85

image image image image


  • ESP8285 with 1MB flash memory, ipex antenna connector

Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

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ESP8266 boards

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Subsections of ESP8266 boards

ESP01 512K

image image

image image


  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format with 512KB flash memory, ceramic antenna

Because flash is only 512KB, the board is not supported

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ESP01 1M Generic


  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format (8 pins) with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

Be aware

This ESP01 cannot be used on Bigtreetech boards as it is, a small rework is necessary to bridge VCC pin with CH_PD pin bridge bridge


1 2 3 4

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  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format (8 pins, VCC/CH_DP internally bridged ) with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible


1 2 3 4

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  • ESP8266 in ESP7 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15
3.3V GND

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ESP12 e/f


  • ESP8266 in ESP12 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, and voltage regulator

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15

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Bigtreetech Cloud

image image


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna



Because there is no serial connection to printer and the sd connection is based on this project: https://github.com/ardyesp/ESPWebDAV which is a not reliable hack, the boards is not supported

image image

image image

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image image


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna



Because there is no serial connection to printer and the sd connection is based on this project: https://github.com/ardyesp/ESPWebDAV which is a not reliable hack, the boards is not supported

image image image image

image image

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Bigtreetech WiFi module


  • ESP8266 in ESP12 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, 16 pins

image image

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
3.3V GND

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  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

From DM

image image

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Wemos D1 mini


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image

image image


1 2
IO16 IO5
IO14 IO4
IO12 IO0
IO13 IO2
3.3V 5V

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Wemos D1 mini Pro


  • ESP8266 with 16MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipx connector

image image


1 2
IO16 IO5
IO14 IO4
IO12 IO0
IO13 IO2
3.3V 5V

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MKS WiFi Module V1.0 (8 pins)


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna


image image image image


1 2 3 4

MKS file upload is not supported, use ESP3D 3.0 or later for MKS protocol support

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MKS WiFi Module V1.1 (16 pins)


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna


image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15
3.3V GND

MKS file upload is not supported, use ESP3D 3.0 or later for MKS protocol support

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Nodemcu V0.8


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


1 2
RSV 3.3V
3.3V IO12
3.3V IO15
5V 3.3V

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Nodemcu V1.0


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


1 2
IO10 IO0
3.3V IO15
5V 3.3V

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  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image image image image image

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ESP32 boards

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Subsections of ESP32 boards

Dev Kit V1


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, 30 pins

image image image image

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Dev Kit C V4


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector, 38 pins

image image image image

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Heltec Dev board


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, I2C oled screen (SSD1306 128X64, 0x3C, SDA=IO4, SCL=IO15)

image image image image


The screen need to be reset at start using IO16 (Low then High)

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Setup your development environment

Click on the corresponding image to display how to setup.

Arduino IDE


Tip: The platformIO environment is the easiest to setup, because you do not need to setup the esp core neither the libraries by yourself.

Connect your board

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams for some printers and ESP boards

Printer motherboards

Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will also have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.

step1 step1

  • Step 2

Now prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:

step1 step1

  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout

step3 step3

Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

For more Info check lokster | space

For connecting version 1.7 Anet boards

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.

step1 step1

Anycubic i3 mega - Trigorilla 8bit board

To connect the ESP12e to the UART0. (Credits:197-murdock).
(Green = RX, Blue = TX)
5V (buck to 3.3v if directly connect to ESP - most development ESP boards already have this voltage limited built-in - but check!) and GND can be taken from the AUX3 exposed connector.
UART0 is normally used by USB port so don’t use both together - so this hack piggybacks on that same port at UART level.

step1 step1

step2 step2


step1 step1

AZSMZ-mini board

step1 step1

If you don’t have the soldering skills to grab the connectors from the unpopulated ethernet connection, you can also get 3.3v and GND from the ISP header (bottom left on the diagram above).

Azteeg X5 mini board

step1 step1

BIQU KFB2.0 board

all in one Ramps1.4/Mega2560 R3 controller based

step1 step1

Creality CR10 Ender 3 board

For the Sanguino based CR-10 and Ender printers you will need to solder to any of the via circled (can also be done in the backside of board), or to the legs of the Arduino or ftdi. Connect TX from the board to RX of Wemos D1 mini and RX from board to TX of Wemos D1 mini. 5v and GND are located in the six pin header next to the LCD connector.

step1 step1

Since soldering might be difficult because the solder points are so close to each other, another option is to scrape off the insulation from the traces on the backside and solder there. Be extra careful not to scrape the surrounding ground plane. You need suitable fine scraping tools for this. The picture below shows an Ender-2 PCB.

step2 step2

Creality Ender 4 board

You will need to solder to small circle, or to the legs of the ATmega2560 (RXD0 pin 2, TXD0 pin 3)

step1 step1

Davinci 1.0/2.0 board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

step4 step4

step5 step5

Davinci 1.0A board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

Alternate Module placement for increased WiFi range (outside metal chassis, antenna has vertical polarization)

step4 step4

MKS boards

To connect the ESP3D to the MKS GEN v1.2 (but the v1.3 and above 1.4 is the most used today).

An ESP12E with the standard schematics, the two resistor connected to the RX pin are substituted by a 1N4148 diode, like in the Adafruit Huzzah board.

step1 step1

ESP12E is connected to the AUX1

ESP12E RX is connected to the pin NEAR GND of the upper row (Marked TXD on pinout.)
ESP12E TX is connected to the adiacent pin at the end of the upper row (Marked RXD on pinout.)

step2 step2

MKS Smoothieware board

step1 step1

RADDS board

step1 step1

step2 step2

RAMPS 1.4/Re-ARM board

Ramps 1.4 can be used on Arduino Mega (repetier/marlin) and Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Alternative pins if use Re-ARM (J4/UART port)

step2 step2

Smoothieboard board

step1 step1

SKR Mini E3 board

This board is from Bigtreetech and went through various hardware revisions; all of them still feature a TFT pin header which is where you can tap the TX and RX needed. The wiring below is made with a 1.2 board, but the same applies for the other revisions as well; if you need the exact schematic for your mainboard version, you can check Bigtreetech’s github repository.

step1 step1

step2 step2

You literally cannot miss it because the TFT connector is labeled on the board; you can use dupont connectors for the wiring job, no soldering skills needed as long as your ESP comes with pre soldered headers. Just a heads up: the TFT connector provides 5V DC, so be sure to provide them on the correct ESP pin and, most importantly, if your ESP can work with 5 volts as input. You should also pay attention on the board orientation in the schematic, although I oriented it the same way as the actual picture on the left so it’s easier for you.

Weedo Tina2 board

This printer is also brand labelled as Monoprice MP cadet 3D printer

step1 step1

In marlin this connection is serial port 3.

Note the Mega2560 is 5V powered and ESP is 3V3 powered.

For printer boards not listed here

Vast majority of printers have an USB port that is converted to UART before going to MCU. Many printers also have additional (unused) UART port you can use. When possible, always use the additional port for connecting ESP to printer board. When no additional UART port is available you might use the Tx and Rx lines between USB/UART converter and MCU but it’s recommended to cut (in a reversible way) the line to USB/UART converter to avoid conflicts.

If the board is ATmega based the simplest way to find a usable UART port for the ESP is to open ATmega datasheet.

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases:

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Subsections of Installation

Arduino IDE

Prepare the development environment

  • Please download ide from https://www.arduino.cc/en/software


    Please use the Legacy IDE (1.8.X), the Arduino IDE 2.X was not tested and won’t be supported

  • Install the esp core according your target:

    • ESP8266


      Please use the version 2.5.2 or 2.7.4 only! Do not use any version upper than 2.7.4

    • ESP32


      Please use the version 1.0.4 only! Do not use any version upper than 1.0.4, and only use ESP32 board, other ESP32 flavors(C2, S2, S3, etc) are not supported in this version.

  • Copy the content of the libraries directory to your arduino library directory.


    Do not try any version different than the ones provided, they may not work properly.

Open esp3d/esp3d.ino file in Arduino IDE

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/config.h and set features you want.

//Customize ESP3D ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define ESP8266_MODEL_NAME "ESP8266"
#define ESP8266_MODEL_URL "http://espressif.com/en/products/esp8266/"
#define ESP32_MODEL_NAME "ESP32"
#define ESP32_MODEL_URL "https://www.espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp-wroom-32/overview"
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 2.1"
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_URL "http://espressif.com"
//default name if no mac address is valid
//if commented name will follow mac address 3 last digits
//like ESP_XXXXXX (eg:ESP_028E41) to avoid overlap if several ESP3D

//To allow webupdate using small updater

//FEATURES - comment to disable //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//WEB_UPDATE_FEATURE: allow to flash fw using web UI

//Do we use async webserver or not (currntly deprecated do not enable it yet)

//SERIAL_COMMAND_FEATURE: allow to send command by serial

//TCP_IP_DATA_FEATURE: allow to connect serial from TCP/IP

//NOTIFICATION_FEATURE : allow to push notifications

//MKS TFT WIFI support see Wiki for wiring

//MDNS_FEATURE: this feature allow  type the name defined
//in web browser by default: http:\\esp8266.local and connect

//SSDD_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box

//NETBIOS_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box

//CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FEATURE: In SoftAP redirect all unknow call to main page

//RECOVERY_FEATURE: allow to use GPIO2 pin as hardware reset for EEPROM, add 8s to boot time to let user to jump GPIO2 to GND

//DIRECT_PIN_FEATURE: allow to access pin using ESP201 command

//ESP_OLED_FEATURE: allow oled screen output

//DHT_FEATURE: send update of temperature / humidity based on DHT 11/22
//#define DHT_FEATURE

//AUTHENTICATION_FEATURE: protect pages by login password

//WS_DATA_FEATURE: allow to connect serial from Websocket

//TIMESTAMP_FEATURE: Time stamp feature on direct SD  files
//Extra features /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//Workaround for Marlin 2.X coldstart

//Serial rx buffer size is 256 but can be extended

//Serial Parameters

//which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only one)
//Uncomment one only
#define USE_SERIAL_0
//For ESP32 Only
//#define USE_SERIAL_1
//#define USE_SERIAL_2

//Pins Definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//-1 means use default pins of your board what ever the serial you choose
#define ESP_RX_PIN -1
#define ESP_TX_PIN -1

//pin used to reset setting

#define ESP_DHT_PIN 2

//Pins where the screen is connected
#define OLED_DISPLAY_SSD1306  // OLED Display Type: SSD1306(OLED_DISPLAY_SSD1306) / SH1106(OLED_DISPLAY_SH1106), comment this line out to disable oled
#define OLED_PIN_SDA  4  //5 //SDA;  // i2c SDA Pin
#define OLED_PIN_SCL  15  //4 //SCL;  // i2c SCL Pin
#define OLED_ADDR   0x3c
#define HELTEC_EMBEDDED_PIN 16 //0 to disable
#define OLED_FLIP_VERTICALY 1 //0 to disable

Configure Flash settings

For ESP8266 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 4M (2M SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP8266 with 1MB of flash (this one may not support Web Update due to limited flash size)

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 1M (128K SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP32 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 240 MHz
  • Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Flash Mode: QIO
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with SPIFFS
  • Core Debug Level: None
  • PSRAM: Disabled

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Select the port you device is connected to and select Upload from sketch menu to compile and flash.

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or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

VSCode & Platformio

Prepare the development environment

Open the ESP3D directory folder in VSCode

The first time you open the project, vscode need to download all necessary files, so be patient

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/config.h and set features you want.

//Customize ESP3D ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define ESP8266_MODEL_NAME "ESP8266"
#define ESP8266_MODEL_URL "http://espressif.com/en/products/esp8266/"
#define ESP32_MODEL_NAME "ESP32"
#define ESP32_MODEL_URL "https://www.espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp-wroom-32/overview"
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 2.1"
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_URL "http://espressif.com"
//default name if no mac address is valid
//if commented name will follow mac address 3 last digits
//like ESP_XXXXXX (eg:ESP_028E41) to avoid overlap if several ESP3D

//To allow webupdate using small updater

//FEATURES - comment to disable //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//WEB_UPDATE_FEATURE: allow to flash fw using web UI

//Do we use async webserver or not (currntly deprecated do not enable it yet)

//SERIAL_COMMAND_FEATURE: allow to send command by serial

//TCP_IP_DATA_FEATURE: allow to connect serial from TCP/IP

//NOTIFICATION_FEATURE : allow to push notifications

//MKS TFT WIFI support see Wiki for wiring

//MDNS_FEATURE: this feature allow  type the name defined
//in web browser by default: http:\\esp8266.local and connect

//SSDD_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box

//NETBIOS_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box

//CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FEATURE: In SoftAP redirect all unknow call to main page

//RECOVERY_FEATURE: allow to use GPIO2 pin as hardware reset for EEPROM, add 8s to boot time to let user to jump GPIO2 to GND

//DIRECT_PIN_FEATURE: allow to access pin using ESP201 command

//ESP_OLED_FEATURE: allow oled screen output

//DHT_FEATURE: send update of temperature / humidity based on DHT 11/22
//#define DHT_FEATURE

//AUTHENTICATION_FEATURE: protect pages by login password

//WS_DATA_FEATURE: allow to connect serial from Websocket

//TIMESTAMP_FEATURE: Time stamp feature on direct SD  files
//Extra features /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//Workaround for Marlin 2.X coldstart

//Serial rx buffer size is 256 but can be extended

//Serial Parameters

//which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only one)
//Uncomment one only
#define USE_SERIAL_0
//For ESP32 Only
//#define USE_SERIAL_1
//#define USE_SERIAL_2

//Pins Definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//-1 means use default pins of your board what ever the serial you choose
#define ESP_RX_PIN -1
#define ESP_TX_PIN -1

//pin used to reset setting

#define ESP_DHT_PIN 2

//Pins where the screen is connected
#define OLED_DISPLAY_SSD1306  // OLED Display Type: SSD1306(OLED_DISPLAY_SSD1306) / SH1106(OLED_DISPLAY_SH1106), comment this line out to disable oled
#define OLED_PIN_SDA  4  //5 //SDA;  // i2c SDA Pin
#define OLED_PIN_SCL  15  //4 //SCL;  // i2c SCL Pin
#define OLED_ADDR   0x3c
#define HELTEC_EMBEDDED_PIN 16 //0 to disable
#define OLED_FLIP_VERTICALY 1 //0 to disable

Select the target in VSCode

vscode vscode

  • [env:esp32dev] for ESP32 boards
  • [env:esp8266] for ESP8266 boards with 4MB flash
  • [env:esp01s_160mhz-2.7.4] for ESP8266 boards with 1MB flash

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Use Upload and monitor from the target environment you selected to compile and flash your module.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Hardware connection

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams for some printers and ESP boards

Printer motherboards

Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will also have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.

step1 step1

  • Step 2

Now prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:

step1 step1

  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout

step3 step3

Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

For more Info check lokster | space

For connecting version 1.7 Anet boards

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.

step1 step1

Anycubic i3 mega - Trigorilla 8bit board

To connect the ESP12e to the UART0. (Credits:197-murdock).
(Green = RX, Blue = TX)
5V (buck to 3.3v if directly connect to ESP - most development ESP boards already have this voltage limited built-in - but check!) and GND can be taken from the AUX3 exposed connector.
UART0 is normally used by USB port so don’t use both together - so this hack piggybacks on that same port at UART level.

step1 step1

step2 step2


step1 step1

AZSMZ-mini board

step1 step1

If you don’t have the soldering skills to grab the connectors from the unpopulated ethernet connection, you can also get 3.3v and GND from the ISP header (bottom left on the diagram above).

Azteeg X5 mini board

step1 step1

BIQU KFB2.0 board

all in one Ramps1.4/Mega2560 R3 controller based

step1 step1

Creality CR10 Ender 3 board

For the Sanguino based CR-10 and Ender printers you will need to solder to any of the via circled (can also be done in the backside of board), or to the legs of the Arduino or ftdi. Connect TX from the board to RX of Wemos D1 mini and RX from board to TX of Wemos D1 mini. 5v and GND are located in the six pin header next to the LCD connector.

step1 step1

Since soldering might be difficult because the solder points are so close to each other, another option is to scrape off the insulation from the traces on the backside and solder there. Be extra careful not to scrape the surrounding ground plane. You need suitable fine scraping tools for this. The picture below shows an Ender-2 PCB.

step2 step2

Creality Ender 4 board

You will need to solder to small circle, or to the legs of the ATmega2560 (RXD0 pin 2, TXD0 pin 3)

step1 step1

Davinci 1.0/2.0 board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

step4 step4

step5 step5

Davinci 1.0A board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

Alternate Module placement for increased WiFi range (outside metal chassis, antenna has vertical polarization)

step4 step4

MKS boards

To connect the ESP3D to the MKS GEN v1.2 (but the v1.3 and above 1.4 is the most used today).

An ESP12E with the standard schematics, the two resistor connected to the RX pin are substituted by a 1N4148 diode, like in the Adafruit Huzzah board.

step1 step1

ESP12E is connected to the AUX1

ESP12E RX is connected to the pin NEAR GND of the upper row (Marked TXD on pinout.)
ESP12E TX is connected to the adiacent pin at the end of the upper row (Marked RXD on pinout.)

step2 step2

MKS Smoothieware board

step1 step1

RADDS board

step1 step1

step2 step2

RAMPS 1.4/Re-ARM board

Ramps 1.4 can be used on Arduino Mega (repetier/marlin) and Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Alternative pins if use Re-ARM (J4/UART port)

step2 step2

Smoothieboard board

step1 step1

SKR Mini E3 board

This board is from Bigtreetech and went through various hardware revisions; all of them still feature a TFT pin header which is where you can tap the TX and RX needed. The wiring below is made with a 1.2 board, but the same applies for the other revisions as well; if you need the exact schematic for your mainboard version, you can check Bigtreetech’s github repository.

step1 step1

step2 step2

You literally cannot miss it because the TFT connector is labeled on the board; you can use dupont connectors for the wiring job, no soldering skills needed as long as your ESP comes with pre soldered headers. Just a heads up: the TFT connector provides 5V DC, so be sure to provide them on the correct ESP pin and, most importantly, if your ESP can work with 5 volts as input. You should also pay attention on the board orientation in the schematic, although I oriented it the same way as the actual picture on the left so it’s easier for you.

Weedo Tina2 board

This printer is also brand labelled as Monoprice MP cadet 3D printer

step1 step1

In marlin this connection is serial port 3.

Note the Mega2560 is 5V powered and ESP is 3V3 powered.

For printer boards not listed here

Vast majority of printers have an USB port that is converted to UART before going to MCU. Many printers also have additional (unused) UART port you can use. When possible, always use the additional port for connecting ESP to printer board. When no additional UART port is available you might use the Tx and Rx lines between USB/UART converter and MCU but it’s recommended to cut (in a reversible way) the line to USB/UART converter to avoid conflicts.

If the board is ATmega based the simplest way to find a usable UART port for the ESP is to open ATmega datasheet.

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases:

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The documentation section will help you on:

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please let me know by opening a ticket here
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Subsections of Documentation

ESP3D commands


Please note all commands are in format [ESPxx]. These first brackets [] are not optional.
Most of the time givin no argument will return current configuration If authentication is on, somme commands will need admin password. They are recognised by the optional argument pwd=<admin password> in command line.


  • Get/change STA SSID
    [ESP100] <SSID> pwd=<admin password>

  • Change STA Password
    [ESP101] <Password> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change Hostname
    [ESP102] <hostname> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change Wifi mode (STA/AP)
    [ESP103] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change STA IP mode (DHCP/STATIC)
    [ESP104] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change AP SSID
    [ESP105] <SSID> pwd=<admin password>

  • Change AP Password
    [ESP106] <Password> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change AP IP mode (DHCP/STATIC)
    [ESP107] <mode> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get/change wifi state (on/off)
    [ESP110] <state> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get current IP

  • Get/Change hostname
    [ESP112] <hostname>

  • Get/Set pin value
    [ESP201] P<pin> V<value> PULLUP=<YES/NO> RAW=<YES/NO> ANALOG=<NO/YES> ANALOG_RANGE=[255/1024] CLEARCHANNELS=<NO/YES} pwd=<admin password>
    if no V get P value
    if V 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16 GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
    if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
    if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

  • Output to oled column C and line L
    [ESP210] C=<col> L=<line> T=<Text>

  • Output to oled line 1
    [ESP211] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 2
    [ESP212] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 3
    [ESP213] <Text>

  • Output to oled line 4
    [ESP214] <Text>

  • Delay
    [ESP290] <delayMs> pwd=<admin password>

  • Get EEPROM mapping version

  • Get full EEPROM settings content
    but do not give any passwords can filter if only need wifi or printer [ESP400] <network/printer>

  • Set EEPROM setting
    [ESP401] P=<position> T={B | I | S | A} V=<value> pwd=<user/admin password>
    T type: B(byte), I(integer/long), S(string), A(IP address / mask)
    P position: address in EEPROM

     Description:        Positions: 
    EP_WIFI_MODE             0    //1 byte = flag
    EP_STA_SSID              1    //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_STA_PASSWORD          34   //65 bytes 64 +1 = string ;warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_STA_IP_MODE           99   //1 byte = flag
    EP_STA_IP_VALUE          100  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_STA_MASK_VALUE        104  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_STA_GATEWAY_VALUE     108  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_BAUD_RATE             112  //4  bytes = int
    EP_STA_PHY_MODE          116  //1 byte = flag
    EP_SLEEP_MODE            117  //1 byte = flag
    EP_CHANNEL               118  //1 byte = flag
    EP_AUTH_TYPE             119  //1 byte = flag
    EP_SSID_VISIBLE          120  //1 byte = flag
    EP_WEB_PORT              121  //4  bytes = int
    EP_DATA_PORT             125  //4  bytes = int
    EP_OUTPUT_FLAG           129  //1  bytes = flag
    EP_HOSTNAME              130  //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_DHT_INTERVAL          164  //4  bytes = int
    EP_FREE_INT2             168  //4  bytes = int
    EP_FREE_INT3             172  //4  bytes = int
    EP_ADMIN_PWD             176  //21  bytes 20+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_USER_PWD              197  //21  bytes 20+1 = string  ; warning does  not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_SSID               218  //33 bytes 32+1 = string  ; warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_PASSWORD           251  //65 bytes 64 +1 = string ;warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_AP_IP_VALUE           316  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_AP_MASK_VALUE         320  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_AP_GATEWAY_VALUE      324  //4  bytes xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    EP_AP_IP_MODE            329  //1 byte = flag
    EP_AP_PHY_MODE           330  //1 byte = flag
    EP_FREE_STRING1          331  //129 bytes 128+1 = string  ; warning  does not support multibyte char like chinese
    EP_DHT_TYPE              460  //1  bytes = flag
    EP_TARGET_FW             461  //1  bytes = flag
  • Get available AP list (limited to 30)
    Output is JSON or plain text according parameter

  • Get current settings of ESP3D
    Output is JSON or plain text according parameter

    [ESP444] <mode> pwd=<admin password>
    if authentication is on, need admin password for RESET, RESTART and SAFEMODE

  • Send GCode with check sum caching right line numbering
    [ESP500] <gcode>

  • Send line checksum
    [ESP501] <line>

  • Change / Reset password
    [ESP550] <password> pwd=<admin password>
    If no password set it use default one

  • Change / Reset user password
    [ESP555] <password> pwd=<admin/user password>
    If no password set it use default one

  • Send notification
    [ESP600] <message> pwd=<admin password>

  • Set/Get notification settings (type can be NONE, PUSHOVER, EMAIL, LINE)
    [ESP610] type=<type> T1=<token1> T2=<token2> TS=<Settings> pwd=<admin password> Get will give type and settings only not the protected T1/T2

  • Read SPIFFS file and send each line to serial
    [ESP700] <filename>

  • Format SPIFFS
    [ESP710] FORMAT pwd=<admin password>

  • Get SPIFFS total size and used size

  • Get fw version and basic information

  • Get fw target

  • Get state / Set Enable / Disable Serial Communication (state: {ENABLE, DISABLE)
    [ESP900] <state>

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


You can use only one type of notification from the following ones:

  • Pushover, which is a pay service

    Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover notification service

  • Line, which is a free service

    Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a line notification service

  • Email using SMTP and HTTPS

    Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a email notification service

  • IFTTT webhook, which is a free service up to 5 applets

    Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover iftt service

How to send message ?

Just add following command in your slicer’s end script, or manualy on your GCODE file:
[ESP600]msg pwd=<admin password>

How to ask printer to send command from file played from SD ?

  • on Repetier
    M118 [ESP600]msg

  • on Marlin
    M118 P0 [ESP600]msg

  • on Smoothieware
    echo [ESP600]msg

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Notifications

Pushover Notification

Pushover is paid service

Considering you have pushover account (even just trial) and you already installed pushover client on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://pushover.net/ and connect with email and password
image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to get the token 1, the user token
image image

3 - You also need to generate an application token, which is the token 2
image image

4 - The token 2 generation: image image

5 - Save the generate token 1 and token 2 in ESP3D, and set PUSHOVER as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=PUSHOVER T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T2=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

6 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

7 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Line Notification

Line is free service

Considering you have line account and you already installed line on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://notify-bot.line.me/my/ and connect with email and password image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to generate token
image image

3 - Type token name on top, select recipient(s) and press Generate token
image image

4 - Once token is created you need to copy it
image image

5 - You can create as many tokens you want, and delete the ones you do not need
image image

6 - Save the generate token in ESP3D, and set LINE as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=LINE T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won’t be displayed)

8 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Email Notification

Email Notification is using SMTP and HTTPS, so you need to collect the following information fof your email supplier

  • smtp server address and https port
  • smtp username/ID
  • smtp password

ESP3D use the parameters as follow:

  • token 1 = ID to login to your email supplier
  • token 2 = Password to login to your email supplier
  • token settings = the_recipient email#smtp_server:port where # and : are fields separators.

For example: luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

1 -Save the token 1, token 2 and token settings in ESP3D, and set EMAIL as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=EMAIL T1=luc@gmail.com T2=mypassword TS=luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

2 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

3 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

4 - Important : if you are using Gmail there is an additional step, as by default https access is disabled.
go to : https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps and allow less secure applications to connect gmail enabling http access gmail enabling http access

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

IFTTT Notification

IFTTT is free service up to 5 applets

IFTTT is a wrapper that allows several kind of notifications, please refer to it documentation.
ESP3D use the webhook method.

1 - If you do not have IFTTT account you can create for free to use up to 5 applets. IFFTT account creation step IFFTT account creation step

2 - Create New applet
Create applet Create applet

  • Create new trigger
    create trigger create trigger

  • The trigger is a webhook
    trigger is a webhook trigger is a webhook

  • Choose Web request
    choose web request choose web request

  • Set the event name set event name set event name

  • Define the action you want define wanted action define wanted action

  • Select the service you want to use
    As you can see there are a lot, let use email as example, but you can select any one that fit your needs select device select device select device select device

  • Define the message
    IFTTT allows some variables:

    • title from ESP3D –> value1
    • message from ESP3D –> value2
    • ESP3D hostname –> value3

    define message define message

  • Applet is created applet created applet created

3 - Retrieve the webhook key

  • Go to settings settings settings

  • Select service service service

  • Select webhook webhook webhook

  • Choose documentation documentation documentation

  • Copy the key copy key copy key

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set IFTTT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=IFTTT T1={event} T2={webhooks_key}

5 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

7 - Verify the workflow

  • Go to Applets
    applets applets
  • Select Activity
    activity activity
  • Select the flow to display
    flow to display flow to display

Note: This documentation is not exaustive due to huge features of IFTTT notifications service but base is always same :

IFThis => webhooks based on webrequest
THENThat => IFTTT notification service

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Web Handlers

/ (GET)

root is the default handler where all files will be served, if no file is defined, it looks for index.html or index.html.gz (compressed) if you call specific file, it will look for the filename and filename.gz (compressed) if no file is defined and there is not index.html(.gz) it will display embedded page another way to show the embedded page is /?forcefallback=yes

/files (GET/POST)

this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list  
            "name":"index.html.gz", //the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/upload_serial (POST)

this handler is for uploading files to printer SD using M28/M29 protocol

/command (GET)

this handler is for all commands the parameter is cmd=... if it is an [ESPXXX] command the answer is the [ESPXXX] response if it is not an [ESPXXX] command the answer is ESP3D says: command forwarded and can be ignored

/login (GET/POST)

this handler is for authentication function if enabled possible options/arguments are:
- DISCONNECT=YES it will clear current session, remove authentication cookie, set status to disconnected and response code to 401 - SUBMIT=YES to login it will need also PASSWORD=... and USER=..., the answer will be 200 if success and 401 if failed if user is already authenticated it can use NEWPASSWORD=... instead of PASSWORD=... to change his password, if successful answer will be returned with code 200, otherwise code will be 500 if change failed or if password format is invalid

/config (GET)

this handler is a shortcut to [ESP420] command in text mode, to get output in json add json=yes

/updatefw (POST)

this handler is for FW upload and update

/description.xml (GET)

this handler is for SSDP if enabled to present device informations

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
        <modelName>ESP Board</modelName>
        <modelNumber>ESP3D 3.0</modelNumber>
        <manufacturer>Espressif Systems</manufacturer>

Captive portal bypass handlers

to avoid a redirect to index.html and so a refresh of the page, some classic handler have been added so they all go to / handler actually

  • /generate_204
  • /gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com
  • /fwlink/

Web Socket

Only for WebUI not for bridge data

use subprotocol arduino and web port +1 (e.g: 80+1=>81)

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • CURRENT_ID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • ACTIVE_ID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • DHT: <value>C The DHT sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI serial stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [Not used]

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About SD card


The SD transfer use the GCODE protocol based on M28/M29 commands, this protocol is often broken by external queries or even auto reporting. Additionnaly the SD transfer is very slow: ~0.4KB/s, which make it almost unusable.

So this protocol is no more supported in ESP3D, and feature is provided as it is.

The only existing reliable solution to be used in addition of ESP3D 2.1X, is to use a WiFi SD card like Toshiba FlashAir, which is no more produced.

ESP3D 3.0 has some existing solution and some ongoing plan for better SD support depending on hardware used.

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On a Davinci 2.0

board board board board board board

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Big thanks to :

  • @disneysw for bringing this module idea
  • @lkarlslund for suggestion about independent reset using GPIO2
  • Roy Cortes from Panucatt Devices for supporting and pushing me implementing great features
  • all contributors, feedbacks owners and donations.

Embedded code / inspiration code


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Version 3.X

This version is the development version, features can change anytime, feedback, PR and suggestions are welcome.

Firmware should work with the following firmwares:

The communication between ESP board and target board is done by serial.

The firmware must be used with ESP3D-WEBUI 3.X

To help and simplify the configuration, a configurator is available:

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Subsections of Version 3.X


The V3.X features are :

  • Embedded maintenance page (terminal / local FS update / ESP3D Firmware update)
  • WebUI support
  • ESP8285 / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ESP32-S2 / ESP32-S3 / ESP32-C3 support
  • Wifi / ethernet support
  • Raw TCP / serial bridge support (light telnet)
  • Boot delay configuration
  • Websocket / serial bridge support
  • Serial / Serial bridge support
  • Bluetooth Serial bridge support (when BT supported)
  • MKS Serial protocol support
  • Serial commands configurations
  • Authentication support (admin / user)
  • FTP support (limited to 1 connection at once)
  • WebDav support
  • Local FS support:
    • Little FS
    • Fat (ESP32 only)
  • SD support
    • File format
      • Native SPI
      • Native SDIO (ESP32 only)
      • SDFat 2.x
    • Connection
      • Direct connection
        • e.g.: ESP32cam
      • Sharing connection using hardware switch
        • e.g.: Panucatt Wifi Backpack / Azteeg X5 WiFi
      • MKS fast upload by serial
      • M28/M29 File transfer protocol
    • Serial file transfer using custom protocol (planned)
  • USB support
    • planned
  • Global FS under FTP / Webdav : SD + Local FS in same directory
  • Buzzer support
  • Recovery pin support
  • Pins control by commands
  • ESP32 Camera support (only with PSRAM)
  • Basic oled screen support
    • I2C SSD1306 128x64
    • I2C SSDSH1106 132x64
  • Basic tft screen support
    • SPI ST7789 135x240
    • SPI ST7789 240x240
  • Time synchronization support (manual / internet server)
  • Lua interpreter support (Work in progress)
  • Notifications support
    • WebUI
    • TFT/OLED
    • Email
    • Line
    • Telegram
    • PushOver
    • IFTTT
    • Home Assistant
  • Sensors support
    • DHT 11/22
    • Analog
    • BMX280
  • Auto script support at start
  • Basic Host GCODE stream for macros hosted on local FS (Work in Progress)
  • Update
    • ESP3D configuration using ini file on SD
    • ESP3D update using binary file on SD
    • OTA support
    • Update by WebUI

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Subsections of Hardware

ESP boards

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Subsections of ESP boards

ESP8285 boards

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Subsections of ESP8285 boards


From blkbox

image image


  • ESP8285 with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

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From Itead, also named PSF-A85

image image image image


  • ESP8285 with 1MB flash memory, ipex antenna connector

Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

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ESP8266 boards

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Subsections of ESP8266 boards

ESP01 512K

image image

image image


  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format with 512KB flash memory, ceramic antenna

Because flash is only 512KB, the board is not supported

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ESP01 1M Generic


  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format (8 pins) with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible

Be aware

This ESP01 cannot be used on Bigtreetech boards as it is, a small rework is necessary to bridge VCC pin with CH_PD pin bridge bridge


1 2 3 4

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  • ESP8266 in ESP01 format (8 pins, VCC/CH_DP internally bridged ) with 1MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


Because flash is only 1MB, OTA/Web Update are not possible


1 2 3 4

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  • ESP8266 in ESP7 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15
3.3V GND

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ESP12 e/f


  • ESP8266 in ESP12 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, and voltage regulator

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15

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Bigtreetech Cloud

image image


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna



Because there is no serial connection to printer and the sd connection is based on this project: https://github.com/ardyesp/ESPWebDAV which is a not reliable hack, the boards is not supported

image image

image image

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image image


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna



Because there is no serial connection to printer and the sd connection is based on this project: https://github.com/ardyesp/ESPWebDAV which is a not reliable hack, the boards is not supported

image image image image

image image

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Bigtreetech WiFi module


  • ESP8266 in ESP12 format with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, 16 pins

image image

image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
3.3V GND

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  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

From DM

image image

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Wemos D1 mini


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image

image image


1 2
IO16 IO5
IO14 IO4
IO12 IO0
IO13 IO2
3.3V 5V

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Wemos D1 mini Pro


  • ESP8266 with 16MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipx connector

image image


1 2
IO16 IO5
IO14 IO4
IO12 IO0
IO13 IO2
3.3V 5V

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MKS WiFi Module V1.0 (8 pins)


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna


image image image image


1 2 3 4

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MKS WiFi Module V1.1 (16 pins)


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna


image image


1 2
IO16 IO4
IO14 IO0
IO12 IO2
IO13 IO15
3.3V GND

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Nodemcu V0.8


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


1 2
RSV 3.3V
3.3V IO12
3.3V IO15
5V 3.3V

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Nodemcu V1.0


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image


1 2
IO10 IO0
3.3V IO15
5V 3.3V

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  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna

image image image image image image

image image Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

So [ESP201]P=12 V=0 should be off and [ESP201]P=12 V=1 should be on

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WiFI backpack


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector, allow to share SD card SPI pins between ESP and printer SD card reader

Fom Panucatt devices

image image image image


Pin Function Description
IO04 SD Detect pin Low = SD present
IO0 Flag pin ESP = LOW, Printer = HIGH

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Azteeg X5 mini WIFI


  • ESP8266 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, allow to share SD card SPI pins between ESP and Azteeg SD card reader

Fom Panucatt devices

image image


Pin Function Description
IO04 SD Detect pin Low = SD present
IO0 Flag pin ESP = LOW, Printer = HIGH

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ESP32 boards

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Subsections of ESP32 boards

Dev Kit V1


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, 30 pins

image image image image

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Dev Kit C V4


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector, 38 pins

image image image image

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  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector, 40 pins

image image image image

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Wemos D1 R32


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, Arduino UNO form factor

image image image image

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  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM, ceramic antenna, SD card reader (SPI and SDIO)

image image image image image image

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Lolin D32 Pro

From Wemos


  • ESP32 with 16MB flash memory, 4MB PSRAM, ceramic antenna, SD card reader (SPI)

image image image image image image

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Heltec Dev board


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, I2C oled screen (SSD1306 128X64, 0x3C, SDA=IO4, SCL=IO15)

image image image image


The screen need to be reset at start using IO16 (Low then High)

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TTGO T Display

From Lilygo


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, SPI 135x240 ST7789V IPS screen )

image image image image image image

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TTGO T96 Oled

From Lilygo


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna,Oled SD1606 128x64 screen

image image image image

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Bigtreetech ESP32E module


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, 16 pins

image image


1 2
SCK (IO18) IO0
3.3V GND

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Bigtreetech ESP32U module


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ipex antenna, 16 pins

image image image image


1 2
SCK (IO18) IO0
3.3V GND

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  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, 4MB PSRAM, SDIO Card reader, ipex antenna, OV2640 camera

image image image image

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Olimex ESP32-Gateway

From Olimex


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, Micro SDIO Card reader, ceramic antenna, RJ45 ethernet port

Network is available to only for one peripheral at a time. It support only Wi-Fi communications or only Ethernet communications or Bluetooth communications not all at once.

image image image image image image

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Olimex ESP32-POE


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, Micro SD Card reader, RJ45 ethernet port

Network is available to only for one peripheral at a time. It support only Wi-Fi communications or only Ethernet communications or Bluetooth communications not all at once.

image image image image image image

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From Wireless Tag


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, RJ45 ethernet port

Network is available to only for one peripheral at a time. It support only Wi-Fi communications or only Ethernet communications or Bluetooth communications not all at once.

image image image image image image

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ESP32-Pico boards

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Subsections of ESP32-Pico boards




  • ESP32-PICO with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, SD Card with no serial header, the sharing of SD card between ESP and printer/CNC is done by a multiplexer which make sharing reliable without risk of conflict, only one device can access to SD at once.

image image image image


Because there is no serial connection to printer, the features are limited to SD card access features


My boards have only 4MB flash and no PSRAM unlike described in github and FYSETC website, so the following pio settings are limited to 4MB flash size and no PSRAM, if you have an 8MB board and 2MB PSRAM you may need to adjust the parameters .




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Subsections of ESP32-C3 boards




  • ESP32-C3 (single-core) with 2MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, rgb led

image image image image

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  • ESP32-C3 (single-core) in ESP01 format (8 pins) with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

image image image image

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  • ESP32-C3 (single-core) with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, USB port is USB not UART

image image image image


This board has been reporting having hardware issues, please check the forum for more information.

A workaround is to add or enable in configuration.h:


You may also need to lower the value if not working, the possible values are WIFI_POWER_5dBm, WIFI_POWER_8_5dBm, WIFI_POWER_15dBm

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Subsections of ESP32-S2 boards




  • ESP32-S2 (single-core) with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector

image image image image

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  • ESP32-S2 (single-core) with 4MB flash memory, ceramic antenna/ipex connector , rbg led

image image image image

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Wemos S2 mini

image image

image image



  • ESP32-S2 (single-core) with 4MB flash memory, 2MB PSRAM ceramic antenna

image image image image image image

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Subsections of ESP32-S3 boards

DevKitC-1 v1.0



  • ESP32-S3 with 16MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM, ceramic antenna, RGB led, Octal SPI, OTG port

image image image image

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DevKitM-1 v1.0



  • ESP32-S3 with 8MB flash memory, ceramic antenna, RGB led, Quad SPI, OTG port

image image image image

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Freenove ESP32 S3



  • ESP32-S3 with 8MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM (opi), ceramic antenna, RGB led, Camera and SD card reader (SDIO 1bit)

image image image image



Function GPIO
CMD 38
CLK 39
D0 40


RGB Led: WS2812_PIN 48


This board may have a significant grounding or EMI issue.

If you experience poor performance when PSRAM is enabled, such as the web UI taking 20 seconds to load in the browser or camera lag, you can try a workaround:

Plug the board into a breadboard, making sure that each pin does not connect to any others, in order to shield the external pins. Additionally, apply pressure to the ESP shield with your finger. The performance should return to normal within a couple of seconds.

Solution found by @levak

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  • ESP32-S3 with 16MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM (qspi), 3D antenna, RGB led, Camera and SD card reader (SDIO 1bit)

image image image image



Function GPIO
CMD 39
CLK 42
D0 41


RGB Led: WS2812_PIN 33


The UART converter on this board requires DTR and RTS to be disabled in order to receive Serial output.

In Platform.io, add the following lines:

monitor_dtr = 0
monitor_rts = 0

Or if using arduino-cli, use the following arguments:

$ arduino-cli monitor --port COM5 -c baudrate=115200,rts=off,dtr=off

Arduino IDE does not support this board invidually and hacking the system files feels too much efforts. An easy workaround is to temporarily switch to “ESP Dev Module” when debugging and switch back to “ESPS3 Dev Module” when compiling.

Solution found by @levak

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From Lilygo


  • ESP32-S3 with 16MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM, ipex connector antenna, OV2640 camera

image image image image

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Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense

image image

image image



  • ESP32-S3 with 8MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM (opi), ipex connector antenna, oV2640 camera, Digital Microphone, SD Card reader

image image image image image image


Function GPIO
CS 21


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System boards

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Subsections of System boards

Subsections of TFT

Bigtreetech TFT

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Subsections of Bigtreetech TFT

TFT 35 E3

The board has footprint for an ESP01 connector

step1 step1

step2 step2

Board pins socket ESP01
Board firmware BTT
Board configuration note Need to enable wifi port using config.ini file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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TFT 70

The board has footprint for an ESP01 connector

step1 step1

Board pins socket ESP01
Board firmware BTT
Board configuration note Need to enable wifi port using config.ini file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Makerbase TFT

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Subsections of Makerbase TFT

TFT 32L V4.0

The board has a MKS WiFi Module connector 8 pins

step1 step1

Board pins socket MKS WiFi Module 8 pins
Board firmware MKS
Board configuration note
ESP3D configuration note MKS serial, no SD

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TFT 35 V1.0

The board has a MKS WiFi Module connector 8 pins

step1 step1

Board pins socket MKS WiFi Module 8 pins
Board firmware MKS
Board configuration note
ESP3D configuration note MKS serial, no SD

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TFT 70 V1.1

The board has a MKS WiFi Module connector 8 pins

step1 step1

Board pins socket MKS WiFi Module 8 pins
Board firmware MKS
Board configuration note
ESP3D configuration note MKS serial, no SD

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Main boards

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Subsections of Main boards

Anet boards up to v1.5 and 1.7

Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.

step1 step1

  • Step 2

Prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:

step1 step1

  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout

step3 step3

Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

Anet boards v1.7

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 5V
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Anycubic i3 mega - Trigorilla 8bit board

To connect the ESP12e to the UART0. (Credits:197-murdock).
(Green = RX, Blue = TX)
GND can be taken from the AUX3 exposed connector.

step1 step1

step2 step2

Board pins voltage 5V
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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The board has footprint for an ESP01 connector

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the config.txt
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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AZSMZ mini board

If you don’t have the soldering skills to grab the connectors from the unpopulated ethernet connection, you can also get 3.3v and GND from the ISP header (bottom left on the diagram above).

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the config.txt
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Azteeg X5 mini board

The board has an ESP-12E module on board step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the config.txt
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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BIQU KFB2.0 board

The board is an all in one Ramps1.4/Mega2560 R3 controller based step1 step1

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Bigtreetech Octopus 1.1 board

The wifi connector is for BTT WIFI module (16 pins)

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port (3) in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Bigtreetech skr board

Use the AUX1 or TFT connector

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Bigtreetech skr mini board

This board is from Bigtreetech and went through various hardware revisions; all of them still feature a TFT pin header which is where you can tap the TX and RX needed. The wiring below is made with a 1.2 board, but the same applies for the other revisions as well; if you need the exact schematic for your mainboard version, you can check Bigtreetech’s github repository.

step1 step1

step2 step2

The TFT connector is labeled on the board; you can use dupont connectors for the wiring job, no soldering skills needed as long as your ESP comes with pre soldered headers. Note: the TFT connector provides 5V DC, so be sure to provide them on the correct ESP pin.

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Bigtreetech skr pro board

This board has ESP01 socket available, so you can use the ESP01 module (or equivalent) directly.

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Creality CR10 Ender 3 board

For the Sanguino based CR-10 and Ender printers you will need to solder to any of the via circled (can also be done in the backside of board), or to the legs of the Arduino or ftdi. Connect TX from the board to RX of Wemos D1 mini and RX from board to TX of Wemos D1 mini. 5v and GND are located in the six pin header next to the LCD connector.

step1 step1

Since soldering might be difficult because the solder points are so close to each other, another option is to scrape off the insulation from the traces on the backside and solder there. Be extra careful not to scrape the surrounding ground plane. You need suitable fine scraping tools for this. The picture below shows an Ender-2 PCB.

step2 step2

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Creality Ender 4 board

You will need to solder to small circle, or to the legs of the ATmega2560 (RXD0 pin 2, TXD0 pin 3)

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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MKS GEN v1.2 to 1.4 board

An ESP12E with the standard schematics, the two resistor connected to the RX pin are substituted by a 1N4148 diode, like in the Adafruit Huzzah board.

step1 step1

ESP12E is connected to the AUX1

ESP12E RX is connected to the pin NEAR GND of the upper row (Marked TXD on pinout.)
ESP12E TX is connected to the adiacent pin at the end of the upper row (Marked RXD on pinout.)

step2 step2

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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MKS Robin Nano board

This board has a socket for MKS WiFi module (16 pins) step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable MKS UI to be able to use MKS protocol
ESP3D configuration note MKS serial, no SD

alternative solution using raw serial:

Board configuration note Enable second serial port in firmware configuration
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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MKS SBase board

This board is smoothieware compatible, you need to connect ESP board to AUX1 step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the config.txt
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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step1 step1

step2 step2

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the marlin configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Ramps / Mega

Ramps 1.4 can be used on Arduino Mega (repetier/marlin) and Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note None, it use same serial as USB port so don’t use both together
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Ramps / re-Arm

Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Alternative pins on Re-ARM (J4/UART port)

step2 step2

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Marlin & Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the formware configuration
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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step1 step1

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Smoothieware
Board configuration note Enable second serial port in the config.txt
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Bigtreetech skr board

This printer is also brand labelled as Monoprice MP cadet 3D printer

step1 step1

Board pins voltage 5v
Board firmware Marlin
Board configuration note Enable second serial port (3) in firmware configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Davinci 1.0/2.0 board

The board is a due based and has a serial port available on the backside of the board. The serial port is a 4 pin header step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

step4 step4

step5 step5

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Repetier for Davinci
Board configuration note Enable wifi in the firmware configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Davinci 1.0A board

It is a due based board and has a serial port available on the backside of the board. The serial port is a 4 pin header. step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

Alternate Module placement for increased WiFi range (outside metal chassis, antenna has vertical polarization)

step4 step4

Board pins voltage 3.3v
Board firmware Repetier for Davinci
Board configuration note Enable wifi in the firmware configuration file
ESP3D configuration note Raw serial, no SD

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Setup your development environment

Click on the corresponding image to display how to setup.

Arduino IDE


Tip: The platformIO environment is the easiest to setup, because you do not need to setup the esp core neither the libraries by yourself.

Connect your board

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams for some printers and ESP boards

Printer motherboards

Anet boards up to v1.5

  • Step 1

You will also have to unsolder the resistors R52 and R53 – they are zero ohm resistors, and serve no other purpose than connecting the atmega chip directly to the onboard USB to UART converter (the CH340 chip). Do it VERY careful – you don’t want to damage your board. If you don’t feel confident – don’t do it.

step1 step1

  • Step 2

Now prepare the printer’s motherboard. It requires a simple modification, that does not interfere with it’s operation afterwards – just solder 3 pin x 2 row male header on J8, and add 2 jumpers (or jumper wires) as shown on the picture:

step1 step1

  • Step 3

Connect the ESP to J3 repsecting pinout

step3 step3

Tx Rx
Rx Tx
VCC 3.3V
CH_PD 3.3V

For more Info check lokster | space

For connecting version 1.7 Anet boards

Unlike older boards this board does not require you to remove any resistors.
You will have to solder two wires from number 9 and number 10 its recommender to connect these to pin 1 and 2 of J3 connector.

step1 step1

Anycubic i3 mega - Trigorilla 8bit board

To connect the ESP12e to the UART0. (Credits:197-murdock).
(Green = RX, Blue = TX)
5V (buck to 3.3v if directly connect to ESP - most development ESP boards already have this voltage limited built-in - but check!) and GND can be taken from the AUX3 exposed connector.
UART0 is normally used by USB port so don’t use both together - so this hack piggybacks on that same port at UART level.

step1 step1

step2 step2


step1 step1

AZSMZ-mini board

step1 step1

If you don’t have the soldering skills to grab the connectors from the unpopulated ethernet connection, you can also get 3.3v and GND from the ISP header (bottom left on the diagram above).

Azteeg X5 mini board

step1 step1

BIQU KFB2.0 board

all in one Ramps1.4/Mega2560 R3 controller based

step1 step1

Creality CR10 Ender 3 board

For the Sanguino based CR-10 and Ender printers you will need to solder to any of the via circled (can also be done in the backside of board), or to the legs of the Arduino or ftdi. Connect TX from the board to RX of Wemos D1 mini and RX from board to TX of Wemos D1 mini. 5v and GND are located in the six pin header next to the LCD connector.

step1 step1

Since soldering might be difficult because the solder points are so close to each other, another option is to scrape off the insulation from the traces on the backside and solder there. Be extra careful not to scrape the surrounding ground plane. You need suitable fine scraping tools for this. The picture below shows an Ender-2 PCB.

step2 step2

Creality Ender 4 board

You will need to solder to small circle, or to the legs of the ATmega2560 (RXD0 pin 2, TXD0 pin 3)

step1 step1

Davinci 1.0/2.0 board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

step4 step4

step5 step5

Davinci 1.0A board

step1 step1

step2 step2

step3 step3

Alternate Module placement for increased WiFi range (outside metal chassis, antenna has vertical polarization)

step4 step4

MKS boards

To connect the ESP3D to the MKS GEN v1.2 (but the v1.3 and above 1.4 is the most used today).

An ESP12E with the standard schematics, the two resistor connected to the RX pin are substituted by a 1N4148 diode, like in the Adafruit Huzzah board.

step1 step1

ESP12E is connected to the AUX1

ESP12E RX is connected to the pin NEAR GND of the upper row (Marked TXD on pinout.)
ESP12E TX is connected to the adiacent pin at the end of the upper row (Marked RXD on pinout.)

step2 step2

MKS Smoothieware board

step1 step1

RADDS board

step1 step1

step2 step2

RAMPS 1.4/Re-ARM board

Ramps 1.4 can be used on Arduino Mega (repetier/marlin) and Re-ARM for ramps boards (smoothieware/marlin)

step1 step1

Alternative pins if use Re-ARM (J4/UART port)

step2 step2

Smoothieboard board

step1 step1

SKR Mini E3 board

This board is from Bigtreetech and went through various hardware revisions; all of them still feature a TFT pin header which is where you can tap the TX and RX needed. The wiring below is made with a 1.2 board, but the same applies for the other revisions as well; if you need the exact schematic for your mainboard version, you can check Bigtreetech’s github repository.

step1 step1

step2 step2

You literally cannot miss it because the TFT connector is labeled on the board; you can use dupont connectors for the wiring job, no soldering skills needed as long as your ESP comes with pre soldered headers. Just a heads up: the TFT connector provides 5V DC, so be sure to provide them on the correct ESP pin and, most importantly, if your ESP can work with 5 volts as input. You should also pay attention on the board orientation in the schematic, although I oriented it the same way as the actual picture on the left so it’s easier for you.

Weedo Tina2 board

This printer is also brand labelled as Monoprice MP cadet 3D printer

step1 step1

In marlin this connection is serial port 3.

Note the Mega2560 is 5V powered and ESP is 3V3 powered.

For printer boards not listed here

Vast majority of printers have an USB port that is converted to UART before going to MCU. Many printers also have additional (unused) UART port you can use. When possible, always use the additional port for connecting ESP to printer board. When no additional UART port is available you might use the Tx and Rx lines between USB/UART converter and MCU but it’s recommended to cut (in a reversible way) the line to USB/UART converter to avoid conflicts.

If the board is ATmega based the simplest way to find a usable UART port for the ESP is to open ATmega datasheet.

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases:

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Subsections of Installation

Arduino IDE

Prepare the development environment

  • Please download ide from https://www.arduino.cc/en/software


    Please use the Legacy IDE (1.8.X) or the latest Arduino IDE 2.X

  • Install the esp core according your target:

    • ESP8266


      Please use the version 3.1.1.

    • ESP32


      Please use the version 2.0.8.

  • Copy the content of the libraries directory and extra libraries directory (according your target ESP8266 or ESP32 ) to your arduino library directory


    Do not try any version different than the ones provided, they may not work properly.

Open esp3d/esp3d.ino file in Arduino IDE

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/configuration.h and set features you want.

You can also generate it, using the ESP3D configurator, which simplify a lot this step.

/* Setup station as default, use AP mode first if not done
* Note: need both defined to enable it
* Uncomment and edit them to define
//#define STATION_WIFI_SSID "*********"
//#define STATION_WIFI_PASSWORD "*********"

/* You can also use a different config file for SSID/password
* Just save it in same location as this configuration.h
* This file is ignored by github
#if defined __has_include
#  if __has_include ("myconfig.h")
#    include "myconfig.h"
#  endif

* Serial Communications
* Settings and protocols

/* Serial Communication protocol
* RAW_SERIAL // Basic serial protocol, without data change
* MKS_SERIAL // This is a MakerBase communication protocol, used with MKS printers and TFT, it encapsulated data in a custom protocol

/* Main Serial port
* which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only
//Main serial port

/* Bridge Serial port (deprecated on esp8266 as second serial is)
* which serial ESP use to bridge to another device (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only\
* Comment if not used

/* Serial buffer size
*  Maximum size of the serial buffer

* Target firmware
* Targeted firmware that ESP3D will communicate with
/* Target firmware (default UNKNOWN_FW can be changed later in settings)

* Radio mode of ESP3D
* The radio mode ESP3D communicate with the network

/* Use WiFi
* Enable wifi communications

/* Use Ethernet
* Enable ethernet communications
//#define ETH_FEATURE

//Ethernet type (Check ETH.h eth_phy_type_t)

//Ethernet board Clock mode

//Pins of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDC_PIN 23
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDIO_PIN 18

//Address of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_ADDR 0

/* Use Bluetooth
* Enable serial bluetooth communications

* Channels of ESP3D
* The way ESP3D communicate

/* Use Web server
* Enable http server

/* Use telnet server
* Enable telnet light (raw tcp) communications

/* Use Websocket server
* Enable websocket communications

// Enable notifications
// Allows to send notifications to the user

/* Notification message when online
* The message that will be sent when the ESP is online
#define NOTIFICATION_ESP_ONLINE "Hi, %ESP_NAME% is now online at %ESP_IP%"

/* Notification title message
* The title of notification
#define ESP_NOTIFICATION_TITLE "ESP3D Notification"

* Discovery methods of ESP3D
* The discovery methods of ESP3D

/* Use captive portal
* Enable captive portal in AP mode

/* Use mDNS discovery
* This method need `bonjour` protocol on windows, or `avahi` on linux

/* Use Simple Service Discovery Protocol
* It is supported on Windows out of the box

* SSDP Customization settings
* Customize your ESP3D

/* Model name
* Modele name of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NAME "ESP Board"

/* Model number
* Modele number of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 3.0"

/* Model url
* Modele url of device
#define ESP_MODEL_URL "https://www.espressif.com/en/products/devkits"

/* Manufacturer name
* Manufacturer name of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"

/* Manufacturer url
* Manufacturer url of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_URL "https://www.espressif.com"

* Flash filesystem
* Filesystem on flash

/* File system type used by ESP3D
* Type of file system used by ESP3D to store files
* ESP_FAT_FILESYSTEM (ESP32 only with large partitions)

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD filesystem
* Filesystem on SD card

/* SD card connection
* ESP_NO_SD //(default)
* ESP_DIRECT_SD //Only your ESP board is connected to SDCard
* ESP_SHARED_SD //Printer SD Card is also connected to ESP3D
* Does your system has SD card and how it is connected to your ESP3D

/* SD card library
* ESP_SD_NATIVE //esp32 / esp8266
* ESP_SDIO      //esp32 only
* ESP_SDFAT2    //esp8266  / esp32

/* Sdio bit mode
* Mode used by SDIO library 1 bit / 4bits

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD card pins

/* SD card detect pin
* The pin used to detect SD card
//#define ESP_SD_DETECT_PIN 4

/* SD card detect pin value
* State of SD card detect pin when card is present

/* SD shared flag pin
* The pin used to enable SD card for ESP board

/* SD shared flag pin value
* State of SD card shared pin for ESP board

/* SD card CS pin
* The pin used to select SD card in SPI mode
//#define ESP_SD_CS_PIN 5

* Remote access
* Remote filesystem access

/* Enable global filesystem
* Allows to access to all filesystems from same location

/* WebDav access
* Use WebDav to access to your filesystem
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          mount SD FS

/* FTP access
* Use FTP to access to your filesystem (1 connection only)
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          //mount SD FS

* Reset ESP3D
* Reset ESP3D settings

/* Enable pin reset feature
* Use a pin to reset ESP3D settings

/* Reset pin
* The pin used to reset ESP3D setting if set to low for more than 1 second at start
#define ESP3D_RESET_PIN 0

* Update ESP3D
* Update ESP3D firmware

/* Enable OTA
* Over The Air Update (OTA)
//#define OTA_FEATURE

/* Enable Web Update
* Update firmware using WebUI, need 4MB of flash

/* Enable SD card Update
* Update firmware and settings using file on SDCard

* Display settings
* Rendering screens

/* Printer screen
*  If your printer has a display

/* ESP3D screen
* Screen connected to ESP board
* OLED I2C SSD1306 128X64
* OLED_I2C_SSDSH1106_132X64
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_240X240
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_135X240
//#define DISPLAY_DEVICE OLED_I2C_SSD1306_128X64

/* Flip screen
* Flip/rotate screen

/* Display i2C address
* Wire address of display
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDR 0x3c

/* Display reset pin
* The pin used to reset the screen (optional)
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_PIN_RST 22

/* TFT led pin
* The pin used for the backlight
//#define DISPLAY_LED_PIN -1

* Audio settings
* Buzzer feature

/* Enable buzzer
* Your esp board has a passive buzzer

/* Buzzer pin
* The pin used for the passive buzzer
//#define ESP3D_BUZZER_PIN 33

* Sensor settings
* Sensor feature
/* Sensor pin
* The pin used for the sensor
//#define ESP3D_SENSOR_PIN 34

/* Sensor Unit
*  Unit of the sensor result
//#define SENSOR__UNIT "C"

* Camera settings
* Connected camera

/* Camera type
* CAMERA_MODEL_CUSTOM          //Edit the pins in include/pins.h
* Camera connected to ESP board, only ones with PSRAM are supported

/* Flip vertically
* Flip camera vertically

* Levels of security
* How commands are allowed to be sent to ESP3D

/* Enable serial commands
* Allow commands to be sent to ESP3D via serial port

/* Allow remote access by enabling cross origin access
* check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
* this should be enabled only in specific cases
* like show the camera in web page different than device web server
* /if you do not know what is that then better left it commented
* Allow to show the camera in web page different than device web server

/* Enable authentication
* Force usage of authentication for commands

* Additional features
* Extra settings

/* Enable direct control pin
* Controls pins using [ESP201]

* Scripting settings
* Scripting on ESP3D
/* Enable Autostart
* Commands to run on startup
* Separate commands with ';' or use file
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT "M117 Mounting SD;M21"
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT_FILE "autoscript.gco"

/* Enable lua interpreter
* Allow to use lua interpreter on ESP3D

/* Gcode Host Feature
* This feature allows to process Gcode files like macros.

Configure Flash settings

For ESP8266 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 4M (2M SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP8266 with 1MB of flash (this one may not support Web Update due to limited flash size)

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 160 MHz
  • Flash Size: 1M (128K SPIFFS)
  • Flash Mode: DIO
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • Reset Method: CK
  • Debug Port: Disabled
  • Debug Level: None

For ESP32 with 4MB of flash

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 240 MHz
  • Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Flash Mode: QIO
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with SPIFFS
  • Core Debug Level: None
  • PSRAM: Disabled

For ESP32 with 4MB of flash and Camera

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload Speed: 115200
  • CPU frequency: 240 MHz
  • Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Flash Mode: QIO
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with SPIFFS
  • Core Debug Level: None
  • PSRAM: Enabled

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Select the port you device is connected to and select Upload from sketch menu to compile and flash.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

VSCode & Platformio

Prepare the development environment

Open the ESP3D directory folder in VSCode

The first time you open the project, vscode need to download all necessary files, so be patient

vscode vscode

ESP3D configuration

Open esp3d/configuration.h and set features you want.

You can also generate it, using the ESP3D configurator, which simplify a lot this step.

/* Setup station as default, use AP mode first if not done
* Note: need both defined to enable it
* Uncomment and edit them to define
//#define STATION_WIFI_SSID "*********"
//#define STATION_WIFI_PASSWORD "*********"

/* You can also use a different config file for SSID/password
* Just save it in same location as this configuration.h
* This file is ignored by github
#if defined __has_include
#  if __has_include ("myconfig.h")
#    include "myconfig.h"
#  endif

* Serial Communications
* Settings and protocols

/* Serial Communication protocol
* RAW_SERIAL // Basic serial protocol, without data change
* MKS_SERIAL // This is a MakerBase communication protocol, used with MKS printers and TFT, it encapsulated data in a custom protocol

/* Main Serial port
* which serial ESP use to communicate to printer (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only
//Main serial port

/* Bridge Serial port (deprecated on esp8266 as second serial is)
* which serial ESP use to bridge to another device (ESP32 has 3 serials available, ESP8266 only 2)
* USE_SERIAL_0 //for ESP8266/32, also used by bootloader output, so consider to make it quiet
* USE_SERIAL_1 //for ESP8266/32
* USE_SERIAL_2 //for ESP32 Only\
* Comment if not used

/* Serial buffer size
*  Maximum size of the serial buffer

* Target firmware
* Targeted firmware that ESP3D will communicate with
/* Target firmware (default UNKNOWN_FW can be changed later in settings)

* Radio mode of ESP3D
* The radio mode ESP3D communicate with the network

/* Use WiFi
* Enable wifi communications

/* Use Ethernet
* Enable ethernet communications
//#define ETH_FEATURE

//Ethernet type (Check ETH.h eth_phy_type_t)

//Ethernet board Clock mode

//Pins of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDC_PIN 23
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_MDIO_PIN 18

//Address of ethernet board
//#define ESP3D_ETH_PHY_ADDR 0

/* Use Bluetooth
* Enable serial bluetooth communications

* Channels of ESP3D
* The way ESP3D communicate

/* Use Web server
* Enable http server

/* Use telnet server
* Enable telnet light (raw tcp) communications

/* Use Websocket server
* Enable websocket communications

// Enable notifications
// Allows to send notifications to the user

/* Notification message when online
* The message that will be sent when the ESP is online
#define NOTIFICATION_ESP_ONLINE "Hi, %ESP_NAME% is now online at %ESP_IP%"

/* Notification title message
* The title of notification
#define ESP_NOTIFICATION_TITLE "ESP3D Notification"

* Discovery methods of ESP3D
* The discovery methods of ESP3D

/* Use captive portal
* Enable captive portal in AP mode

/* Use mDNS discovery
* This method need `bonjour` protocol on windows, or `avahi` on linux

/* Use Simple Service Discovery Protocol
* It is supported on Windows out of the box

* SSDP Customization settings
* Customize your ESP3D

/* Model name
* Modele name of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NAME "ESP Board"

/* Model number
* Modele number of device
#define ESP_MODEL_NUMBER "ESP3D 3.0"

/* Model url
* Modele url of device
#define ESP_MODEL_URL "https://www.espressif.com/en/products/devkits"

/* Manufacturer name
* Manufacturer name of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_NAME "Espressif Systems"

/* Manufacturer url
* Manufacturer url of device
#define ESP_MANUFACTURER_URL "https://www.espressif.com"

* Flash filesystem
* Filesystem on flash

/* File system type used by ESP3D
* Type of file system used by ESP3D to store files
* ESP_FAT_FILESYSTEM (ESP32 only with large partitions)

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD filesystem
* Filesystem on SD card

/* SD card connection
* ESP_NO_SD //(default)
* ESP_DIRECT_SD //Only your ESP board is connected to SDCard
* ESP_SHARED_SD //Printer SD Card is also connected to ESP3D
* Does your system has SD card and how it is connected to your ESP3D

/* SD card library
* ESP_SD_NATIVE //esp32 / esp8266
* ESP_SDIO      //esp32 only
* ESP_SDFAT2    //esp8266  / esp32

/* Sdio bit mode
* Mode used by SDIO library 1 bit / 4bits

/* Enable date/time on files
* Set date/time on files using SNTP or last webui connection

* SD card pins

/* SD card detect pin
* The pin used to detect SD card
//#define ESP_SD_DETECT_PIN 4

/* SD card detect pin value
* State of SD card detect pin when card is present

/* SD shared flag pin
* The pin used to enable SD card for ESP board

/* SD shared flag pin value
* State of SD card shared pin for ESP board

/* SD card CS pin
* The pin used to select SD card in SPI mode
//#define ESP_SD_CS_PIN 5

* Remote access
* Remote filesystem access

/* Enable global filesystem
* Allows to access to all filesystems from same location

/* WebDav access
* Use WebDav to access to your filesystem
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          mount SD FS

/* FTP access
* Use FTP to access to your filesystem (1 connection only)
* FS_ROOT        //mount all FS, need GLOBAL_FILESYSTEM_FEATURE
* FS_FLASH       //mount Flash FS
* FS_SD          //mount SD FS

* Reset ESP3D
* Reset ESP3D settings

/* Enable pin reset feature
* Use a pin to reset ESP3D settings

/* Reset pin
* The pin used to reset ESP3D setting if set to low for more than 1 second at start
#define ESP3D_RESET_PIN 0

* Update ESP3D
* Update ESP3D firmware

/* Enable OTA
* Over The Air Update (OTA)
//#define OTA_FEATURE

/* Enable Web Update
* Update firmware using WebUI, need 4MB of flash

/* Enable SD card Update
* Update firmware and settings using file on SDCard

* Display settings
* Rendering screens

/* Printer screen
*  If your printer has a display

/* ESP3D screen
* Screen connected to ESP board
* OLED I2C SSD1306 128X64
* OLED_I2C_SSDSH1106_132X64
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_240X240
* TFT_SPI_ST7789_135X240
//#define DISPLAY_DEVICE OLED_I2C_SSD1306_128X64

/* Flip screen
* Flip/rotate screen

/* Display i2C address
* Wire address of display
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDR 0x3c

/* Display reset pin
* The pin used to reset the screen (optional)
//#define DISPLAY_I2C_PIN_RST 22

/* TFT led pin
* The pin used for the backlight
//#define DISPLAY_LED_PIN -1

* Audio settings
* Buzzer feature

/* Enable buzzer
* Your esp board has a passive buzzer

/* Buzzer pin
* The pin used for the passive buzzer
//#define ESP3D_BUZZER_PIN 33

* Sensor settings
* Sensor feature
/* Sensor pin
* The pin used for the sensor
//#define ESP3D_SENSOR_PIN 34

/* Sensor Unit
*  Unit of the sensor result
//#define SENSOR__UNIT "C"

* Camera settings
* Connected camera

/* Camera type
* CAMERA_MODEL_CUSTOM          //Edit the pins in include/pins.h
* Camera connected to ESP board, only ones with PSRAM are supported

/* Flip vertically
* Flip camera vertically

* Levels of security
* How commands are allowed to be sent to ESP3D

/* Enable serial commands
* Allow commands to be sent to ESP3D via serial port

/* Allow remote access by enabling cross origin access
* check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
* this should be enabled only in specific cases
* like show the camera in web page different than device web server
* /if you do not know what is that then better left it commented
* Allow to show the camera in web page different than device web server

/* Enable authentication
* Force usage of authentication for commands

* Additional features
* Extra settings

/* Enable direct control pin
* Controls pins using [ESP201]

* Scripting settings
* Scripting on ESP3D
/* Enable Autostart
* Commands to run on startup
* Separate commands with ';' or use file
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT "M117 Mounting SD;M21"
//#define ESP_AUTOSTART_SCRIPT_FILE "autoscript.gco"

/* Enable lua interpreter
* Allow to use lua interpreter on ESP3D

/* Gcode Host Feature
* This feature allows to process Gcode files like macros.

Select the target in VSCode

vscode vscode

  • [env:esp32dev] for ESP32 boards
  • [env:esp32cam] for ESP32 Camera boards
  • [env:esp32-TTGO_T_Display] for ESP32 boards with TTGO_T display
  • [env:esp32-ST7789] for ESP32 boards with ST7789 display
  • [env:esp32-s2]for ESP32-S2 boards
  • [env:esp32-s3]for ESP32-S3 boards
  • [env:esp32-c3]for ESP32-C3 boards
  • [env:esp8266] for ESP8266 boards with 4MB flash
  • [env:esp01s_160mhz] for ESP8266 boards with 1MB flash

Connect your board

Compile and flash your module

Use Upload and monitor from the target environment you selected to compile and flash your module.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Hardware connection

Connection between ESP and printer board needs 4 wires:

  • ESP Tx needs to connect to Rx on MCU of printer board.
  • ESP Rx needs to connect to Tx on MCU of printer board.
  • You also need to power supply ESP board with with GND and 3V3 or 5V.

Connecting ESP board to target board

Be aware that ESP MCU is 3.3V on GPIO pin and some target board can be 3.3V and others 5V, so you may not be able to directly connect ESP board to target board.

Disclaimer : this wiki is for reference - you are responsible of your board supporting or not 5V, we are not responsible for any damage of wrong wiring.

ESP32 and ESP8266 MCU are only supporting 3.3V. Power supply them with 5V will likelly fry them immediatelly. As MCU is supplied at 3.3V, Tx and Rx signals will be at 3.3V even when board is supplied with 5V. Wether Rx pin is supporting 5V is controversial so we will keep on the safe side and only take datahseet as reference. It’s not recommended to have any signal (including Rx) be higher than power supply (3.3V here).

There are several points to take care. One should check that

  1. MCU1 Tx voltage is lower than MCU2 supply voltage
  2. Voh_min of Tx is higher than Vih_min of Rx (to check both ways)
  3. Vol_max of Tx is lower than Vil_max of Rx (to check both ways)

1 is mandatory and resistor voltage divider bridge or level shiffter is recommended
2 & 3 are not destructive there is just a slight risk signals are not read correctly. But it will work in most case as the limit values given by datasheets are rarelly met in mild conditions (using near 25°C and low current flowing from Tx to Rx)

For the divider bridge a value of R1=1k and R2=2.2k will be fine. You could also use 10k and 22k or anything near a factor 2.

step1 step1

Connection diagrams examples for some ESP boards

ESP boards


  • Use GPIO2 to ground to reset all settings in hard way - 2-6 sec after boot / not before!! Set GPIO2 to ground before boot change boot mode and go to special boot that do not reach FW. Currently boot take 10 sec - giving 8 seconds to connect GPIO2 to GND and do an hard recovery for settings
  • Use GPIO0 to ground to be in update mode

step1 step1

ESP-01 serial wifi module

step1 step1

more info about the Breakout PCB: keyestudio


ESP need 3.3v, it is not 5v tolerant, if printer board use more than 3.3V like 5V on ramps.

step1 step1

you can also use Logic LevelConverter Bi-Directional

step2 step2

In order to flash some ESP12E/F boards via their UART interface, the following pins need to be connected:

  • VCC to GPIO2
  • GND to GPIO0

This has been tested with ESP-12-E boards labeled “ESP8266 For ESP3D FYSETC.COM”

ESP 12F serial wifi module

ESP-12F based serial wifi module (eg from aliexpress ) contains built in 2-way levelshifter/bi-directional logic level converter. So it can be powered via 5V uart from the target’ motherboard.

  • We need to manualy ground the IO0 while powering up to start in flash mode while powering up (there is no switch for that, neither for reset) step1 step1
  • Use FTDI adapter as usb2serial
  • Need to see in console/serial monitor boot mode is (1,7).
    • baudrate: 74880
    • rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
  • Then flash like other esp based board for esp3d


step1 step1

Note: 5V is power supply input and 3V3 is output from regulator. UART Tx and RX signals will be 3.3V

NodeMCU V2/V3

step1 step1


step1 step1

Relay is connected by GPIO12, it can be handled using ESP201 command:

*Get/Set pin value
[ESP201]P<pin> V<value> [PULLUP=YES RAW=YES]
if no V<value> get P<pin> value
if V<value> 0/1 set INPUT_PULLUP value, but for GPIO16 INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
GPIO1 and GPIO3 cannot be used as they are used for serial
if PULLUP=YES set input pull up, if not set input
if RAW=YES do not set pinmode just read value

So [ESP201]P12 V0 should be off and [ESP201]P12 V1 should be on

Wemos D1 mini

Connection with logic level conveter:

step1 step1

step1 step1

printed cases:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation

ESP3D commands


1 - Add space to separate parameters
2 - If parameter has space add \ in front of space to not be seen as separator
3 - json, json=YES, json=TRUE, json=1 are paremeters to switch output to json

By default output is plain text, to get json formated output add json or json=yes after main parameters.

The json format is:

    cmd:"<command id>", //the id of requested command
    status:"<ok/error>" //give if it is success or an failure
    data:"<response>" // response corresponding to answer in json format too


  • Show commands help
    [ESP]<command id> json=<no>

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3D commands


Set / Display Station SSID


[ESP100]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 100
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Station Password


[ESP101]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format:
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 101
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

if error :

  • in json format:
"data":"Password not displayable"
  • plain text:
error: Password not displayable

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP mode


[ESP102]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: DHCP or STATIC


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 102
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP address


[ESP103]IP=<IP> MSK=<IP> GW=<IP> DNS=<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP
  • MSK

    • if MSK is empty, it will display defined Network Mask
    • if MSK is not empty, it will set the Network Mask
  • GW

    • if GW is empty, it will display defined Gateway
    • if GW is not empty, it will set the Gateway
  • DNS

    • if DNS is empty, it will display defined DNS
    • if DNS is not empty, it will set the DNS


  • In json format
 "cmd": "103",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": {
  "ip": "",
  "gw": "",
  "msk": "",
  "dns": ""
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 103
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP, GW, MSK and DNS

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set station fallback mode state at boot which can be BT, WIFI-SETUP, OFF


[ESP104]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, WIFI-SETUP or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 104
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point SSID


[ESP105]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 105
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Access point password


[ESP106]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 106
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point IP value


[ESP107]<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 107
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point channel value


[ESP108]<channel> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • channel

    • if channel is empty, it will display defined channel
    • if channel is not empty, it will set the channel


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 108
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the channel

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / display radio state at boot which can be BT, WIFI-STA, WIFI-AP, ETH-STA, OFF


[ESP110]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, WIFI-STA, WIFI-AP, ETH-STA or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 110
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Display current IP


[ESP111]<OUTPUT=PRINTER> <ALL> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if OUTPUT is empty, it will display current IP as text
    • if OUTPUT is PRINTER, it will display current IP in printer format M117
  • ALL

    • it is set it will display IP, GW, MSK, DNS ip


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 111
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Hostname


[ESP112]<hostname> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • hostname

    • if hostname is empty, it will display current hostname
    • if hostname is not empty, it will set the hostname


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 112
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the hostname

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Boot radio state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP114]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 114
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set immediate Network (WiFi/BT/Ethernet) state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP115]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 115
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP120]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 120
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP port


[ESP121]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 121
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP130]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 130
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET port


[ESP131]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 131
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Sync / Set / Get current time


[ESP140]<SYNC> <srv1=XXXXX> <srv2=XXXXX> <srv3=XXXXX> <tzone=+HH:SS> <ntp=YES/NO> <time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> NOW json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • srv1 / srv2 / srv3

    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are empty, it will display current NTP servers
    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are not empty, it will set the NTP servers
  • tzone

    • if tzone is empty, it will display current time zone
    • if tzone is not empty, it will set the time zone
  • time

    • if time is empty, it will display current time
    • if time is not empty, it will set the time
  • ntp

    • if ntp is empty, it will display current NTP state
    • if ntp is not empty, it will set the NTP state
  • SYNC

    • if SYNC, it will restart NTP service to sync time
  • NOW

    • if NOW, it will display current time in ISO 8601 format with time zone


  • In json format
   "data":"2020-01-01T00:00:00 (+08:00)"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 140
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the time

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set boot delay in ms / Verbose boot


[ESP150]<delay=time in milliseconds> <verbose=ON/OFF> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • delay

    • if delay is empty, it will display current delay
    • if delay is not empty, it will set the delay
  • verbose

    • if verbose is empty, it will display current verbose state
    • if verbose is not empty, it will set the verbose state


  • In json format
   "data": {
      "delay": "100",
      "verbose": "OFF"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 150
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the delay and verbose state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebSocket state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP160]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 160
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebSocket port


[ESP161]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 161
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get /Set Camera command value / list all values in JSON/plain text


[ESP170]<label=value> <json=no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • label

    • if label is empty, it will display current value
    • if label is not empty, it will set the value

    label can be: light/framesize/quality/contrast/brightness/saturation/gainceiling/colorbar/awb/agc/aec/hmirror/vflip/awb_gain/agc_gain/aec_value/aec2/cw/bpc/wpc/raw_gma/lenc/special_effect/wb_mode/ae_level
    value depend on label


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 170
  • status status of command, should be ok | data content of response, here ok


Framesize can be:

Value Description resolution
0 FRAMESIZE_96X96 96x96
4 FRAMESIZE_240X240 240x240
10 FRAMESIZE_XGA 1024x768
11 FRAMESIZE_HD 1280x720
12 FRAMESIZE_SXGA 1280x1024
13 FRAMESIZE_UXGA 1600x1200
14 FRAMESIZE_FHD 1920x1080
15 FRAMESIZE_P_HD 720x1280
16 FRAMESIZE_P_3MP 864x1536
17 FRAMESIZE_QXGA 2048x1536
18 FRAMESIZE_QHD 2560x1440
19 FRAMESIZE_WQXGA 2560x1600
20 FRAMESIZE_P_FHD 1080x1920
21 FRAMESIZE_QSXGA 2560x1920

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Save frame to target path and filename (default target = today date, default name=timestamp.jpg)


[ESP171]<json=no> path=<target path> filename=<target filename> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • path

    • if path is not empty, it will set the path
  • filename

    • if filename is not empty, it will set the filename


  • In json format
   "data":"Snapshot taken"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 171
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Snapshot taken

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Ftp state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP180]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF, CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 180
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Ftp ports


ESP181]ctrl=<port> active=<port> passive=<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • ctrl

    • if ctrl is empty, it will display current ctrl port
    • if ctrl is not empty, it will set the ctrl port
  • active

    • if active is empty, it will display current active port
    • if active is not empty, it will set the active port
  • passive

    • if passive is empty, it will display current passive port
    • if passive is not empty, it will set the passive port


  • In json format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set WebDav state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP190]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF, CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 190
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebDav port


[ESP191]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • port
      • if port is empty, it will display current port
      • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 191
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD state


[ESP200] json=<YES/NO> <RELEASESD> <REFRESH> pwd=<user/admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      • if RELEASESD is present, it will release SD card

      • if REFRESH is present, it will refresh SD card


  • In json format

states can be : Busy. "Not available, ok, No SD card

  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 200
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set pin value


[ESP201]P=<pin> V=<value> <json=YES/NO> <PULLUP=YES> <RAW=YES> <ANALOG=NO> <ANALOG_RANGE=255> pwd=<admin password> Range can be 255 / 1024 / 2047 / 4095 / 8191

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • P

      • if P is not empty, it will use the pin value
    • V

      • if V is empty, it will display current pin value
      • if V is not empty, it will set the pin value
  • RAW

    • if RAW is present, it will set the pin mode

    • if PULLUP is present, it will set the pullup pin mode

    • if ANALOG is present, it will set the pin ANALOG

    • if ANALOG_RANGE is not empty, it will set the ANALOG_RANGE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 201
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the pin value is 1 or High

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD card Speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32


[ESP202]SPEED=<factor> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SPEED=

    • if factor is empty, it will display current factor
    • if factor is not empty, it will set the factor


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 202
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current SPI factor

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get Sensor Value / type/Set Sensor type


[ESP210]<type=NONE/xxx> <interval=XXX in millisec> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • type

      • if type is empty, it will display current type
      • if type is not empty, it will set the type
    • interval

      • if interval is empty, it will display current interval
      • if interval is not empty, it will set the interval


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 210
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Output to esp screen status


[ESP212]<Text> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Text

    • if Text is not empty, it will set the Text
    • if Text is empty, it will clear current Text

    The text can also contain the following variables:

    • %ESP_IP% : the IP address of the ESP
    • %ESP_NAME% : the name of the ESP
    • %ESP_DATETIME% : the current date and time


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 212
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Output to esp screen status


[ESP214]<Text> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Text

    • if Text is not empty, it will set the Text
    • if Text is empty, it will clear current Text

    The text can also contain the following variables:

    • %ESP_IP% : the IP address of the ESP
    • %ESP_NAME% : the name of the ESP
    • %ESP_DATETIME% : the current date and time


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 214
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Start a Touch Calibration


[ESP215]<CALIBRATE> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if CALIBRATE is present, it will start the calibration


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 215
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D pins definition


[ESP220] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
 "cmd": "220",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": [
   "id": "SD CS",
   "value": "13"
   "id": "SD MOSI",
   "value": "15"
   "id": "SD MISO",
   "value": "2"
   "id": "SD SCK",
   "value": "14"
   "id": "SD DETECT",
   "value": "-1"
   "id": "SD SWITCH",
   "value": "26"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 220
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the pins definitions
  • plain text format
SD CS: 13
SD SCK: 14

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Play sound


[ESP250]F=<frequency> D=<duration> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • F

    • if F is empty, it will use current frequency
    • if F is not empty, it will use the frequency
  • D

    • if D is empty, it will use current duration
    • if D is not empty, it will use the duration


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 250
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Delay/Pause command


[ESP290]<delay in ms> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • delay

    • if delay is empty, it will use 0 delay
    • if delay is not empty, it will use the delay


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 290
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get full ESP3D settings


[ESP400] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


Passwords are not displayed and replaced by ********

  • if json
{"F":"network/network","P":"130","T":"S","R":"1","V":"esp3d","H":"hostname" ,"S":"32", "M":"1"},
{"F":"network/network","P":"0","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"radio mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"99","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"ip mode","O":[{"dhcp":"1"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"1035","T":"B","R":"0","V":"5","H":"sta fallback mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"1022","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"auto notif","O":[{"no":"0"},{"yes":"1"}]},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"856","T":"S","R":"1","V":" ","S":"128","H":"ts","M":"0"},

1 - key : Settings
2 - value: array of data formated like this
{“F”:“service/notification”,“P”:“1004”,“T”:“B”,“V”:“1”,“H”:“auto notif”,“O”:[{“no”:“0”},{“yes”:“1”}]}

-   F: is filter formated as section/sub-section, if section is same as sub-section, it means no sub-section
-   P: is id (also position reference so it is unique)
-   T: is type of data which can be:
    -   S: for string
    -   I: for integer
    -   B: for Byte
    -   A: for IP address / Mask
    -   F: for float (only grblHAL)
    -   M: for bits mask (only grblHAL)
    -   X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)
-   V: is current value, if type is string and value is `********`, (8 stars) then it is a password
-   E: is integer for exactess / precision of float/double value (only grblHAL)
-   U: is text unit of value (only grblHAL)
-   H: is text label of value
-   S: is max size if type is string, and max possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   M: is min size if type is string, and min possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   MS: is additionnal min size if type is string (e.g for password can be 0 or 8, so need additional min size), M should be the more minimal value
    so MS value must be between M and S
-   O: is an array of {label:value} used for possible values in selection or bits labels list
-   R: need restart to be applied

Note: if Type M and X use O entry to define the label / position, if O is [] then axis label are used according need X, Y, Z, A, B, C
Note2 : the 2.1 Flag type is no more used, several entries are used instead grouped by sub-section

If no json the list is limited to a list of <help>: <value>

network/network/hostname: esp3d
network/network/radio mode: 5
network/network/radio_boot: 1
network/sta/SSID: NETWORK_SSID
network/sta/pwd: ********
network/sta/ip mode: 1
network/sta/sta fallback mode: 5
network/ap/SSID: ESP3D
network/ap/pwd: ********
network/ap/channel: 11
service/time/i-time: 0
service/time/tzone: +00:00
service/time/t-server: time.windows.com
service/time/t-server: time.google.com
service/time/t-server: 0.pool.ntp.org
service/notification/auto notif: 1
service/notification/notification: 0
system/system/targetfw: 0
system/system/baud: 115200
system/boot/bootdelay: 10000
system/boot/verbose: 0

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D settings


[ESP401]<P=id> <T=type> <V=value> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • P

    • P is the id or position in EEPROM of the setting to change
  • T * T is the type of the setting to change * T can be: - S: for string - I: for integer - B: for Byte - A: for IP address / Mask - F: for float (only grblHAL) - M: for bits mask (only grblHAL) - X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)

  • V * V is the value to set if value has space add \`` in front of space to not be seen as separator e.g: [ESP401]P=1 T=S V=My\ SSID json`


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 401
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the id/position of the setting changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD updater check at boot time


[ESP402]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 402
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List all AP detected around, if signal is too low, AP is not listed to avoid connection problems.


[ESP410] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 410
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of AP detected with signal strength and if protected or not
  • plain text format
Start Scan
Luc-Lab 100%    Secure
CHT0573(Mesh)   100%    Secure
[LG_AirPurifier]    46%     Secure
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D current status


[ESP420] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      {"id":"chip id","value":"11111"},
      {"id":"CPU Freq","value":"240Mhz"},
      {"id":"CPU Temp","value":"72.8C"},
      {"id":"free mem","value":"232.43 KB"},
      {"id":"flash size","value":"4.00 MB"},
      {"id":"FS type","value":"LittleFS"},
      {"id":"FS usage","value":"112.00 KB/128.00 KB"},
      {"id":"sleep mode","value":"none"},
      {"id":"wifi mode","value":"ap"},
      {"id":"DHCP Server","value":"ON"},
      {"id":"notification","value":"ON (none)"},
      {"id":"FW ver","value":"3.0.0.a225"},
      {"id":"FW arch","value":"ESP32"}]}
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 420
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, where each status is a key/value pair of id/value
  • plain text format
chip id: 1010100
CPU Freq: 240Mhz
CPU Temp: 72.8C
free mem: 232.47 KB
SDK: v4.4.4
flash size: 4.00 MB
FS type: LittleFS
FS usage: 112.00 KB/128.00 KB
baud: 115200
sleep mode: none
wifi: ON
hostname: esp3d
wifi mode: ap
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
visible: yes
authentication: WPA2
DHCP Server: ON
clients: 0
sta: OFF
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
ntp: OFF
serial: ON
notification: ON (none)
targetfw: unknown
FW ver: 3.0.0.a225
FW arch: ESP32

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D state


[ESP444]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • RESET to reset all settings to default
    • RESTART to restart ESP3D


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 444
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List available ESP3D modules/ ESP3D related devices around


[ESP450] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 450
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of modules detected with hostname, IP, port and TXT record
  • plain text format
Start Scan
esp3d-tft ( version=1.0.0.a18,firmware=ESP3D-TFT
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get authentication status


[ESP500] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 500
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current user authenticated
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/display session time out


[ESP510]<timeout> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • timeout

    • if timeout is empty, it will display current timeout (0~255 minutes), 0 means disable timeout
    • if timeout is not empty, it will set the timeout
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 510
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current timeout
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change admin password, only authenticated admin can change the password


[ESP550]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the admin limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 550
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change user password, only authenticated admin/user can change the password


[ESP555]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the user limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 555
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Send Notification using defined method, will also send notification to webui and eventually to any connected screen


[ESP600]<message> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • message the message to send, limited to 128 characters. Message can contain some variables:

    • %ESP_NAME% : ESP3D hostname
    • %ESP_IP% : ESP3D local IP address


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 600
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Get Notification settings


[ESP610]type=<NONE/PUSHOVER/EMAIL/LINE/IFTTT/HOMEASSISTANT> T1=<token1> T2=<token2> TS=<Settings> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • type

    • if type is empty, it will display current type
    • if type is not empty, it will set the type currently only these types are supported:
      • NONE
      • PUSHOVER
      • EMAIL
      • LINE
      • TELEGRAM
      • IFTTT (by webhook)
      • HOMEASSISTANT (by webhook)
  • T1

  • T2

  • TS if TS is not empty, it will set the setting token which depend on type of notification

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 610
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Send Notification using encodded URL


[ESP620]<url> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • url the url to send, limited to 128 characters, must be encoded


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 620
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Process local file on /FS or /SD


[ESP700]<filename> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • filename the filename to process, must be a valid file on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
   "data":"Processing <filename>"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 700
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Processing <filename> when file is processing

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Query and Control ESP700 stream


[ESP701]action=<action> <CLEAR_ERROR>json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is empty, it will display current state
    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • ABORT
      • PAUSE
      • RESUME

    • if CLEAR_ERROR is present, it will clear the current error state


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 701
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state of stream

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Format ESP Filesystem


[ESP710]FORMATFS json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if FORMATFS is present, it will format the local filesystem


  • In json format
   "data":"Starting formating..."
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Starting formating... when filesystem is starting

an new message is sent when formating is done

   "data":"Formating done"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Formating done when filesystem is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Format SD Card, this depend on SD card format defined in configuration.h


[ESP715]FORMATSD json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if FORMATSD is present, it will format the SD card


  • In json format
   "data":"Starting formating..."
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 715
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Starting formating... when SD card is starting

an new message is sent when formating is done

   "data":"Formating done"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 715
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Formating done when SD card is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /FS or defined repository


[ESP720]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"index.html.gz","size":"88.67 KB","time":"2023-11-05 11:57:57"}
      "total":"128.00 KB",
      "used":"100.00 KB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 720

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • Text

Directory on Flash : /
         index.html.gz  88.67 KB        2023-11-05 11:57:57
Files: 1, Dirs :0
Total: 128.00 KB, Used: 100.00 KB, Available: 28.00 KB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on ESP Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP730]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 730
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /SD or defined repository


[ESP740]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /SD
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"System Volume Information","size":"-1"},
         {"name":"mks_pft70.sys","size":"5 B"},
         {"name":"index.html","size":"57.47 KB"},
         {"name":"index.xml","size":"7.53 KB"},
         {"name":"index.print.html","size":"77.74 KB"}
      "total":"7.20 GB",
      "used":"52.06 MB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 740

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /SD or defined repository

  • text

Directory on SD : /
[DIR]   System Volume Information
[DIR]   src
[DIR]   testdir
[DIR]   New%20folder2
[DIR]   conventions
[DIR]   extensions
[DIR]   fileupload
[DIR]   realtimecmd
[DIR]   variableslist
[DIR]   webhandlers
[DIR]   websockets
[DIR]   main
         mks_pft70.sys  5 B 
         index.html     57.47 KB 
         index.xml      7.53 KB
         index.print.html       77.74 KB 
Files: 4, Dirs :12
Total: 7.20 GB, Used: 52.06 MB, Available: 7.15 GB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on SD Card: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP750]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 750
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List Global Filesystem


[ESP780]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
      "total":"0 B",
      "used":"0 B",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 780

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • text

Directory on Global FS : /
[DIR]   FS
[DIR]   SD
Files: 0, Dirs :2
Total: 0 B, Used: 0 B, Available: 0 B

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on Global Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP790]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 790
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get fw capabilities eventually set time with pc time and set setup state


[ESP800]<time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> <version=3.0.0-a11> <setup=0/1> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

* json=yes
the output format
* time=
to set ESP3D time using ISO 8601 format : `YYYY`-`MM`-`DD`T`HH`:`minutes`:`seconds`
* tz=+08:00 (optional)
to set ESP3D time zone using ISO 8601 format : `+`/`-` `HH`-`minutes`
* version
version of webUI
* setup flag
Enable / Disable the setup flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 800

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response:

    • FWVersion Version of ESP3D firmware or targeted FW (Marlin with ESP3DLib / grblHal)

    • FWTarget name of targeted Firmware

    • FWTargetID numerical ID of targeted FW as same name can have several Ids

    • Setup Should be Enabled or Disabled according flag in EEPROM/Preferences, this allows to WedUI to start wizard automaticaly (or not)

    • SDConnection This is SD capability, SD can be

      • shared ESP does share access to SD card reader with main board or Firmware (Marlin with ESP3Dlib, ESP3D with hardware SD share solution)
      • direct ESP does have direct access to SD card reader (e.g: ESP3D, grblHal)
      • none ESP does not have direct access to SD card reader, (e.g: ESP3D with only serial connection)
    • SerialProtocol It define how ESP3D FW communicate with main FW

      • Socket ESP and main FW use same FW (e.g: Marlin with ESP3DLib, grblHal)
      • Raw Classic serial connection
      • MKS Serial connection using MKS protocol
    • Authentication Can be Enabled or Disabled

    • WebCommunication currently only Synchronous, because Asychronous has been put in hold

    • WebSocketIP Ip address for the websocket terminal

    • WebSocketPort Port for the web socket terminal 81

    • Hostname Hostname of ESP3D or main Baord esp3d

    • WiFiMode Current wiFi mode in use can be AP or STA

    • WebUpdate Inform webUI the feature is available or not, can be Enabled or Disabled

    • FlashFileSystem (currently FileSystem, to be updated soon ) The file system used by ESP board can be LittleFS, SPIFFS, Fat, none

    • HostPath Path where the preferences.json and index.html.gz are stored and can be updated (e.g: www)

    • Time Type of time support

      • none Time is not supported
      • Auto Board use internet to sync time and it is successful
      • Failed to set Board use internet to sync time and it is failed
      • Manual Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and it is successful
      • Not set Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and command did not sent it (time may have been set by previous command)
    • CameraID if ESP has camera it contain the camera ID

    • CameraName if ESP has camera it contain the camera name

    • Axisletters Currently only used for grbHAL can be :

      • XYZABC
      • XYZUVZ (supported soon)
      • XYZABCUVZ (supported soon)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get state / Set Serial Communication


[ESP900]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 900
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state



If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial baudrate for main serial communication


[ESP901]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 901
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get state / Set Enable / Disable buzzer


[ESP910]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 910
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial Bridge state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP930]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
      • CLOSE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 930
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial Bridge baudrate


[ESP931]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 931
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set quiet boot if strapping pin is High, can only be done once and cannot be reverted


This command is only available if ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 or ESP32-S2 is used


[ESP999]QUIETBOOT json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if QUIETBOOT is present, it will set the quiet boot flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 999
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when quiet boot is set
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu



The authentication is an additional security layer to protect the ESP3D web interface and ESP3D commands from unauthorized access. It is based on a username and a password. The authentication is optional and can be enabled/disabled in the ESP3D configuration. There are 3 login levels for authentication:

  • guest, which is does not need any authentication
  • user, which has limited access to ESP3D features
  • admin, which has full access to ESP3D features

Currently the login cannot be customized and so is limited to user and admin levels. The guest level is always available and cannot be disabled.


In configuration.h just uncomment the following line to enable the authentication:


Default password authentication for admin is admin and for ‘user’ is user. You can change them using WebInterface or [ESP550] and [ESP555] commands.


Web Interface

When user authentication is enabled, the web interface will ask for a username and a password. If the authentication is successful, the user will be redirected to the web interface. If the authentication fails, the user will be redirected to the login page.

The web interface allows also inline authentication. This means that you can pass the username and password in the URL. This is useful if you want to use some command line to access the web interface like curl or wget. The URL format is the following:


On the web interface an authenticated session will stay open until the browser is closed. So if you close the browser and reopen it, you will be asked for authentication again. This session can also have a timeout. The default timeout is 3 minutes of inactivity. This timeout can be changed in the ESP3D configuration web interface or using [ESP510] command.

ESPXXX Command

When user authentication is enabled, the ESPXXX commands will ask for a password. If the authentication is successful, the command will be executed. If the authentication fails, the command will be rejected.

The session for ESPXXX commands is a sticky session. This means that once authenticated, the session will stay authenticated until the ESP3D is restarted or session is closed (e.g: Telnet / WebSocket).


The current authentication miss a lot of features, like:

  • user management
  • https support
  • password encryption
  • password recovery
  • password expiration in time
  • password lockout if too many failed attempts

So you must not consider authentication as fullproof for security. It is just an additional layer of security.

Because ESPXXX commands only rely on password, do not use same password for user and admin users. If you do so, you will not be able to use ESPXXX commands with user level, everything will be considered as admin when authenticated.

The password are never been displayed in clear text, but they are stored in the ESP3D configuration in clear text. So if you want to change the password, you must use the WebInterface or ESPXXX commands. In web interface the passwords are replaced by ******* so any modification must be complete not partial.

All passwords and sensitive informations are sent using plain text. So if you want to use ESP3D in a public network or outside of your local network (which is not recommended), you must use a VPN.


Here the scope of right for each authentication level:

Feature not authenticated guest user admin
Web Interface No No Yes Yes
Telnet No No Yes Yes
WebSocket No No Yes Yes
WebDav No No Yes Yes
Bluetooth No No Yes Yes
Upload No No Yes Yes
Update No No No Yes
[ESP0] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ESP100] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP101] No No No Set
[ESP102] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP103] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP104] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP105] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP106] No No No Set
[ESP107] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP108] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP110] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP111] No No Get Get
[ESP112] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP114] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP115] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP120] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP121] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP130] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP131] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP140] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP150] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP160] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP161] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP170] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP171] No No Get Get
[ESP180] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP181] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP190] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP191] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP200] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP201] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP202] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP210] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP212] No No Set Set
[ESP214] No No Set Set
[ESP215] No No No Set
[ESP220] No No Get Get
[ESP250] No No Set Set
[ESP290] No No Set Set
[ESP400] No No Get Get
[ESP401] No No No Set
[ESP402] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP410] No No Get Get
[ESP420] No No Get Get
[ESP444] No No Set(only RESTART) Set
[ESP450] No No Get Get
[ESP500] Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP510] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP550] No No No Get/Set
[ESP555] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP600] No No Set Set
[ESP610] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP620] No No Set Set
[ESP700] No No Set Set
[ESP701] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP710] No No No Set
[ESP715] No No No Set
[ESP720] No No Get Get
[ESP730] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP740] No No Get Get
[ESP750] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP780] No No Get Get
[ESP790] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP800] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP900] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP901] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP910] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP930] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP931] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP999] No No No Set

API Description


Each authenticated session have unique session id, that will be stored on ESP3D with additionnal informations:

  • session id (25 characters)
  • session level (Guest / Admin / User)
  • client_id (serial / http / telnet / WebSocket)
  • session last activity (timestamp)
  • client IP (http)
  • Client socket ID (telnet / WebSocket)


When authentication is enabled, the http server will check if the session is authenticated. If not, it will ask for authentication. If the session is authenticated, it will check if the session is still valid. If not, it will ask for authentication again. If the session is still valid, it will process the request. the Session ID is stored in the cookie ESP3D_SESSIONID.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


You can use only one type of notification from the following ones:


A pay service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover notification service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a line notification service

Email using SMTP and HTTPS

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a email notification service

IFTTT webhook

A free service up to 5 applets

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover iftt service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a telegram notification service

The notification will also be sent to the WebUi

Home Assistant

Talk directly to your local home assistant

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a Home Assistant notification service

How to send message ?

Just add following command in your slicer’s end script, or manualy on your GCODE file:
[ESP600]msg pwd=<admin password>

How to ask printer to send command from file played from SD ?

  • on Repetier
    M118 [ESP600]msg

  • on Marlin
    M118 P0 [ESP600]msg

  • on Smoothieware
    echo [ESP600]msg


The message can also contain the following variables:

  • %ESP_IP% : the IP address of the ESP
  • %ESP_NAME% : the name of the ESP
  • %ESP_DATETIME% : the current date and time

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Notifications

Pushover Notification

Pushover is paid service

Considering you have pushover account (even just trial) and you already installed pushover client on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://pushover.net/ and connect with email and password
image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to get the token 1, the user token
image image

3 - You also need to generate an application token, which is the token 2
image image

4 - The token 2 generation: image image

5 - Save the generate token 1 and token 2 in ESP3D, and set PUSHOVER as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=PUSHOVER T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T2=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

6 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

7 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Home Assistant

Home Assistant is a home automation platform

Considering you have Home Assistant running in your local network:

1 - Go to Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant user&rsquo;s profile. Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant user&rsquo;s profile. , and create a long-lived access token

2 - Save the generated token in ESP3D, and set HOMEASSISTANT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=HOMEASSISTANT T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxx TS=homeassistant.local:8123

3 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won’t be displayed)

4 - Try to send message:

  • [ESP600]/api/services/light/toggle#{"entity_id":"light.wintergarten_spots"}

5 - At the end of your gcode, you can add the following have your vacuum cleaner announce the print is done:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Line Notification

Line is free service

Considering you have line account and you already installed line on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://notify-bot.line.me/my/ and connect with email and password image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to generate token
image image

3 - Type token name on top, select recipient(s) and press Generate token
image image

4 - Once token is created you need to copy it
image image

5 - You can create as many tokens you want, and delete the ones you do not need
image image

6 - Save the generate token in ESP3D, and set LINE as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=LINE T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won’t be displayed)

8 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Email Notification

Email Notification is using SMTP and HTTPS, so you need to collect the following information fof your email supplier

  • smtp server address and https port
  • smtp username/ID
  • smtp password

ESP3D use the parameters as follow:

  • token 1 = ID to login to your email supplier
  • token 2 = Password to login to your email supplier
  • token settings = the_recipient email#smtp_server:port where # and : are fields separators.

For example: luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

1 -Save the token 1, token 2 and token settings in ESP3D, and set EMAIL as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=EMAIL T1=luc@gmail.com T2=mypassword TS=luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

2 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

3 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

4 - Important : if you are using Gmail there is an additional step, as by default https access is disabled.
go to : https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps and allow less secure applications to connect gmail enabling http access gmail enabling http access

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

IFTTT Notification

IFTTT is free service up to 5 applets

IFTTT is a wrapper that allows several kind of notifications, please refer to it documentation.
ESP3D use the webhook method.

1 - If you do not have IFTTT account you can create for free to use up to 5 applets. IFFTT account creation step IFFTT account creation step

2 - Create New applet
Create applet Create applet

  • Create new trigger
    create trigger create trigger

  • The trigger is a webhook
    trigger is a webhook trigger is a webhook

  • Choose Web request
    choose web request choose web request

  • Set the event name set event name set event name

  • Define the action you want define wanted action define wanted action

  • Select the service you want to use
    As you can see there are a lot, let use email as example, but you can select any one that fit your needs select device select device select device select device

  • Define the message
    IFTTT allows some variables:

    • title from ESP3D –> value1
    • message from ESP3D –> value2
    • ESP3D hostname –> value3

    define message define message

  • Applet is created applet created applet created

3 - Retrieve the webhook key

  • Go to settings settings settings

  • Select service service service

  • Select webhook webhook webhook

  • Choose documentation documentation documentation

  • Copy the key copy key copy key

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set IFTTT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=IFTTT T1={event} T2={webhooks_key}

5 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

7 - Verify the workflow

  • Go to Applets
    applets applets
  • Select Activity
    activity activity
  • Select the flow to display
    flow to display flow to display

Note: This documentation is not exaustive due to huge features of IFTTT notifications service but base is always same :

IFThis => webhooks based on webrequest
THENThat => IFTTT notification service

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Telegram Notification

Telegram is free service

Considering you have Telegram account and you already installed Telegram on you phone/PC:

You need a bot token and a chat/channel id:
1 - Create a bot with BotFather

  • Open telegram application and open chat with Botfather.
  • Type or select /newbot
    image image
  • Type the name of the bot (2) and its username (3)
    image image
  • Doing this you will get your bot token (4) that you need for T1=<bot token>
  • You can have notifications directly from your bot by finding the numeric chatid. In order to find it you need to say something to your bot: image image Copy this url into your browser and modify it with your bot’s token https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/getUpdates?offset=-1 You can quickly find your numeric chat id T2=<numeric chat id> image image

2 - Alternatively you may create a public channel if you want to share your printer. If isn’t the case proceed to step 4.

  • In telegram select new channel
    image image
  • Type channel name (1) and description (2)
    image image
  • Make channel public and create your channelid/chatid image image
  • Now you have your chatid without the @

3 - Assign your bot as administrator of your channel so it can use it

  • Press your channel title, the top banner will expand
    image image
  • Selet manage channel image image
  • Push Administrators
    image image
  • Look for your bot in search and add it
    image image
  • Validate bot can have access to channel image image
  • Validate bot can admin the channel image image

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set Telegram as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=TELEGRAM T1=<bot token> T2=<numeric chat id>

[ESP610]type=TELEGRAM T1=<bot token> T2=<@chatID> (for channel)

5 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About SD card


The SD transfer is current supported on these configurations:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Camera support


Only camera with PSRAM are supported in ESP3D due to performances issue without PSRAM.

The camera does not actually stream a video stream but only frames. The purpose is to provide more time toesp mcu to monitor and control the target system. The maximum frame rate is 5 frames per second, which is more than enough to capture states for timelapse or for monitoring.

If you want a continuous stream use a separate camera dedicated to this function and add the stream to the web interface.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Update support

You can update ESP3D using the maintenance page, the web ui and the SD Card and OTA process.

Maintenance page

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.

This page is automaticaly available if no index.html / index.html.gz is present on flash filesystem. Another way to access it, is to add the parameter ?forcefallback=yes to your IP address in browser.
image image

Web UI

You need to have webupdate feature enabled.

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.
image image

SD Card

You need to have sd card enabled and sd update feature enabled in configuration.h.


You can update all esp3d settings when board is starting using an ini file named esp3dcnf.ini at root of SD card.

#hostname string of 32 chars max
hostname = myesp

#radio mode bt, wifi-sta, wifi-ap, eth-sta, off
radio_mode = wifi-sta 

#station fallback mode bt, wifi-ap, off
sta_fallback  = wifi-ap

#active when boot device or not  yes / no
radio_enabled = yes

#sta ssid string of 32 chars max 
sta_ssid = myssid

#sta password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars 
sta_password = *******

#sta ip mode dhcp / static
sta_ip_mode = dhcp

#sta static ip
sta_ip =

#sta static gateway
sta_gw =

#sta static mask
sta_msk =

#sta static dns
sta_dns =

#ap ssid string of 32 chars max 
ap_ssid = myssid

#ap password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars
ap_password = 12345678

#ap static ip
ap_ip =

#ap channel 1~14
ap_channel = 11

#active or not serial bridge yes / no
serial_bridge_active = yes

# serial bridge baudrate
serial_bridge_baud = 115200

#active or not http yes / no
http_active = yes

#http port
http_port = 80

#active or not telnet yes / no
telnet_active = yes

#telnet port
telnet_port = 23

#active or not websocket yes / no
websocket_active = yes

#websocket port
websocket_port = 8282

#active or not webdav yes / no
webdav_active = yes

#websocket port
webdav_port = 8282

#active or not ftp yes / no
ftp_active = yes

#ftp control port
ftp_control_port = 21

#ftp active port
ftp_active_port = 20

#ftp passive port
ftp_passive_port = 55600

#auto notification
autonotification = yes

#notification type none / pushover / line / email / telegram /ifttt
notif_type = none 

#notification token 1 string of 64 chars max
notif_token1 = 

#notification token 2 string of 64 chars max
notif_token2 = 

#notification settings string of 127 chars max

#sd card speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32
sd_speed = 4

#check update from sd yes / no
check_for_update = yes

#enable buzzer yes / no
active_buzzer = yes

#active internet time yes / no
active_internet_time = yes

#time servers string of 127 chars max
time_server1 = 1.pool.ntp.org
time_server2 = 2.pool.ntp.org
time_server3 = 3.pool.ntp.org

#time zone -12~12
time_zone = 2
#is dst yes/no
time_dst = no

#authentication passwords string of 20 chars max
admin_password = xxxxxxx
user_password = xxxxxxx
#session time out in min
sesion_timeout = 3

#sensor type if enabled none / dht11 / dht22 / analog / bmp280 / bme280
sensor_type = none
#sensor poiling interval in ms
sensor_interval = 30000

#target firmware marlin / repetier / marlinkimbra / smoothieware / grbl

#baud rate
baud_rate = 115200

#boot delay in ms
boot_delay = 5000

#boot verbose yes / no
boot_verbose = no

#printer screen yes / no
active_remote_screen = yes
#esp3d screen yes / no
active_esp3d_screen = yes
#esp3d serial yes / no
active_serial = yes
#serial bridge yes / no
active_serial_bridge = yes
#websocket yes / no
active_websocket = yes
#telnet yes / no
active_telnet = yes
#bluetooth yes / no
active_bt = yes

Once update is done all passwords set in file will be replaced by ********.



You can update esp3d firmware when board is starting using a binary image file of firmware esp3dfw.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfw.ok, if esp3dfw.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfw.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

Flash filesystem

You can update esp3d flash filesystem when board is starting using a binary image file of filesystem esp3dfs.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfs.ok, if esp3dfs.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfs.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

OTA (Arduino IDE / PlatformIO)

This feature need to be enabled in configuration.h

Arduino IDE esp8266

Arduino IDE esp32

PlatformIO esp8266

PlatformIO esp32

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About FTP


FTP server accept only one connection at once, be sure you have limited the number of connections in your client settings

The FTP server can serve flash only, sd only or both at once, but the sd support is limited direct sd and shared sd connections, serial connection is not supported (e.g. MKS protocol)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About WebDAV

The WebDAV server can serve flash only, sd only or both at once, but the sd support is limited direct sd and shared sd connections, serial connection is not supported (e.g. MKS protocol)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Make boot silent

At start the ESP board bootloader generate a report displayed on serial, this report may disturb communication with connected board. It may vary depending on boards but generally look like this:

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4

So make it silent is a must.

On ESP32

Bootloader report is not displayed if GPIO15 is connected to GND at startup.

On ESP32-S3 / ESP32-S2 / ESP32-C3

On ESP32-S3/S2/C3 bootloader report is always displayed by default, changing the behavior can be done only once for the pin GPIO46.

Use [ESP999]QUIETBOOT pwd=<admin/user password>

On ESP8266

It is not possible to make the boot silent on ESP8266.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of API

Web Handlers

/ (GET)

root is the default handler where all files will be served, if no file is defined, it looks for index.html or index.html.gz (compressed) if you call specific file, it will look for the filename and filename.gz (compressed) if no file is defined and there is not index.html(.gz) it will display embedded page another way to show the embedded page is /?forcefallback=yes

/sd/ (GET)

it will serve any file from SD card if there is one, it is only a wrapper to read SD card, no upload

/files (GET/POST)

this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list  
            "name":"index.html.gz", //the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/sdfiles (GET/POST) )

this handler handle all commands for SD, including upload on SD (only shared and direct SD) this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - list Will refresh the stats of the files - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list
            "name":"3Oc-pika2.gco",//the name of the file
            "shortname":"3Oc-pika2.gco", //the 8.3 shortname if available, if not the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/upload (POST)

this handler is for MKS boards using MKS communication protocol if enabled, it handle only upload on SD

/command (GET)

this handler is for all commands the parameter is cmd=... if it is an [ESPXXX] command the answer is the [ESPXXX] response if it is not an [ESPXXX] command the answer is ESP3D says: command forwarded and can be ignored

/login (GET/POST)

this handler is for authentication function if enabled possible options/arguments are:
- DISCONNECT=YES it will clear current session, remove authentication cookie, set status to disconnected and response code to 401 - SUBMIT=YES to login it will need also PASSWORD=... and USER=..., the answer will be 200 if success and 401 if failed if user is already authenticated it can use NEWPASSWORD=... instead of PASSWORD=... to change his password, if successful answer will be returned with code 200, otherwise code will be 500 if change failed or if password format is invalid


  • if authentified and no submission:
    {"status":"Identified","authentication_lvl":"admin"} and code 200
  • if not authenticated and no submission:
    {"status":"Wrong authentication!","authentication_lvl":"guest"} and code 401

/config (GET)

this handler is a shortcut to [ESP420] command in text mode, to get output in json add json=yes

/updatefw (GET/POST)

this handler is for FW upload and update Answer output is : {"status":"..."} if upload is successful the ESP will restart

/snap (GET)

this handler is on esp32cam with camera enabled to capture a Frame it answer by sending a jpg image

/description.xml (GET)

this handler is for SSDP if enabled to present device informations

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
        <modelName>ESP Board</modelName>
        <modelNumber>ESP3D 3.0</modelNumber>
        <manufacturer>Espressif Systems</manufacturer>

Captive portal bypass handlers

to avoid a redirect to index.html and so a refresh of the page, some classic handler have been added so they all go to / handler actually

  • /generate_204
  • /gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com
  • /fwlink/

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Web Sockets

there are 2

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3and port is web port +1 (e.g: 80+1=>81)

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or “none” if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino and port is any defined port (e.g: 8282)

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame

C M 0 1 A

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Big thanks to :

ESP3D contributors for their suggestions, feedback and ideas submitted during 2.X sustaining phase and 3.X development phase which pushed me to rewrite the ESP3D code to make it better and easier to sustain.

Embedded code / inspiration code


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


What is ESP3DLib ?

ESP3DLib is a Marlin library for ESP32 boards using Marlin 2.x. that enable ESP3D features like WiFi and WebUI. Features depends on the version the ESP3DLib installed.

Tested boards

The list is here for 1.0, and here for 3.0

Please refer to Marlin documentation for more information on specific configurations for each boards.


This is NOT for esp8266, esp8285, esp32 boards as daughters boards connected to your main board.

There is one production version and one development version.

Cybersecurity concerns

If you plan to have access to you ESP from outside of your private network than you need to apply some basic security rules to avoid anybody to be able to access your ESP.

Disclaimer : this is for reference - you are responsible of your board and internet network, we are not responsible for any damage to any of your network appliances.


Following steps must be done before your ESP is visible from public internet:

  • Activate authentication in comfiguration file before flashing
  • Change default user and password (this can be done with commands or webui)

Is also strongly recommended to:

  • Use strong passwords
  • Use unique passwords, not same as for other accounts
  • Change password regularly
  • Configure box to redirect a different port than 80 to the port 80 of ESP
  • Use DMZ feature of your box

Additional tips

  • Remember the web server is not https, this means the server will never be fully secure. In particular, avoid to connect to your printer from any public network you do not own. Stick to your 4G network or other safe places to avoid MITM attack

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3DLib

Version 1.X

This version is the production version, features are frozen, only bugfixes are accepted.

It is already part of Marlin distribution, check how to enable it


This is NOT for esp8266, esp8285, esp32 boards as daughters boards connected to your main board.

The library must be used with ESP3D-WEBUI 2.X

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Version 1.X


The V1.X features are :

  • Complete configuration by web browser (Station or Access point) or by Serial commands
  • Authentication for sensitive pages
  • Update firmware by web browser or OTA
  • Captive portal in Access point mode which redirect all unknow call to main page
  • mDNS which allows to key the name defined in web browser and connect only with bonjour installed on computer
  • SSDP, this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box
  • Fail safe mode (Access point)is enabled if cannot connect to defined station at boot.
  • Web UI support

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


In Marlin configuration files :


Select an ESP32 based board.

Uncomment the second serial port to allow esp3d to get all printer feedback

 * Select a secondary serial port on the board to use for communication with the host.
 * :[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
#define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1


Enable ESP3DLib support using : #define ESP3D_WIFISUPPORT // ESP3D Library WiFi management (https://github.com/luc-github/ESP3DLib)

You can optionnaly define to which access point your board need to connect to:

#define WIFI_SSID "Wifi SSID"
#define WIFI_PWD "Wifi Password"
if not defined or you left like this the board will act as an Access Point instead. and you can do further configuration using command line or web interface.

Please be sure these setting are enabled they are mandatory for ESP3DLib

#define WEBSUPPORT          // Start a webserver (which may include auto-discovery)
#define WIFI_CUSTOM_COMMAND // Accept feature config commands (e.g., WiFi ESP3D) from the host|

Web Update is supported by ESP3DLib but you can also use:

#define OTASUPPORT          // Support over-the-air firmware updates

To enable the authentication feature which is disabled by default:

//AUTHENTICATION_FEATURE: protect pages by login password.

to disable any of these features which are enabled by default:

//MDNS_FEATURE: this feature allow  type the name defined
//in web browser by default: http:\\marlinesp.local and connect

//SSDD_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box
//Rely on Configuration_adv.h

//CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FEATURE: In SoftAP redirect all unknow call to main page

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation

ESP3D commands


Add space to separate parameters

Display command list




Set STA Password




Set/Get STA IP/Mask/GW

[ESP103]IP= MSK= GW=



Change AP Password


Set/Get AP IP


Set/Get AP channel


Set/Get radio state which can be STA, AP, OFF


Get current IP


Get/Set hostname


Get/Set HTTP state which can be ON, OFF


Get/Set HTTP port


Get SD Card Status


Get full EEPROM settings content

Note: it does not give any passwords

Set EEPROM setting

Using position in EEPROM, type: B(byte), I(integer/long), S(string), A(IP address / mask)

[ESP401]P= T= V=

Description:		Positions:

Get available AP list (limited to 30)

Output is JSON or plain text according parameter

Get current settings of ESP3D

Output is plain text

Set ESP State


Change admin password


Change user password


Format ESP Filesystem


FW Informations


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Hardware

ESP32 generic controller

From Simon Jouet, a generic ESP32 controller with 4MB flash memory, no IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


From FYSETC, an ESP32 controller with 16MB flash memory, no IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 16MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

MKS Tinybee

From Maker Base, an ESP32 controller with 8MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 8MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


From Maple Rain, an ESP32 controller with 4MB flash memory, no IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


From Maple Rain, an ESP32 controller with 4MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Panda Zhu/M4

From Mark Niu, two ESP32 controllers with 4MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Embedded code / inspiration code


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Version 3.X

This version is the development version, features can change anytime, feedback, PR and suggestions are welcome.

This version need currently a fork of Marlin

It is already part of Marlin distribution, check how to enable it

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Version 3.X


The V3.X features are :

  • Embedded maintenance page (terminal / local FS update / ESP3D Firmware update)
  • WebUI support
  • ESP8285 / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ESP32-S2 / ESP32-S3 / ESP32-C3 support
  • Wifi / ethernet support
  • Raw TCP / serial bridge support (light telnet)
  • Boot delay configuration
  • Websocket / serial bridge support
  • Serial / Serial bridge support
  • Bluetooth Serial bridge support (when BT supported)
  • MKS Serial protocol support
  • Serial commands configurations
  • Authentication support (admin / user)
  • FTP support (limited to 1 connection at once)
  • WebDav support
  • Local FS support:
    • Little FS
    • Fat (ESP32 only)
  • SD support
    • File format
      • Native SPI
      • Native SDIO (ESP32 only)
      • SDFat 1.x
      • SDFat 2.x
    • Connection
      • Direct connection
        • e.g.: ESP32cam
      • Sharing connection using hardware switch
        • e.g.: Panucatt Wifi Backpack / Azteeg X5 WiFi
      • MKS fast upload by serial
      • M28/M29 File transfer protocol
    • Serial file transfer using custom protocol (planned)
  • USB support
    • planned
  • Global FS under FTP / Webdav : SD + Local FS in same directory
  • Buzzer support
  • Recovery pin support
  • Pins control by commands
  • ESP32 Camera support (only with PSRAM)
  • Basic oled screen support
    • I2C SSD1306 128x64
    • I2C SSDSH1106 132x64
  • Basic tft screen support
    • SPI ST7789 135x240
    • SPI ST7789 240x240
  • Time synchronization support (manual / internet server)
  • Lua interpreter support (Work in progress)
  • Notifications support
    • WebUI
    • TFT/OLED
    • Email
    • Line
    • Telegram
    • PushOver
    • IFTTT
  • Sensors support
    • DHT 11/22
    • Analog
    • BMX280
  • Auto script support at start
  • Basic Host GCODE stream for macros hosted on local FS (Work in Progress)
  • Update
    • ESP3D configuration using ini file on SD
    • ESP3D update using binary file on SD
    • OTA support
    • Update by WebUI

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Features


In Marlin configuration files :


Select an ESP32 based board.

Uncomment the second serial port to allow esp3d to get all printer feedback

 * Select a secondary serial port on the board to use for communication with the host.
 * :[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
#define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1


Enable ESP3DLib support using : #define ESP3D_WIFISUPPORT // ESP3D Library WiFi management (https://github.com/luc-github/ESP3DLib)

You can optionnaly define to which access point your board need to connect to:

#define WIFI_SSID "Wifi SSID"
#define WIFI_PWD "Wifi Password"
if not defined or you left like this the board will act as an Access Point instead. and you can do further configuration using command line or web interface.

Please be sure these setting are enabled they are mandatory for ESP3DLib

#define WEBSUPPORT          // Start a webserver (which may include auto-discovery)
#define WIFI_CUSTOM_COMMAND // Accept feature config commands (e.g., WiFi ESP3D) from the host|
#define CUSTOM_SD_ACCESS    // Enable another lib accessing the SD card without conflicts

Web Update is supported by ESP3DLib but you can also use:

#define OTASUPPORT          // Support over-the-air firmware updates

To enable the authentication feature which is disabled by default:

//AUTHENTICATION_FEATURE: protect pages by login password.

to disable any of these features which are enabled by default:

//MDNS_FEATURE: this feature allow  type the name defined
//in web browser by default: http:\\marlinesp.local and connect

//SSDD_FEATURE: this feature is a discovery protocol, supported on Windows out of the box
//Rely on Configuration_adv.h

//CAPTIVE_PORTAL_FEATURE: In SoftAP redirect all unknow call to main page

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation

ESP3D commands


1 - Add space to separate parameters
2 - If parameter has space add \ in front of space to not be seen as separator
3 - json, json=YES, json=TRUE, json=1 are paremeters to switch output to json

By default output is plain text, to get json formated output add json or json=yes after main parameters.

The json format is:

    cmd:"<command id>", //the id of requested command
    status:"<ok/error>" //give if it is success or an failure
    data:"<response>" // response corresponding to answer in json format too


  • Show commands help
    [ESP]<command id> json=<no>

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3D commands


Set / Display Station SSID


[ESP100]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 100
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Station Password


[ESP101]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format:
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 101
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

if error :

  • in json format:
"data":"Password not displayable"
  • plain text:
error: Password not displayable

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP mode


[ESP102]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: DHCP or STATIC


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 102
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP address


[ESP103]IP=<IP> MSK=<IP> GW=<IP> DNS=<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP
  • MSK

    • if MSK is empty, it will display defined Network Mask
    • if MSK is not empty, it will set the Network Mask
  • GW

    • if GW is empty, it will display defined Gateway
    • if GW is not empty, it will set the Gateway
  • DNS

    • if DNS is empty, it will display defined DNS
    • if DNS is not empty, it will set the DNS


  • In json format
 "cmd": "103",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": {
  "ip": "",
  "gw": "",
  "msk": "",
  "dns": ""
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 103
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP, GW, MSK and DNS

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set station fallback mode state at boot which can be BT, WIFI-SETUP, OFF


[ESP104]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, WIFI-SETUP or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 104
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point SSID


[ESP105]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 105
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Access point password


[ESP106]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 106
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point IP value


[ESP107]<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 107
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point channel value


[ESP108]<channel> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • channel

    • if channel is empty, it will display defined channel
    • if channel is not empty, it will set the channel


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 108
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the channel

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / display radio state at boot which can be BT, WIFI-STA, WIFI-AP, ETH-STA, OFF


[ESP110]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, WIFI-STA, WIFI-AP, ETH-STA or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 110
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Display current IP


[ESP111]<OUTPUT=PRINTER> <ALL> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if OUTPUT is empty, it will display current IP as text
    • if OUTPUT is PRINTER, it will display current IP in printer format M117
  • ALL

    • it is set it will display IP, GW, MSK, DNS ip


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 111
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Hostname


[ESP112]<hostname> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • hostname

    • if hostname is empty, it will display current hostname
    • if hostname is not empty, it will set the hostname


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 112
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the hostname

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Boot radio state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP114]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 114
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set immediate Network (WiFi/BT/Ethernet) state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP115]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 115
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP120]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 120
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP port


[ESP121]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 121
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP130]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 130
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET port


[ESP131]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 131
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Sync / Set / Get current time


[ESP140]<SYNC> <srv1=XXXXX> <srv2=XXXXX> <srv3=XXXXX> <tzone=+HH:SS> <ntp=YES/NO> <time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> NOW json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • srv1 / srv2 / srv3

    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are empty, it will display current NTP servers
    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are not empty, it will set the NTP servers
  • tzone

    • if tzone is empty, it will display current time zone
    • if tzone is not empty, it will set the time zone
  • time

    • if time is empty, it will display current time
    • if time is not empty, it will set the time
  • ntp

    • if ntp is empty, it will display current NTP state
    • if ntp is not empty, it will set the NTP state
  • SYNC

    • if SYNC, it will restart NTP service to sync time
  • NOW

    • if NOW, it will display current time in ISO 8601 format with time zone


  • In json format
   "data":"2020-01-01T00:00:00 (+08:00)"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 140
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the time

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set boot delay in ms / Verbose boot


[ESP150]<delay=time in milliseconds> <verbose=ON/OFF> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • delay

    • if delay is empty, it will display current delay
    • if delay is not empty, it will set the delay
  • verbose

    • if verbose is empty, it will display current verbose state
    • if verbose is not empty, it will set the verbose state


  • In json format
   "data": {
      "delay": "100",
      "verbose": "OFF"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 150
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the delay and verbose state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebSocket state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP160]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 160
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebSocket port


[ESP161]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 161
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get /Set Camera command value / list all values in JSON/plain text


[ESP170]<label=value> <json=no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • label

    • if label is empty, it will display current value
    • if label is not empty, it will set the value

    label can be: light/framesize/quality/contrast/brightness/saturation/gainceiling/colorbar/awb/agc/aec/hmirror/vflip/awb_gain/agc_gain/aec_value/aec2/cw/bpc/wpc/raw_gma/lenc/special_effect/wb_mode/ae_level
    value depend on label


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 170
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Save frame to target path and filename (default target = today date, default name=timestamp.jpg)


[ESP171]<json=no> path=<target path> filename=<target filename> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • path

    • if path is not empty, it will set the path
  • filename

    • if filename is not empty, it will set the filename


  • In json format
   "data":"Snapshot taken"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 171
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Snapshot taken

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Ftp state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP180]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF, CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 180
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Ftp ports


ESP181]ctrl=<port> active=<port> passive=<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • ctrl

    • if ctrl is empty, it will display current ctrl port
    • if ctrl is not empty, it will set the ctrl port
  • active

    • if active is empty, it will display current active port
    • if active is not empty, it will set the active port
  • passive

    • if passive is empty, it will display current passive port
    • if passive is not empty, it will set the passive port


  • In json format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set WebDav state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP190]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF, CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 190
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebDav port


[ESP191]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • port
      • if port is empty, it will display current port
      • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 191
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD state


[ESP200] json=<YES/NO> <RELEASESD> <REFRESH> pwd=<user/admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      • if RELEASESD is present, it will release SD card

      • if REFRESH is present, it will refresh SD card


  • In json format

states can be : Busy. "Not available, ok, No SD card

  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 200
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set pin value


[ESP201]P=<pin> V=<value> <json=YES/NO> <PULLUP=YES> <RAW=YES> <ANALOG=NO> <ANALOG_RANGE=255> pwd=<admin password> Range can be 255 / 1024 / 2047 / 4095 / 8191

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • P

      • if P is not empty, it will use the pin value
    • V

      • if V is empty, it will display current pin value
      • if V is not empty, it will set the pin value
  • RAW

    • if RAW is present, it will set the pin mode

    • if PULLUP is present, it will set the pullup pin mode

    • if ANALOG is present, it will set the pin ANALOG

    • if ANALOG_RANGE is not empty, it will set the ANALOG_RANGE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 201
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the pin value is 1 or High

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD card Speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32


[ESP202]SPEED=<factor> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SPEED=

    • if factor is empty, it will display current factor
    • if factor is not empty, it will set the factor


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 202
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current SPI factor

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get Sensor Value / type/Set Sensor type


[ESP210]<type=NONE/xxx> <interval=XXX in millisec> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • type

      • if type is empty, it will display current type
      • if type is not empty, it will set the type
    • interval

      • if interval is empty, it will display current interval
      • if interval is not empty, it will set the interval


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 210
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Output to esp screen status


[ESP214]<Text> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Text

    • if Text is not empty, it will set the Text
    • if Text is empty, it will clear current Text


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 214
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Start a Touch Calibration


[ESP215]<CALIBRATE> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if CALIBRATE is present, it will start the calibration


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 215
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D pins definition


[ESP220] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
 "cmd": "220",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": [
   "id": "SD CS",
   "value": "13"
   "id": "SD MOSI",
   "value": "15"
   "id": "SD MISO",
   "value": "2"
   "id": "SD SCK",
   "value": "14"
   "id": "SD DETECT",
   "value": "-1"
   "id": "SD SWITCH",
   "value": "26"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 220
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the pins definitions
  • plain text format
SD CS: 13
SD SCK: 14

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Play sound


[ESP250]F=<frequency> D=<duration> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • F

    • if F is empty, it will use current frequency
    • if F is not empty, it will use the frequency
  • D

    • if D is empty, it will use current duration
    • if D is not empty, it will use the duration


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 250
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Delay/Pause command


[ESP290]<delay in ms> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • delay

    • if delay is empty, it will use 0 delay
    • if delay is not empty, it will use the delay


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 290
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get full ESP3D settings


[ESP400] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


Passwords are not displayed and replaced by ********

  • if json
{"F":"network/network","P":"130","T":"S","R":"1","V":"esp3d","H":"hostname" ,"S":"32", "M":"1"},
{"F":"network/network","P":"0","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"radio mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"99","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"ip mode","O":[{"dhcp":"1"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"1035","T":"B","R":"0","V":"5","H":"sta fallback mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"1022","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"auto notif","O":[{"no":"0"},{"yes":"1"}]},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"856","T":"S","R":"1","V":" ","S":"128","H":"ts","M":"0"},

1 - key : Settings
2 - value: array of data formated like this
{“F”:“service/notification”,“P”:“1004”,“T”:“B”,“V”:“1”,“H”:“auto notif”,“O”:[{“no”:“0”},{“yes”:“1”}]}

-   F: is filter formated as section/sub-section, if section is same as sub-section, it means no sub-section
-   P: is id (also position reference so it is unique)
-   T: is type of data which can be:
    -   S: for string
    -   I: for integer
    -   B: for Byte
    -   A: for IP address / Mask
    -   F: for float (only grblHAL)
    -   M: for bits mask (only grblHAL)
    -   X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)
-   V: is current value, if type is string and value is `********`, (8 stars) then it is a password
-   E: is integer for exactess / precision of float/double value (only grblHAL)
-   U: is text unit of value (only grblHAL)
-   H: is text label of value
-   S: is max size if type is string, and max possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   M: is min size if type is string, and min possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   MS: is additionnal min size if type is string (e.g for password can be 0 or 8, so need additional min size), M should be the more minimal value
    so MS value must be between M and S
-   O: is an array of {label:value} used for possible values in selection or bits labels list
-   R: need restart to be applied

Note: if Type M and X use O entry to define the label / position, if O is [] then axis label are used according need X, Y, Z, A, B, C
Note2 : the 2.1 Flag type is no more used, several entries are used instead grouped by sub-section

If no json the list is limited to a list of <help>: <value>

network/network/hostname: esp3d
network/network/radio mode: 5
network/network/radio_boot: 1
network/sta/SSID: NETWORK_SSID
network/sta/pwd: ********
network/sta/ip mode: 1
network/sta/sta fallback mode: 5
network/ap/SSID: ESP3D
network/ap/pwd: ********
network/ap/channel: 11
service/time/i-time: 0
service/time/tzone: +00:00
service/time/t-server: time.windows.com
service/time/t-server: time.google.com
service/time/t-server: 0.pool.ntp.org
service/notification/auto notif: 1
service/notification/notification: 0
system/system/targetfw: 0
system/system/baud: 115200
system/boot/bootdelay: 10000
system/boot/verbose: 0

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D settings


[ESP401]<P=id> <T=type> <V=value> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • P

    • P is the id or position in EEPROM of the setting to change
  • T * T is the type of the setting to change * T can be: - S: for string - I: for integer - B: for Byte - A: for IP address / Mask - F: for float (only grblHAL) - M: for bits mask (only grblHAL) - X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)

  • V * V is the value to set if value has space add \`` in front of space to not be seen as separator e.g: [ESP401]P=1 T=S V=My\ SSID json`


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 401
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the id/position of the setting changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD updater check at boot time


[ESP402]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 402
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List all AP detected around, if signal is too low, AP is not listed to avoid connection problems.


[ESP410] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 410
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of AP detected with signal strength and if protected or not
  • plain text format
Start Scan
Luc-Lab 100%    Secure
CHT0573(Mesh)   100%    Secure
[LG_AirPurifier]    46%     Secure
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D current status


[ESP420] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      {"id":"chip id","value":"11111"},
      {"id":"CPU Freq","value":"240Mhz"},
      {"id":"CPU Temp","value":"72.8C"},
      {"id":"free mem","value":"232.43 KB"},
      {"id":"flash size","value":"4.00 MB"},
      {"id":"FS type","value":"LittleFS"},
      {"id":"FS usage","value":"112.00 KB/128.00 KB"},
      {"id":"sleep mode","value":"none"},
      {"id":"wifi mode","value":"ap"},
      {"id":"DHCP Server","value":"ON"},
      {"id":"notification","value":"ON (none)"},
      {"id":"FW ver","value":"3.0.0.a225"},
      {"id":"FW arch","value":"ESP32"}]}
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 420
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, where each status is a key/value pair of id/value
  • plain text format
chip id: 1010100
CPU Freq: 240Mhz
CPU Temp: 72.8C
free mem: 232.47 KB
SDK: v4.4.4
flash size: 4.00 MB
FS type: LittleFS
FS usage: 112.00 KB/128.00 KB
baud: 115200
sleep mode: none
wifi: ON
hostname: esp3d
wifi mode: ap
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
visible: yes
authentication: WPA2
DHCP Server: ON
clients: 0
sta: OFF
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
ntp: OFF
serial: ON
notification: ON (none)
targetfw: unknown
FW ver: 3.0.0.a225
FW arch: ESP32

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D state


[ESP444]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • RESET to reset all settings to default
    • RESTART to restart ESP3D


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 444
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List available ESP3D modules/ ESP3D related devices around


[ESP450] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 450
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of modules detected with hostname, IP, port and TXT record
  • plain text format
Start Scan
esp3d-tft ( version=1.0.0.a18,firmware=ESP3D-TFT
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get authentication status


[ESP500] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 500
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current user authenticated
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/display session time out


[ESP510]<timeout> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • timeout

    • if timeout is empty, it will display current timeout (0~255 minutes), 0 means disable timeout
    • if timeout is not empty, it will set the timeout
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 510
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current timeout
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change admin password, only authenticated admin can change the password


[ESP550]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the admin limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 550
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change user password, only authenticated admin/user can change the password


[ESP555]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the user limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 555
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Send Notification using defined method, will also send notification to webui and eventually to any connected screen


[ESP600]<message> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • message the message to send, limited to 128 characters. Message can contain some variables:

    • %ESP_NAME% : ESP3D hostname
    • %ESP_IP% : ESP3D local IP address


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 600
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Get Notification settings


[ESP610]type=<NONE/PUSHOVER/EMAIL/LINE/IFTTT/HOMEASSISTANT> T1=<token1> T2=<token2> TS=<Settings> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • type

    • if type is empty, it will display current type
    • if type is not empty, it will set the type currently only these types are supported:
      • NONE
      • PUSHOVER
      • EMAIL
      • LINE
      • TELEGRAM
      • IFTTT (by webhook)
      • HOMEASSISTANT (by webhook)
  • T1

  • T2

  • TS if TS is not empty, it will set the setting token which depend on type of notification

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 610
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Send Notification using encodded URL


[ESP620]<url> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • url the url to send, limited to 128 characters, must be encoded


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 620
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Process local file on /FS or /SD


[ESP700]<filename> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • filename the filename to process, must be a valid file on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
   "data":"Processing <filename>"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 700
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Processing <filename> when file is processing

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Query and Control ESP700 stream


[ESP701]action=<action> <CLEAR_ERROR>json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is empty, it will display current state
    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • ABORT
      • PAUSE
      • RESUME

    • if CLEAR_ERROR is present, it will clear the current error state


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 701
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state of stream

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Format ESP Filesystem


[ESP710]FORMATFS json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if FORMATFS is present, it will format the local filesystem


  • In json format
   "data":"Starting formating..."
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Starting formating... when filesystem is starting

an new message is sent when formating is done

   "data":"Formating done"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Formating done when filesystem is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Format SD Card, this depend on SD card format defined in configuration.h


[ESP715]FORMATSD json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if FORMATSD is present, it will format the SD card


  • In json format
   "data":"Starting formating..."
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 715
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Starting formating... when SD card is starting

an new message is sent when formating is done

   "data":"Formating done"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 715
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Formating done when SD card is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /FS or defined repository


[ESP720]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"index.html.gz","size":"88.67 KB","time":"2023-11-05 11:57:57"}
      "total":"128.00 KB",
      "used":"100.00 KB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 720

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • Text

Directory on Flash : /
         index.html.gz  88.67 KB        2023-11-05 11:57:57
Files: 1, Dirs :0
Total: 128.00 KB, Used: 100.00 KB, Available: 28.00 KB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on ESP Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP730]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 730
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /SD or defined repository


[ESP740]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /SD
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"System Volume Information","size":"-1"},
         {"name":"mks_pft70.sys","size":"5 B"},
         {"name":"index.html","size":"57.47 KB"},
         {"name":"index.xml","size":"7.53 KB"},
         {"name":"index.print.html","size":"77.74 KB"}
      "total":"7.20 GB",
      "used":"52.06 MB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 740

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /SD or defined repository

  • text

Directory on SD : /
[DIR]   System Volume Information
[DIR]   src
[DIR]   testdir
[DIR]   New%20folder2
[DIR]   conventions
[DIR]   extensions
[DIR]   fileupload
[DIR]   realtimecmd
[DIR]   variableslist
[DIR]   webhandlers
[DIR]   websockets
[DIR]   main
         mks_pft70.sys  5 B 
         index.html     57.47 KB 
         index.xml      7.53 KB
         index.print.html       77.74 KB 
Files: 4, Dirs :12
Total: 7.20 GB, Used: 52.06 MB, Available: 7.15 GB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on SD Card: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP750]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 750
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List Global Filesystem


[ESP780]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
      "total":"0 B",
      "used":"0 B",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 780

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • text

Directory on Global FS : /
[DIR]   FS
[DIR]   SD
Files: 0, Dirs :2
Total: 0 B, Used: 0 B, Available: 0 B

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on Global Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP790]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 790
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get fw capabilities eventually set time with pc time and set setup state


[ESP800]<time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> <version=3.0.0-a11> <setup=0/1> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

* json=yes
the output format
* time=
to set ESP3D time using ISO 8601 format : `YYYY`-`MM`-`DD`T`HH`:`minutes`:`seconds`
* tz=+08:00 (optional)
to set ESP3D time zone using ISO 8601 format : `+`/`-` `HH`-`minutes`
* version
version of webUI
* setup flag
Enable / Disable the setup flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 800

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response:

    • FWVersion Version of ESP3D firmware or targeted FW (Marlin with ESP3DLib / grblHal)

    • FWTarget name of targeted Firmware

    • FWTargetID numerical ID of targeted FW as same name can have several Ids

    • Setup Should be Enabled or Disabled according flag in EEPROM/Preferences, this allows to WedUI to start wizard automaticaly (or not)

    • SDConnection This is SD capability, SD can be

      • shared ESP does share access to SD card reader with main board or Firmware (Marlin with ESP3Dlib, ESP3D with hardware SD share solution)
      • direct ESP does have direct access to SD card reader (e.g: ESP3D, grblHal)
      • none ESP does not have direct access to SD card reader, (e.g: ESP3D with only serial connection)
    • SerialProtocol It define how ESP3D FW communicate with main FW

      • Socket ESP and main FW use same FW (e.g: Marlin with ESP3DLib, grblHal)
      • Raw Classic serial connection
      • MKS Serial connection using MKS protocol
    • Authentication Can be Enabled or Disabled

    • WebCommunication currently only Synchronous, because Asychronous has been put in hold

    • WebSocketIP Ip address for the websocket terminal

    • WebSocketPort Port for the web socket terminal 81

    • Hostname Hostname of ESP3D or main Baord esp3d

    • WiFiMode Current wiFi mode in use can be AP or STA

    • WebUpdate Inform webUI the feature is available or not, can be Enabled or Disabled

    • FlashFileSystem (currently FileSystem, to be updated soon ) The file system used by ESP board can be LittleFS, SPIFFS, Fat, none

    • HostPath Path where the preferences.json and index.html.gz are stored and can be updated (e.g: www)

    • Time Type of time support

      • none Time is not supported
      • Auto Board use internet to sync time and it is successful
      • Failed to set Board use internet to sync time and it is failed
      • Manual Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and it is successful
      • Not set Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and command did not sent it (time may have been set by previous command)
    • CameraID if ESP has camera it contain the camera ID

    • CameraName if ESP has camera it contain the camera name

    • Axisletters Currently only used for grbHAL can be :

      • XYZABC
      • XYZUVZ (supported soon)
      • XYZABCUVZ (supported soon)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get state / Set Serial Communication


[ESP900]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 900
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state



If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial baudrate for main serial communication


[ESP901]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 901
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get state / Set Enable / Disable buzzer


[ESP910]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 910
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial Bridge state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP930]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
      • CLOSE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 930
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial Bridge baudrate


[ESP931]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 931
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set quiet boot if strapping pin is High, can only be done once and cannot be reverted


This command is only available if ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 or ESP32-S2 is used


[ESP999]QUIETBOOT json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if QUIETBOOT is present, it will set the quiet boot flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 999
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when quiet boot is set
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu



The authentication is an additional security layer to protect the ESP3D web interface and ESP3D commands from unauthorized access. It is based on a username and a password. The authentication is optional and can be enabled/disabled in the ESP3D configuration. There are 3 login levels for authentication:

  • guest, which is does not need any authentication
  • user, which has limited access to ESP3D features
  • admin, which has full access to ESP3D features

Currently the login cannot be customized and so is limited to user and admin levels. The guest level is always available and cannot be disabled.


In configuration.h just uncomment the following line to enable the authentication:


Default password authentication for admin is admin and for ‘user’ is user. You can change them using WebInterface or [ESP550] and [ESP555] commands.


Web Interface

When user authentication is enabled, the web interface will ask for a username and a password. If the authentication is successful, the user will be redirected to the web interface. If the authentication fails, the user will be redirected to the login page.

The web interface allows also inline authentication. This means that you can pass the username and password in the URL. This is useful if you want to use some command line to access the web interface like curl or wget. The URL format is the following:


On the web interface an authenticated session will stay open until the browser is closed. So if you close the browser and reopen it, you will be asked for authentication again. This session can also have a timeout. The default timeout is 3 minutes of inactivity. This timeout can be changed in the ESP3D configuration web interface or using [ESP510] command.

ESPXXX Command

When user authentication is enabled, the ESPXXX commands will ask for a password. If the authentication is successful, the command will be executed. If the authentication fails, the command will be rejected.

The session for ESPXXX commands is a sticky session. This means that once authenticated, the session will stay authenticated until the ESP3D is restarted or session is closed (e.g: Telnet / WebSocket).


The current authentication miss a lot of features, like:

  • user management
  • https support
  • password encryption
  • password recovery
  • password expiration in time
  • password lockout if too many failed attempts

So you must not consider authentication as fullproof for security. It is just an additional layer of security.

Because ESPXXX commands only rely on password, do not use same password for user and admin users. If you do so, you will not be able to use ESPXXX commands with user level, everything will be considered as admin when authenticated.

The password are never been displayed in clear text, but they are stored in the ESP3D configuration in clear text. So if you want to change the password, you must use the WebInterface or ESPXXX commands. In web interface the passwords are replaced by ******* so any modification must be complete not partial.

All passwords and sensitive informations are sent using plain text. So if you want to use ESP3D in a public network or outside of your local network (which is not recommended), you must use a VPN.


Here the scope of right for each authentication level:

Feature not authenticated guest user admin
Web Interface No No Yes Yes
Telnet No No Yes Yes
WebSocket No No Yes Yes
WebDav No No Yes Yes
Bluetooth No No Yes Yes
Upload No No Yes Yes
Update No No No Yes
[ESP0] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ESP100] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP101] No No No Set
[ESP102] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP103] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP104] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP105] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP106] No No No Set
[ESP107] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP108] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP110] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP111] No No Get Get
[ESP112] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP114] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP115] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP120] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP121] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP130] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP131] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP140] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP150] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP160] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP161] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP170] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP171] No No Get Get
[ESP180] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP181] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP190] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP191] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP200] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP201] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP202] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP210] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP214] No No Set Set
[ESP215] No No No Set
[ESP220] No No Get Get
[ESP250] No No Set Set
[ESP290] No No Set Set
[ESP400] No No Get Get
[ESP401] No No No Set
[ESP402] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP410] No No Get Get
[ESP420] No No Get Get
[ESP444] No No Set(only RESTART) Set
[ESP450] No No Get Get
[ESP500] Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP510] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP550] No No No Get/Set
[ESP555] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP600] No No Set Set
[ESP610] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP620] No No Set Set
[ESP700] No No Set Set
[ESP701] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP710] No No No Set
[ESP715] No No No Set
[ESP720] No No Get Get
[ESP730] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP740] No No Get Get
[ESP750] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP780] No No Get Get
[ESP790] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP800] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP900] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP901] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP910] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP930] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP931] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP999] No No No Set

API Description


Each authenticated session have unique session id, that will be stored on ESP3D with additionnal informations:

  • session id (25 characters)
  • session level (Guest / Admin / User)
  • client_id (serial / http / telnet / WebSocket)
  • session last activity (timestamp)
  • client IP (http)
  • Client socket ID (telnet / WebSocket)


When authentication is enabled, the http server will check if the session is authenticated. If not, it will ask for authentication. If the session is authenticated, it will check if the session is still valid. If not, it will ask for authentication again. If the session is still valid, it will process the request. the Session ID is stored in the cookie ESP3D_SESSIONID.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


You can use only one type of notification from the following ones:


A pay service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover notification service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a line notification service

Email using SMTP and HTTPS

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a email notification service

IFTTT webhook

A free service up to 5 applets

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover iftt service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a telegram notification service

The notification will also be sent to the WebUi

How to send message ?

Just add following command in your slicer’s end script, or manualy on your GCODE file:
[ESP600]msg pwd=<admin password>

How to ask printer to send command from file played from SD ?

  • on Repetier
    M118 [ESP600]msg

  • on Marlin
    M118 P0 [ESP600]msg

  • on Smoothieware
    echo [ESP600]msg

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Notifications

Pushover Notification

Pushover is paid service

Considering you have pushover account (even just trial) and you already installed pushover client on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://pushover.net/ and connect with email and password
image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to get the token 1, the user token
image image

3 - You also need to generate an application token, which is the token 2
image image

4 - The token 2 generation: image image

5 - Save the generate token 1 and token 2 in ESP3D, and set PUSHOVER as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=PUSHOVER T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T2=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

6 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

7 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Line Notification

Line is free service

Considering you have line account and you already installed line on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://notify-bot.line.me/my/ and connect with email and password image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to generate token
image image

3 - Type token name on top, select recipient(s) and press Generate token
image image

4 - Once token is created you need to copy it
image image

5 - You can create as many tokens you want, and delete the ones you do not need
image image

6 - Save the generate token in ESP3D, and set LINE as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=LINE T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won’t be displayed)

8 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Email Notification

Email Notification is using SMTP and HTTPS, so you need to collect the following information fof your email supplier

  • smtp server address and https port
  • smtp username/ID
  • smtp password

ESP3D use the parameters as follow:

  • token 1 = ID to login to your email supplier
  • token 2 = Password to login to your email supplier
  • token settings = the_recipient email#smtp_server:port where # and : are fields separators.

For example: luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

1 -Save the token 1, token 2 and token settings in ESP3D, and set EMAIL as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=EMAIL T1=luc@gmail.com T2=mypassword TS=luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

2 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

3 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

4 - Important : if you are using Gmail there is an additional step, as by default https access is disabled.
go to : https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps and allow less secure applications to connect gmail enabling http access gmail enabling http access

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

IFTTT Notification

IFTTT is free service up to 5 applets

IFTTT is a wrapper that allows several kind of notifications, please refer to it documentation.
ESP3D use the webhook method.

1 - If you do not have IFTTT account you can create for free to use up to 5 applets. IFFTT account creation step IFFTT account creation step

2 - Create New applet
Create applet Create applet

  • Create new trigger
    create trigger create trigger

  • The trigger is a webhook
    trigger is a webhook trigger is a webhook

  • Choose Web request
    choose web request choose web request

  • Set the event name set event name set event name

  • Define the action you want define wanted action define wanted action

  • Select the service you want to use
    As you can see there are a lot, let use email as example, but you can select any one that fit your needs select device select device select device select device

  • Define the message
    IFTTT allows some variables:

    • title from ESP3D –> value1
    • message from ESP3D –> value2
    • ESP3D hostname –> value3

    define message define message

  • Applet is created applet created applet created

3 - Retrieve the webhook key

  • Go to settings settings settings

  • Select service service service

  • Select webhook webhook webhook

  • Choose documentation documentation documentation

  • Copy the key copy key copy key

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set IFTTT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=IFTTT T1={event} T2={webhooks_key}

5 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

7 - Verify the workflow

  • Go to Applets
    applets applets
  • Select Activity
    activity activity
  • Select the flow to display
    flow to display flow to display

Note: This documentation is not exaustive due to huge features of IFTTT notifications service but base is always same :

IFThis => webhooks based on webrequest
THENThat => IFTTT notification service

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Telegram Notification

Telegram is free service

Considering you have Telegram account and you already installed Telegram on you phone/PC:

You need a bot token and a channel id:
1 - Create a bot with BotFather

  • Open telegram application and open chat with Botfather.
  • Type or select /newbot
  • Type the name of the bot (2) and its username (3)
    image image
  • Doing this you will get your bot token (4) that you need for T1=<bot token>

2 - Create a public channel

  • In telegram select new channel
    image image
  • Type channel name (1) and description (2)
    image image
  • Make channel public and create your channelid/chatid image image
  • Now you have your chatid without the @ 3 - Assign your bot as administrator of your channel so it can use it
  • Press your channel title, the top banner will expand
    image image
  • Selet manage channel image image
  • Push Administrators
    image image
  • Look for your bot in search and add it
    image image
  • Validate bot can have access to channel image image
  • Validate bot can admin the channel image image

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set Telegram as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=TELEGRAM T1=<bot token> T2=<@chatID>

5 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Update support

You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib using the maintenance page, the web ui and the SD Card and OTA process.

Maintenance page

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.

This page is automaticaly available if no index.html / index.html.gz is present on flash filesystem. Another way to access it, is to add the parameter ?forcefallback=yes to your IP address in browser.
image image

Web UI

You need to have webupdate feature enabled.

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.
image image

SD Card

You need to have sd card enabled and sd update feature enabled in configuration.h.


You can update all ESP3DLib settings when board is starting using an ini file named esp3dcnf.ini at root of SD card.

#hostname string of 32 chars max
hostname = myesp

#radio mode bt, wifi-sta, wifi-ap, eth-sta, off
radio_mode = wifi-sta 

#station fallback mode bt, wifi-ap, off
sta_fallback  = wifi-ap

#active when boot device or not  yes / no
radio_enabled = yes

#sta ssid string of 32 chars max 
sta_ssid = myssid

#sta password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars 
sta_password = *******

#sta ip mode dhcp / static
sta_ip_mode = dhcp

#sta static ip
sta_ip =

#sta static gateway
sta_gw =

#sta static mask
sta_msk =

#sta static dns
sta_dns =

#ap ssid string of 32 chars max 
ap_ssid = myssid

#ap password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars
ap_password = 12345678

#ap static ip
ap_ip =

#ap channel 1~14
ap_channel = 11

#active or not serial bridge yes / no
serial_bridge_active = yes

# serial bridge baudrate
serial_bridge_baud = 115200

#active or not http yes / no
http_active = yes

#http port
http_port = 80

#active or not telnet yes / no
telnet_active = yes

#telnet port
telnet_port = 23

#active or not websocket yes / no
websocket_active = yes

#websocket port
websocket_port = 8282

#active or not webdav yes / no
webdav_active = yes

#websocket port
webdav_port = 8282

#active or not ftp yes / no
ftp_active = yes

#ftp control port
ftp_control_port = 21

#ftp active port
ftp_active_port = 20

#ftp passive port
ftp_passive_port = 55600

#auto notification
autonotification = yes

#notification type none / pushover / line / email / telegram /ifttt
notif_type = none 

#notification token 1 string of 64 chars max
notif_token1 = 

#notification token 2 string of 64 chars max
notif_token2 = 

#notification settings string of 127 chars max

#sd card speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32
sd_speed = 4

#check update from sd yes / no
check_for_update = yes

#enable buzzer yes / no
active_buzzer = yes

#active internet time yes / no
active_internet_time = yes

#time servers string of 127 chars max
time_server1 = 1.pool.ntp.org
time_server2 = 2.pool.ntp.org
time_server3 = 3.pool.ntp.org

#time zone -12~12
time_zone = 2
#is dst yes/no
time_dst = no

#authentication passwords string of 20 chars max
admin_password = xxxxxxx
user_password = xxxxxxx
#session time out in min
sesion_timeout = 3

#sensor type if enabled none / dht11 / dht22 / analog / bmp280 / bme280
sensor_type = none
#sensor poiling interval in ms
sensor_interval = 30000

#target firmware marlin / repetier / marlinkimbra / smoothieware / grbl

#baud rate
baud_rate = 115200

#boot delay in ms
boot_delay = 5000

#boot verbose yes / no
boot_verbose = no

#printer screen yes / no
active_remote_screen = yes
#esp3d screen yes / no
active_esp3d_screen = yes
#esp3d serial yes / no
active_serial = yes
#serial bridge yes / no
active_serial_bridge = yes
#websocket yes / no
active_websocket = yes
#telnet yes / no
active_telnet = yes
#bluetooth yes / no
active_bt = yes

Once update is done all passwords set in file will be replaced by ********.



You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib firmware when board is starting using a binary image file of firmware esp3dfw.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfw.ok, if esp3dfw.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfw.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

Flash filesystem

You can update Marlin with ESP3DLib flash filesystem when board is starting using a binary image file of filesystem esp3dfs.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfs.ok, if esp3dfs.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfs.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

OTA (Arduino IDE / PlatformIO)

This feature need to be enabled in configuration.h

Arduino IDE esp8266

Arduino IDE esp32

PlatformIO esp8266

PlatformIO esp32

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About FTP


FTP server accept only one connection at once, be sure you have limited the number of connections in your client settings

The FTP server can serve flash only, sd only or both at once, but the sd support is limited direct sd and shared sd connections, serial connection is not supported (e.g. MKS protocol)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About WebDAV

The WebDAV server can serve flash only, sd only or both at once, but the sd support is limited direct sd and shared sd connections, serial connection is not supported (e.g. MKS protocol)

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please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


  • Entry points in Marlin
#include "esp3dlib.h"
Serial2Socket class
 //idle task
//Custom command

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of API

Web Handlers

/ (GET)

root is the default handler where all files will be served, if no file is defined, it looks for index.html or index.html.gz (compressed) if you call specific file, it will look for the filename and filename.gz (compressed) if no file is defined and there is not index.html(.gz) it will display embedded page another way to show the embedded page is /?forcefallback=yes

/sd/ (GET)

it will serve any file from SD card if there is one, it is only a wrapper to read SD card, no upload

/files (GET/POST)

this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list  
            "name":"index.html.gz", //the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/sdfiles (GET/POST) )

this handler handle all commands for SD, including upload on SD (only shared and direct SD) this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - list Will refresh the stats of the files - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list
            "name":"3Oc-pika2.gco",//the name of the file
            "shortname":"3Oc-pika2.gco", //the 8.3 shortname if available, if not the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/upload (POST)

this handler is for MKS boards using MKS communication protocol if enabled, it handle only upload on SD

/command (GET)

this handler is for all commands the parameter is cmd=... if it is an [ESPXXX] command the answer is the [ESPXXX] response if it is not an [ESPXXX] command the answer is ESP3D says: command forwarded and can be ignored

/login (GET/POST)

this handler is for authentication function if enabled possible options/arguments are:
- DISCONNECT=YES it will clear current session, remove authentication cookie, set status to disconnected and response code to 401 - SUBMIT=YES to login it will need also PASSWORD=... and USER=..., the answer will be 200 if success and 401 if failed if user is already authenticated it can use NEWPASSWORD=... instead of PASSWORD=... to change his password, if successful answer will be returned with code 200, otherwise code will be 500 if change failed or if password format is invalid


  • if authentified and no submission:
    {"status":"Identified","authentication_lvl":"admin"} and code 200
  • if not authenticated and no submission:
    {"status":"Wrong authentication!","authentication_lvl":"guest"} and code 401

/config (GET)

this handler is a shortcut to [ESP420] command in text mode, to get output in json add json=yes

/updatefw (GET/POST)

this handler is for FW upload and update Answer output is : {"status":"..."} if upload is successful the ESP will restart

/snap (GET)

this handler is on esp32cam with camera enabled to capture a Frame it answer by sending a jpg image

/description.xml (GET)

this handler is for SSDP if enabled to present device informations

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
        <modelName>ESP Board</modelName>
        <modelNumber>ESP3D 3.0</modelNumber>
        <manufacturer>Espressif Systems</manufacturer>

Captive portal bypass handlers

to avoid a redirect to index.html and so a refresh of the page, some classic handler have been added so they all go to / handler actually

  • /generate_204
  • /gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com
  • /fwlink/

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Web Sockets

there are 2

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3 and port is web port +1 (e.g: 80+1=>81)

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or “none” if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino and port is any defined port (e.g: 8282)

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame

C M 0 1 A

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Hardware


From FYSETC, an ESP32 controller with 16MB flash memory, no IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 16MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

MKS Tinybee

From Maker Base, an ESP32 controller with 8MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 8MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


From Maple Rain, an ESP32 controller with 4MB flash memory, no IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
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From Maple Rain, an ESP32 controller with 4MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Panda Zhu/M4

From Mark Niu, two ESP32 controllers with 4MB flash memory, with IO expander.

image image


  • ESP32 with 4MB flash memory, sd card reader

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Big thanks to :

ESP3DLib contributors for their suggestions, feedback and ideas submitted during 1.X sustaining phase and 3.X development phase which pushed me to rewrite the ESP3DLib/ESP3D code to make it better and easier to sustain.

Embedded code / inspiration code


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


What is ESP3D-TFT ?

ESP3D-TFT is a firmware for ESP32 boards from espressif with a TFT and a SD Card, allowing to control a 3D Printer or CNC by serial or USB depending of ESP32 board used.

Firmware support different target firmwares according version.

There is not yet currently any production version, but only one development version - actively developed.

Cybersecurity concerns

If you plan to have access to you ESP from outside of your private network than you need to apply some basic security rules to avoid anybody to be able to access your ESP.

Disclaimer : this is for reference - you are responsible of your board and internet network, we are not responsible for any damage to any of your network appliances.


Following steps must be done before your ESP is visible from public internet:

  • Activate authentication in comfiguration file before flashing
  • Change default user and password (this can be done with commands or webui)

Is also strongly recommended to:

  • Use strong passwords
  • Use unique passwords, not same as for other accounts
  • Change password regularly
  • Configure box to redirect a different port than 80 to the port 80 of ESP
  • Use DMZ feature of your box

Additional tips

  • Remember the web server is not https, this means the server will never be fully secure. In particular, avoid to connect to your printer from any public network you do not own. Stick to your 4G network or other safe places to avoid MITM attack

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3D-TFT

Version 1.X

This version is the development version, features can change anytime, feedback, PR and suggestions are welcome.

Firmware should work with the following firmwares:

The communication between ESP board and target board is done by serial or by USB depending of ESP32 board.

The firmware must be used with ESP3D-WEBUI 3.X

Estimated planning

%%{init:{"theme":"default"}}%% gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title ESP3D-TFT Planning section Code Study IDF FrameWork Study :done, des1, 2022-08-24,2022-09-05 Code project definition :done, des2, 2022-09-06, 2022-09-16 section Code implementation Drivers implementation :done, des3, 2022-09-16, 2022-10-06 Serial implementation :done, des4, 2022-10-07, 2022-10-12 ESP3D Commands API :done, des5, 2022-10-13, 2022-10-23 Filesystem API :done, des6, 2022-10-24, 2022-10-27 Network implementation :done, des7, 2022-10-28, 2022-11-03 SD API :done, des8, 2022-11-04, 2022-11-06 HTTP Server :done, des9, 2022-11-07, 2022-12-04 WebSocket Server code base :done, des10, 2022-12-04, 2022-12-05 Tests and Bug fixes :done, des11, 2022-12-05, 2022-12-11 Update feature :done, des12, 2022-12-11, 2022-12-12 Notifications feature :done, des13, 2022-12-13, 2022-12-19 mDNS feature :done, des14, 2022-12-19, 2022-12-20 SSDP feature :done, des15, 2022-12-19, 2022-12-30 Telnet server feature :done, des16, 2022-12-31, 2023-01-07 Tests and Bug fixes :done, des17, 2022-12-31, 2023-01-15 USB Host feature :done, des18, 2023-01-16, 2023-01-18 Build-CI implementation :done, des19, 2023-01-18, 2023-01-22 Authentication implementation :done, des20, 2023-01-23, 2023-02-12 esp3d.io setup :done, des21, 2023-02-13, 2023-02-26 Tests and Bug fixes :done, des22, 2023-02-26, 2023-02-27 Streaming Host :active, des23, 2023-02-27, 60d TFT UI definition : des24, after des23, 7d TFT UI mockup : des25, after des24, 7d TFT UI implementation : des26, after des25, 60d Tests and Bug fixes : des27, after des26, 7d WebDAV implementation : des28, after des27, 14d Bluetooth implementation : des29, after des28, 7d Buzzer support : des30, after des29, 7d Pins control support : des31, after des30, 7d Auto script support at start : des32, after des31, 7d

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Version 1.X


The V3.X features are :

  • Embedded maintenance page (terminal / local FS update / ESP3D Firmware update)
  • WebUI support
  • ESP32 / ESP32-S3 support
  • Wifi
  • Raw TCP / serial bridge support (light telnet)
  • Websocket / serial bridge support
  • Serial / Serial bridge support
  • Bluetooth Serial bridge support (when BT supported)
  • Serial commands configurations
  • Authentication support (admin / user)
  • WebDav support
  • Local FS support:
    • Little FS
  • SD support(Direct connection)
    • File format
      • Native SPI
      • Native SDIO (ESP32 only)
  • USB Host support
  • Global FS under Webdav : SD + Local FS in same directory
  • Buzzer support
  • Pins control by commands
  • Time synchronization support (manual / internet server)
  • Notifications support
    • WebUI
    • TFT/OLED
    • Email
    • Line
    • Telegram
    • PushOver
    • IFTTT
  • Auto script support at start
  • Host GCODE stream for macros hosted on local FS (Work in Progress)
  • Update
    • ESP3D configuration using ini file on SD
    • ESP3D update using binary file on SD
    • OTA support
    • Update by WebUI

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Download the project

Using git

  • Clone repository
    git clone https://github.com/luc-github/ESP3D-TFT.git ESP3D-TFT
  • Go to the project
    cd ESP3D-TFT
  • Update the project submodules
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Using release package

Not ready yet, please be patient

Setup your development environment

Download and install VSCode

Install the espressif vscode extension

The espressif extension can be installed using the extension manager.

Please follow the official tutorial

Configure the extension

  • Select : View->Command palette
  • Type : configure esp

Currently ESP3D-TFT use the released version 5.1 of the IDF

Open ESP3D-TFT project

  • Go to file and select open folder where project is located

Configure the CMakeLists.txt

Select the target according the hardware

# #######################################
# Select the targeted hardware
# #######################################
OPTION(ESP32_2432S028R "TFT TARGET is ESP32_2432S028R 2.8inches" OFF)
OPTION(ESP32S3_HMI43V3 "TFT TARGET is ESP32S3 HMI 4.3inches" ON)
OPTION(ESP32_ROTRICS_DEXARM35 "TFT TARGET is ESP32 Rotrics DexArm 3.5inches" OFF)
OPTION(ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832 "TFT TARGET is ESP32S3 Panlee ZX3D50CE02S-SRC-4832 3.5inches" OFF)

# #######################################
# Select the targeted firmware
# #######################################

# #######################################
# Select the Options
# #######################################
OPTION(ESP3D_AUTHENTICATION "Authentication on all clients" OFF)
OPTION(BT_SERVICE "Bluetooth service" ON)
OPTION(WEB_SERVICES "Web Services http/websocket" ON)
OPTION(WS_SERVICE "WebSocket data service" ON)
OPTION(GCODE_HOST_SERVICE "GCode Streaming service" ON)

# #######################################
# Do not change anything above this line
# #######################################
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12.4)

    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32_2432S028R/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32_2432S028R/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32S3_HMI43V3/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_HMI43V3/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32_ROTRICS_DEXARM35/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32_ROTRICS_DEXARM35/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32S3_FREENOVE_1_1/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_FREENOVE_1_1/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32S3_CUSTOM/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_CUSTOM/components)
    set(SDKCONFIG hardware/ESP32_CUSTOM/sdkconfig)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_CUSTOM/components)
        "No hardware target defined, please define a target in CMakeLists.txt"
        "Now cmake will exit")

        "No firmware target defined, please define a target in CMakeLists.txt"
        "Now cmake will exit")


# For lvgl_conf to use simple path

# ESP3D-TFT specific log level
# All  = 2
# Error only = 1
# Disabled = 0
# Disable ANSI color to fit some serial terminals 

# ESP3D-TFT specific bechmark
# Enabled  = 1
# Disabled = 0
















    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32_2432S028R/components)
    set(TFT_TARGET "ESP32_2432S028R")
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_HMI43V3/components)
    set(TFT_TARGET "ESP32S3_HMI43V3")
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32_ROTRICS_DEXARM35/components)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832/components)
    set(TFT_TARGET "ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832")
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_FREENOVE_1_1/components)
    set(TFT_TARGET "ESP32S3_FREENOVE_1_1")
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32S3_CUSTOM/components)
    set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS hardware/ESP32_CUSTOM/components)

# Add entry point for customizations headers

    VERSION 1.0
message(STATUS "")
message(STATUS "----Project definition----")
message(STATUS "--------------------------")
message(STATUS "")

Clean / Compile / Flash

  • Select : View->Command palette
    • Type : ESP-IDF: (Clean / Build / Flash..)


  • Just use the bottom menu for all commands

image image


Sometime the build button failed and you must delete the build directory manualy

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation

ESP3D commands


1 - Add space to separate parameters
2 - If parameter has space add \ in front of space to not be seen as separator
3 - json, json=YES, json=TRUE, json=1 are paremeters to switch output to json

By default output is plain text, to get json formated output add json or json=yes after main parameters.

The json format is:

    cmd:"<command id>", //the id of requested command
    status:"<ok/error>" //give if it is success or an failure
    data:"<response>" // response corresponding to answer in json format too


  • Show commands help
    [ESP]<command id> json=<no>

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3D commands


Set / Display Station SSID


[ESP100]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 100
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Station Password


[ESP101]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format:
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 101
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

if error :

  • in json format:
"data":"Password not displayable"
  • plain text:
error: Password not displayable

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP mode


[ESP102]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: DHCP or STATIC


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 102
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Station IP address


[ESP103]IP=<IP> MSK=<IP> GW=<IP> DNS=<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP
  • MSK

    • if MSK is empty, it will display defined Network Mask
    • if MSK is not empty, it will set the Network Mask
  • GW

    • if GW is empty, it will display defined Gateway
    • if GW is not empty, it will set the Gateway
  • DNS

    • if DNS is empty, it will display defined DNS
    • if DNS is not empty, it will set the DNS


  • In json format
 "cmd": "103",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": {
  "ip": "",
  "gw": "",
  "msk": "",
  "dns": ""
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 103
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP, GW, MSK and DNS

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set station fallback mode state at boot which can be BT, CONFIG, OFF


[ESP104]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, CCONFIG or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 104
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point SSID


[ESP105]<SSID> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format
    can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SSID

    • if SSID is empty, it will display current SSID
    • if SSID is not empty, it will set the SSID


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 105
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the SSID

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Access point password


[ESP106]<password> <NOPASSWORD> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password

    • if password is not empty, it will set the password

    • if NOPASSWORD is present, it will remove the password
  • if password is empty and NOPASSWORD is not present, it will raise error: `Password not displayable``


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 106
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point IP value


[ESP107]<IP> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • IP

    • if IP is empty, it will display defined IP
    • if IP is not empty, it will set the IP


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 107
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Access point channel value


[ESP108]<channel> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • channel

    • if channel is empty, it will display defined channel
    • if channel is not empty, it will set the channel


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 108
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the channel

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / display radio state at boot which can be BT, STA, AP, CONFIG, OFF


[ESP110]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: BT, STA, AP, CONFIG or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 110
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode OFF

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Display current IP


[ESP111]<ALL> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • ALL

    • it is set it will display IP, GW, MSK, DNS ip


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 111
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the IP

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set / Display Hostname


[ESP112]<hostname> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • hostname

    • if hostname is empty, it will display current hostname
    • if hostname is not empty, it will set the hostname


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 112
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the hostname

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set Boot radio state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP114]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 114
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set immediate Network (WiFi/BT/Ethernet) state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP115]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 115
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP state which can be ON, OFF


[ESP120]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON or OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 120
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set HTTP port


[ESP121]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 121
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP130]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 130
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set TELNET port


[ESP131]<port> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • port

    • if port is empty, it will display current port
    • if port is not empty, it will set the port


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 131
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the port

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Sync / Set / Get current time


[ESP140]<SYNC> <srv1=XXXXX> <srv2=XXXXX> <srv3=XXXXX> <tzone=+HH:SS> <ntp=YES/NO> <time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> NOW json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • srv1 / srv2 / srv3

    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are empty, it will display current NTP servers
    • if srv1 / srv2 / srv3 are not empty, it will set the NTP servers
  • tzone

    • if tzone is empty, it will display current time zone
    • if tzone is not empty, it will set the time zone
  • time

    • if time is empty, it will display current time
    • if time is not empty, it will set the time
  • ntp

    • if ntp is empty, it will display current NTP state
    • if ntp is not empty, it will set the NTP state
  • SYNC

    • if SYNC, it will restart NTP service to sync time
  • NOW

    • if NOW, it will display current time in ISO 8601 format with time zone


  • In json format
   "data":"2020-01-01T00:00:00 (+08:00)"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 140
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the time

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set WebSocket state which can be ON, OFF, CLOSE


[ESP160]<mode> json=<no> pwd=<admin/user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • mode

    • if mode is empty, it will display current mode
    • if mode is not empty, it will set the setting mode: ON, OFF or CLOSE


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 160
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the mode

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD state


[ESP200] json=<YES/NO> <RELEASESD> <REFRESH> pwd=<user/admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      • if RELEASESD is present, it will release SD card

      • if REFRESH is present, it will refresh SD card


  • In json format

states can be : Busy. "Not available, ok, No SD card

  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 200
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD card Speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32


[ESP202]SPEED=<factor> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SPEED=

    • if factor is empty, it will display current factor
    • if factor is not empty, it will set the factor


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 202
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current SPI factor

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get Sensor Value / type/Set Sensor type


[ESP210]<type=NONE/xxx> <interval=XXX in millisec> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

    • type

      • if type is empty, it will display current type
      • if type is not empty, it will set the type
    • interval

      • if interval is empty, it will display current interval
      • if interval is not empty, it will set the interval


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 210
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Output to esp screen status


[ESP214]<Text> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Text

    • if Text is not empty, it will set the Text
    • if Text is empty, it will clear current Text


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 214
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D pins definition


[ESP220] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
 "cmd": "220",
 "status": "ok",
 "data": [
   "id": "SD CS",
   "value": "13"
   "id": "SD MOSI",
   "value": "15"
   "id": "SD MISO",
   "value": "2"
   "id": "SD SCK",
   "value": "14"
   "id": "SD DETECT",
   "value": "-1"
   "id": "SD SWITCH",
   "value": "26"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 220
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the pins definitions
  • plain text format
SD CS: 13
SD SCK: 14

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Play sound


[ESP250]F=<frequency> D=<duration> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • F

    • if F is empty, it will use current frequency
    • if F is not empty, it will use the frequency
  • D

    • if D is empty, it will use current duration
    • if D is not empty, it will use the duration


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 250
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Delay/Pause command


[ESP290]<delay in ms> json=<no> pwd=<user password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • delay

    • if delay is empty, it will use 0 delay
    • if delay is not empty, it will use the delay


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 290
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get full ESP3D settings


[ESP400] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


Passwords are not displayed and replaced by ********

  • if json
{"F":"network/network","P":"130","T":"S","R":"1","V":"esp3d","H":"hostname" ,"S":"32", "M":"1"},
{"F":"network/network","P":"0","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"radio mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"99","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"ip mode","O":[{"dhcp":"1"},
{"F":"network/sta","P":"1035","T":"B","R":"0","V":"5","H":"sta fallback mode","O":[{"none":"0"},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"1022","T":"B","R":"1","V":"1","H":"auto notif","O":[{"no":"0"},{"yes":"1"}]},
{"F":"service/notification","P":"856","T":"S","R":"1","V":" ","S":"128","H":"ts","M":"0"},

1 - key : Settings
2 - value: array of data formated like this
{“F”:“service/notification”,“P”:“1004”,“T”:“B”,“V”:“1”,“H”:“auto notif”,“O”:[{“no”:“0”},{“yes”:“1”}]}

-   F: is filter formated as section/sub-section, if section is same as sub-section, it means no sub-section
-   P: is id (also position reference so it is unique)
-   T: is type of data which can be:
    -   S: for string
    -   I: for integer
    -   B: for Byte
    -   A: for IP address / Mask
    -   F: for float (only grblHAL)
    -   M: for bits mask (only grblHAL)
    -   X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)
-   V: is current value, if type is string and value is `********`, (8 stars) then it is a password
-   E: is integer for exactess / precision of float/double value (only grblHAL)
-   U: is text unit of value (only grblHAL)
-   H: is text label of value
-   S: is max size if type is string, and max possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   M: is min size if type is string, and min possible value if value is number (byte, integer)
-   MS: is additionnal min size if type is string (e.g for password can be 0 or 8, so need additional min size), M should be the more minimal value
    so MS value must be between M and S
-   O: is an array of {label:value} used for possible values in selection or bits labels list
-   R: need restart to be applied

Note: if Type M and X use O entry to define the label / position, if O is [] then axis label are used according need X, Y, Z, A, B, C
Note2 : the 2.1 Flag type is no more used, several entries are used instead grouped by sub-section

If no json the list is limited to a list of <help>: <value>

network/network/hostname: esp3d
network/network/radio mode: 5
network/network/radio_boot: 1
network/sta/SSID: NETWORK_SSID
network/sta/pwd: ********
network/sta/ip mode: 1
network/sta/sta fallback mode: 5
network/ap/SSID: ESP3D
network/ap/pwd: ********
network/ap/channel: 11
service/time/i-time: 0
service/time/tzone: +00:00
service/time/t-server: time.windows.com
service/time/t-server: time.google.com
service/time/t-server: 0.pool.ntp.org
service/notification/auto notif: 1
service/notification/notification: 0
system/system/targetfw: 0
system/system/baud: 115200
system/boot/bootdelay: 10000
system/boot/verbose: 0

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D settings


[ESP401]<P=id> <T=type> <V=value> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • P

    • P is the id or position in EEPROM of the setting to change
  • T * T is the type of the setting to change * T can be: - S: for string - I: for integer - B: for Byte - A: for IP address / Mask - F: for float (only grblHAL) - M: for bits mask (only grblHAL) - X: for exclusive bitsfield (only grblHAL)

  • V * V is the value to set if value has space add \`` in front of space to not be seen as separator e.g: [ESP401]P=1 T=S V=My\ SSID json`


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 401
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the id/position of the setting changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set SD updater check at boot time


[ESP402]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state ON, OFF


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 402
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the state

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List all AP detected around, if signal is too low, AP is not listed to avoid connection problems.


[ESP410] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 410
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of AP detected with signal strength and if protected or not
  • plain text format
Start Scan
Luc-Lab 100%    Secure
CHT0573(Mesh)   100%    Secure
[LG_AirPurifier]    46%     Secure
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get ESP3D current status


[ESP420] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


      {"id":"chip id","value":"11111"},
      {"id":"CPU Freq","value":"240Mhz"},
      {"id":"CPU Temp","value":"72.8C"},
      {"id":"free mem","value":"232.43 KB"},
      {"id":"flash size","value":"4.00 MB"},
      {"id":"FS type","value":"LittleFS"},
      {"id":"FS usage","value":"112.00 KB/128.00 KB"},
      {"id":"sleep mode","value":"none"},
      {"id":"wifi mode","value":"ap"},
      {"id":"DHCP Server","value":"ON"},
      {"id":"notification","value":"ON (none)"},
      {"id":"FW ver","value":"3.0.0.a225"},
      {"id":"FW arch","value":"ESP32"}]}
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 420
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, where each status is a key/value pair of id/value
  • plain text format
chip id: 1010100
CPU Freq: 240Mhz
CPU Temp: 72.8C
free mem: 232.47 KB
SDK: v4.4.4
flash size: 4.00 MB
FS type: LittleFS
FS usage: 112.00 KB/128.00 KB
baud: 115200
sleep mode: none
wifi: ON
hostname: esp3d
wifi mode: ap
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
visible: yes
authentication: WPA2
DHCP Server: ON
clients: 0
sta: OFF
mac: D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4
ntp: OFF
serial: ON
notification: ON (none)
targetfw: unknown
FW ver: 3.0.0.a225
FW arch: ESP32

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set ESP3D state


[ESP444]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • state

    • RESET to reset all settings to default
    • RESTART to restart ESP3D


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 444
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List available ESP3D modules/ ESP3D related devices around


[ESP450] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 450
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the list of modules detected with hostname, IP, port and TXT record
  • plain text format
Start Scan
esp3d-tft ( version=1.0.0.a18,firmware=ESP3D-TFT
End Scan

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List available ESP3D modules/ ESP3D related devices around


[ESP460]DUMP json=<no> <pwd=admin/user> <language code>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • DUMP

    • if DUMP is not empty, it will display the complet language language reference
  • language code

    • if language code is not empty, it will set the language code
    • if language code is not empty, it will display the current language code (default, fr, cn_tw, etc) the code will be used to build a filename ui_<language code>.lng which should contain the language reference translated


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 460
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the language code fr

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get authentication status


[ESP500] json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 500
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current user authenticated
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/display session time out


[ESP510]<timeout> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • timeout

    • if timeout is empty, it will display current timeout (0~255 minutes), 0 means disable timeout
    • if timeout is not empty, it will set the timeout
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 510
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current timeout
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change admin password, only authenticated admin can change the password


[ESP550]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the admin limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 550
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Change user password, only authenticated admin/user can change the password


[ESP555]<password> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • password for the user limited to 20 characters


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 555
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when password is changed

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Send Notification using defined method, will also send notification to webui and eventually to any connected screen


[ESP600]<message> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • message the message to send, limited to 128 characters. Message can contain some variables:

    • %ESP_NAME% : ESP3D hostname
    • %ESP_IP% : ESP3D local IP address


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 600
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set/Get Notification settings


[ESP610]type=<NONE/PUSHOVER/EMAIL/LINE/IFTTT> T1=<token1> T2=<token2> TS=<Settings> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • type

    • if type is empty, it will display current type
    • if type is not empty, it will set the type currently only these types are supported:
      • NONE
      • PUSHOVER
      • EMAIL
      • LINE
      • TELEGRAM
      • IFTTT (by webhook)
  • T1

  • T2

  • TS if TS is not empty, it will set the setting token which depend on type of notification

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 610
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when notification is sent

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Process local file on /FS or /SD


[ESP700]<filename> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • filename the filename to process, must be a valid file on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
   "data":"Processing <filename>"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 700
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Processing <filename> when file is processing

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Query and Control ESP700 stream


[ESP701]action=<action> <CLEAR_ERROR>json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is empty, it will display current state
    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • ABORT
      • PAUSE
      • RESUME

    • if CLEAR_ERROR is present, it will clear the current error state


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 701
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state of stream

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Define scripts used when stream is paused/aborted/resumed


[ESP702]<pause/stop/resume>=<script> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action (pause/stop/resume) assign a script to the action


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 702
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current scripts for each action

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Format ESP Filesystem


[ESP710]FORMATFS json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


    • if FORMATFS is present, it will format the local filesystem


  • In json format
   "data":"Starting formating..."
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Starting formating... when filesystem is starting

an new message is sent when formating is done

   "data":"Formating done"
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 710
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here Formating done when filesystem is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /FS or defined repository


[ESP720]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"index.html.gz","size":"88.67 KB","time":"2023-11-05 11:57:57"}
      "total":"128.00 KB",
      "used":"100.00 KB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 720

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • Text

Directory on Flash : /
         index.html.gz  88.67 KB        2023-11-05 11:57:57
Files: 1, Dirs :0
Total: 128.00 KB, Used: 100.00 KB, Available: 28.00 KB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on ESP Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP730]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 730
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List files on /SD or defined repository


[ESP740]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /SD
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
         {"name":"System Volume Information","size":"-1"},
         {"name":"mks_pft70.sys","size":"5 B"},
         {"name":"index.html","size":"57.47 KB"},
         {"name":"index.xml","size":"7.53 KB"},
         {"name":"index.print.html","size":"77.74 KB"}
      "total":"7.20 GB",
      "used":"52.06 MB",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 740

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /SD or defined repository

  • text

Directory on SD : /
[DIR]   System Volume Information
[DIR]   src
[DIR]   testdir
[DIR]   New%20folder2
[DIR]   conventions
[DIR]   extensions
[DIR]   fileupload
[DIR]   realtimecmd
[DIR]   variableslist
[DIR]   webhandlers
[DIR]   websockets
[DIR]   main
         mks_pft70.sys  5 B 
         index.html     57.47 KB 
         index.xml      7.53 KB
         index.print.html       77.74 KB 
Files: 4, Dirs :12
Total: 7.20 GB, Used: 52.06 MB, Available: 7.15 GB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on SD Card: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP750]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 750
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


List Global Filesystem


[ESP780]<Root> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • Root

    • if Root is empty, it will list files on /FS
    • if Root is not empty, it will list files on defined repository


  • json
      "total":"0 B",
      "used":"0 B",
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 780

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response, here the list of files on /FS or defined repository

  • text

Directory on Global FS : /
[DIR]   FS
[DIR]   SD
Files: 0, Dirs :2
Total: 0 B, Used: 0 B, Available: 0 B

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Do some actions on Global Filesystem: rmdir / remove / mkdir / exists / create


[ESP790]<action>=<path> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • action

    • if action is not empty, it will set the action currently only these actions are supported:
      • RMDIR (dir)
      • REMOVE (file)
      • MKDIR (dir)
      • EXISTS (file/dir)
      • CREATE (file)
  • path the path to process, must be a valid file or directory on /FS or /SD


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 790
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here ok when action is done

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get fw capabilities eventually set time with pc time and set setup state


[ESP800]<time=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss> <version=3.0.0-a11> <setup=0/1> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

* json=yes
the output format
* time=
to set ESP3D time using ISO 8601 format : `YYYY`-`MM`-`DD`T`HH`:`minutes`:`seconds`
* tz=+08:00 (optional)
to set ESP3D time zone using ISO 8601 format : `+`/`-` `HH`-`minutes`
* version
version of webUI
* setup flag
Enable / Disable the setup flag


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 800

  • status status of command, should be ok

  • data content of response:

    • FWVersion Version of ESP3D firmware or targeted FW (Marlin with ESP3DLib / grblHal)

    • FWTarget name of targeted Firmware

    • FWTargetID numerical ID of targeted FW as same name can have several Ids

    • Setup Should be Enabled or Disabled according flag in EEPROM/Preferences, this allows to WedUI to start wizard automaticaly (or not)

    • SDConnection This is SD capability, SD can be

      • shared ESP does share access to SD card reader with main board or Firmware (Marlin with ESP3Dlib, ESP3D with hardware SD share solution)
      • direct ESP does have direct access to SD card reader (e.g: ESP3D, grblHal)
      • none ESP does not have direct access to SD card reader, (e.g: ESP3D with only serial connection)
    • SerialProtocol It define how ESP3D FW communicate with main FW

      • Socket ESP and main FW use same FW (e.g: Marlin with ESP3DLib, grblHal)
      • Raw Classic serial connection
      • MKS Serial connection using MKS protocol
    • Authentication Can be Enabled or Disabled

    • WebCommunication currently only Synchronous, because Asychronous has been put in hold

    • WebSocketIP Ip address for the websocket terminal

    • WebSocketPort Port for the web socket terminal 81

    • Hostname Hostname of ESP3D or main Baord esp3d

    • WiFiMode Current wiFi mode in use can be AP or STA

    • WebUpdate Inform webUI the feature is available or not, can be Enabled or Disabled

    • FlashFileSystem (currently FileSystem, to be updated soon ) The file system used by ESP board can be LittleFS, SPIFFS, Fat, none

    • HostPath Path where the preferences.json and index.html.gz are stored and can be updated (e.g: www)

    • Time Type of time support

      • none Time is not supported
      • Auto Board use internet to sync time and it is successful
      • Failed to set Board use internet to sync time and it is failed
      • Manual Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and it is successful
      • Not set Board use time of ESP800 to set the time and command did not sent it (time may have been set by previous command)
    • CameraID if ESP has camera it contain the camera ID

    • CameraName if ESP has camera it contain the camera name

    • Axisletters Currently only used for grbHAL can be :

      • XYZABC
      • XYZUVZ (supported soon)
      • XYZABCUVZ (supported soon)
    • Screen Screen type used by ESP3D-TFT e.g: ESP32S3_HMI43V3

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get state / Set Serial Communication


[ESP900]<state> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • state

    • if state is empty, it will display current state
    • if state is not empty, it will set the state currently only these states are supported:
      • ENABLE
      • DISABLE
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 900
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current state



If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Set Serial baudrate for main serial communication


[ESP901]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 901
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get/Set USB Serial baudrate


[ESP902]<baudrate> json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • baudrate

    • if baudrate is empty, it will display current baudrate
    • if baudrate is not empty, it will set the baudrate currently only these baudrates are supported:
      • 9600
      • 19200
      • 38400
      • 57600
      • 74880
      • 115200
      • 230400
      • 250000
      • 500000
      • 921600
      • 1958400
  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 902
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, here the current baudrate
  • plain text format

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Get / Set commands output, only used with board having the usb-serial feature


[ESP950]<SERIAL/USB> j json=<no> pwd=<admin password>

  • json=no the output format can be in JSON or plain text

  • pwd= the admin password if authentication is enabled

  • SERIAL/USB the serial port to use, can be SERIAL or USB


  • In json format
  • cmd Id of requested command, should be 950
  • status status of command, should be ok
  • data content of response, the method used to ommunicate with printer /cnc, here: USB

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu



The authentication is an additional security layer to protect the ESP3D-TFT web interface and ESP3D-TFT commands from unauthorized access. It is based on a username and a password. The authentication is optional and can be enabled/disabled in the ESP3D-TFT configuration. There are 3 login levels for authentication:

  • guest, which is does not need any authentication
  • user, which has limited access to ESP3D-TFT features
  • admin, which has full access to ESP3D-TFT features

Currently the login cannot be customized and so is limited to user and admin levels. The guest level is always available and cannot be disabled.


In configuration.h just uncomment the following line to enable the authentication:


Default password authentication for admin is admin and for ‘user’ is user. You can change them using WebInterface or [ESP550] and [ESP555] commands.


Web Interface

When user authentication is enabled, the web interface will ask for a username and a password. If the authentication is successful, the user will be redirected to the web interface. If the authentication fails, the user will be redirected to the login page.

The web interface allows also inline authentication. This means that you can pass the username and password in the URL. This is useful if you want to use some command line to access the web interface like curl or wget. The URL format is the following:


On the web interface an authenticated session will stay open until the browser is closed. So if you close the browser and reopen it, you will be asked for authentication again. This session can also have a timeout. The default timeout is 3 minutes of inactivity. This timeout can be changed in the ESP3D-TFT configuration web interface or using [ESP510] command.

ESPXXX Command

When user authentication is enabled, the ESPXXX commands will ask for a password. If the authentication is successful, the command will be executed. If the authentication fails, the command will be rejected.

The session for ESPXXX commands is a sticky session. This means that once authenticated, the session will stay authenticated until the ESP3D-TFT is restarted or session is closed (e.g: Telnet / WebSocket).


The current authentication miss a lot of features, like:

  • user management
  • https support
  • password encryption
  • password recovery
  • password expiration in time
  • password lockout if too many failed attempts

So you must not consider authentication as fullproof for security. It is just an additional layer of security.

Because ESPXXX commands only rely on password, do not use same password for user and admin users. If you do so, you will not be able to use ESPXXX commands with user level, everything will be considered as admin when authenticated.

The password are never been displayed in clear text, but they are stored in the ESP3D-TFT configuration in clear text. So if you want to change the password, you must use the WebInterface or ESPXXX commands. In web interface the passwords are replaced by ******* so any modification must be complete not partial.

All passwords and sensitive informations are sent using plain text. So if you want to use ESP3D-TFT in a public network or outside of your local network (which is not recommended), you must use a VPN.


Here the scope of right for each authentication level:

Feature not authenticated guest user admin
Web Interface No No Yes Yes
Telnet No No Yes Yes
WebSocket No No Yes Yes
WebDav No No Yes Yes
Bluetooth No No No No
Upload No No Yes Yes
Update No No No Yes
[ESP0] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ESP100] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP101] No No No Set
[ESP102] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP103] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP104] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP105] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP106] No No No Set
[ESP107] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP108] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP110] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP111] No No Get Get
[ESP112] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP114] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP115] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP120] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP121] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP130] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP131] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP140] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP160] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP200] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP202] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP214] No No Set Set
[ESP400] No No Get Get
[ESP401] No No No Set
[ESP402] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP410] No No Get Get
[ESP420] No No Get Get
[ESP444] No No Set(only RESTART) Set
[ESP450] No No Get Get
[ESP460] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP500] Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP510] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP550] No No No Get/Set
[ESP555] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP600] No No Set Set
[ESP610] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP700] No No Set Set
[ESP701] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP702] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP710] No No No Set
[ESP720] No No Get Get
[ESP730] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP740] No No Get Get
[ESP750] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP780] No No Get Get
[ESP790] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP800] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP900] No No Get/Set Get/Set
[ESP901] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP902] No No Get Get/Set
[ESP950] No No

API Description


Each authenticated session have unique session id, that will be stored on ESP3D-TFT with additionnal informations:

  • session id (25 characters)
  • session level (Guest / Admin / User)
  • client_id (serial / http / telnet / WebSocket)
  • session last activity (timestamp)
  • client IP (http)
  • Client socket ID (telnet / WebSocket)


When authentication is enabled, the http server will check if the session is authenticated. If not, it will ask for authentication. If the session is authenticated, it will check if the session is still valid. If not, it will ask for authentication again. If the session is still valid, it will process the request. the Session ID is stored in the cookie ESP3D_SESSIONID.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


You can use only one type of notification from the following ones:


A pay service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover notification service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a line notification service

Email using SMTP and HTTPS

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a email notification service

IFTTT webhook

A free service up to 5 applets

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a pushover iftt service


A free service

Please follow this link for more information on how to setup a telegram notification service

The notification will also be sent to the WebUi

How to send message ?

Just add following command in your slicer’s end script, or manualy on your GCODE file:
[ESP600]msg pwd=<admin password>

How to ask printer to send command from file played from SD ?

  • on Repetier
    M118 [ESP600]msg

  • on Marlin
    M118 P0 [ESP600]msg

  • on Smoothieware
    echo [ESP600]msg

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Notifications

Pushover Notification

Pushover is paid service

Considering you have pushover account (even just trial) and you already installed pushover client on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://pushover.net/ and connect with email and password
image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to get the token 1, the user token
image image

3 - You also need to generate an application token, which is the token 2
image image

4 - The token 2 generation: image image

5 - Save the generate token 1 and token 2 in ESP3D, and set PUSHOVER as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=PUSHOVER T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T2=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

6 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

7 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Line Notification

Line is free service

Considering you have line account and you already installed line on you phone/PC:

1 - Go to https://notify-bot.line.me/my/ and connect with email and password image image

2 - Once connected you will be able to generate token
image image

3 - Type token name on top, select recipient(s) and press Generate token
image image

4 - Once token is created you need to copy it
image image

5 - You can create as many tokens you want, and delete the ones you do not need
image image

6 - Save the generate token in ESP3D, and set LINE as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=LINE T1=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1 won’t be displayed)

8 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Email Notification

Email Notification is using SMTP and HTTPS, so you need to collect the following information fof your email supplier

  • smtp server address and https port
  • smtp username/ID
  • smtp password

ESP3D use the parameters as follow:

  • token 1 = ID to login to your email supplier
  • token 2 = Password to login to your email supplier
  • token settings = the_recipient email#smtp_server:port where # and : are fields separators.

For example: luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

1 -Save the token 1, token 2 and token settings in ESP3D, and set EMAIL as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=EMAIL T1=luc@gmail.com T2=mypassword TS=luc@gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:465

2 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1 and T2 won’t be displayed)

3 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

4 - Important : if you are using Gmail there is an additional step, as by default https access is disabled.
go to : https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps and allow less secure applications to connect gmail enabling http access gmail enabling http access

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

IFTTT Notification

IFTTT is free service up to 5 applets

IFTTT is a wrapper that allows several kind of notifications, please refer to it documentation.
ESP3D use the webhook method.

1 - If you do not have IFTTT account you can create for free to use up to 5 applets. IFFTT account creation step IFFTT account creation step

2 - Create New applet
Create applet Create applet

  • Create new trigger
    create trigger create trigger

  • The trigger is a webhook
    trigger is a webhook trigger is a webhook

  • Choose Web request
    choose web request choose web request

  • Set the event name set event name set event name

  • Define the action you want define wanted action define wanted action

  • Select the service you want to use
    As you can see there are a lot, let use email as example, but you can select any one that fit your needs select device select device select device select device

  • Define the message
    IFTTT allows some variables:

    • title from ESP3D –> value1
    • message from ESP3D –> value2
    • ESP3D hostname –> value3

    define message define message

  • Applet is created applet created applet created

3 - Retrieve the webhook key

  • Go to settings settings settings

  • Select service service service

  • Select webhook webhook webhook

  • Choose documentation documentation documentation

  • Copy the key copy key copy key

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set IFTTT as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=IFTTT T1={event} T2={webhooks_key}

5 - type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

7 - Verify the workflow

  • Go to Applets
    applets applets
  • Select Activity
    activity activity
  • Select the flow to display
    flow to display flow to display

Note: This documentation is not exaustive due to huge features of IFTTT notifications service but base is always same :

IFThis => webhooks based on webrequest
THENThat => IFTTT notification service

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Telegram Notification

Telegram is free service

Considering you have Telegram account and you already installed Telegram on you phone/PC:

You need a bot token and a channel id:
1 - Create a bot with BotFather

  • Open telegram application and open chat with Botfather.
  • Type or select /newbot
  • Type the name of the bot (2) and its username (3)
    image image
  • Doing this you will get your bot token (4) that you need for T1=<bot token>

2 - Create a public channel

  • In telegram select new channel
    image image
  • Type channel name (1) and description (2)
    image image
  • Make channel public and create your channelid/chatid image image
  • Now you have your chatid without the @ 3 - Assign your bot as administrator of your channel so it can use it
  • Press your channel title, the top banner will expand
    image image
  • Selet manage channel image image
  • Push Administrators
    image image
  • Look for your bot in search and add it
    image image
  • Validate bot can have access to channel image image
  • Validate bot can admin the channel image image

4 - Save the generate token and chatID in ESP3D, and set Telegram as notification supplier
[ESP610]type=TELEGRAM T1=<bot token> T2=<@chatID>

5 - Type [ESP610] to verify (T1/T2 won’t be displayed)

6 - Try to send message:
[ESP600]Hi there, test from ESP3D

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Update support

You can update ESP3D-TFT using the maintenance page, the web ui and the SD Card and OTA process.

Maintenance page

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.

This page is automaticaly available if no index.html / index.html.gz is present on flash filesystem. Another way to access it, is to add the parameter ?forcefallback=yes to your IP address in browser.
image image

Web UI

You need to have webupdate feature enabled.

You can update/manage flash file system content and update firmware.
image image

SD Card

You need to have sd card enabled and sd update feature enabled in configuration.h.


You can update all esp3d settings when board is starting using an ini file named esp3dcnf.ini at root of SD card.

#hostname string of 32 chars max
hostname = myesp

#radio mode bt, wifi-sta, wifi-ap, eth-sta, off
radio_mode = wifi-sta 

#station fallback mode bt, wifi-ap, off
sta_fallback  = wifi-ap

#active when boot device or not  yes / no
radio_enabled = yes

#sta ssid string of 32 chars max 
sta_ssid = myssid

#sta password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars 
sta_password = *******

#sta ip mode dhcp / static
sta_ip_mode = dhcp

#sta static ip
sta_ip =

#sta static gateway
sta_gw =

#sta static mask
sta_msk =

#sta static dns
sta_dns =

#ap ssid string of 32 chars max 
ap_ssid = myssid

#ap password string of 64 chars max, minimum  0 or 8 chars
ap_password = 12345678

#ap static ip
ap_ip =

#ap channel 1~14
ap_channel = 11

#active or not serial bridge yes / no
serial_bridge_active = yes

# serial bridge baudrate
serial_bridge_baud = 115200

#active or not http yes / no
http_active = yes

#http port
http_port = 80

#active or not telnet yes / no
telnet_active = yes

#telnet port
telnet_port = 23

#active or not websocket yes / no
websocket_active = yes

#websocket port
websocket_port = 8282

#active or not webdav yes / no
webdav_active = yes

#websocket port
webdav_port = 8282

#active or not ftp yes / no
ftp_active = yes

#ftp control port
ftp_control_port = 21

#ftp active port
ftp_active_port = 20

#ftp passive port
ftp_passive_port = 55600

#auto notification
autonotification = yes

#notification type none / pushover / line / email / telegram /ifttt
notif_type = none 

#notification token 1 string of 64 chars max
notif_token1 = 

#notification token 2 string of 64 chars max
notif_token2 = 

#notification settings string of 127 chars max

#sd card speed factor 1 2 4 6 8 16 32
sd_speed = 4

#check update from sd yes / no
check_for_update = yes

#enable buzzer yes / no
active_buzzer = yes

#active internet time yes / no
active_internet_time = yes

#time servers string of 127 chars max
time_server1 = 1.pool.ntp.org
time_server2 = 2.pool.ntp.org
time_server3 = 3.pool.ntp.org

#time zone -12~12
time_zone = 2
#is dst yes/no
time_dst = no

#authentication passwords string of 20 chars max
admin_password = xxxxxxx
user_password = xxxxxxx
#session time out in min
sesion_timeout = 3

#sensor type if enabled none / dht11 / dht22 / analog / bmp280 / bme280
sensor_type = none
#sensor poiling interval in ms
sensor_interval = 30000

#target firmware marlin / repetier / marlinkimbra / smoothieware / grbl

#baud rate
baud_rate = 115200

#boot delay in ms
boot_delay = 5000

#boot verbose yes / no
boot_verbose = no

#printer screen yes / no
active_remote_screen = yes
#esp3d screen yes / no
active_esp3d_screen = yes
#esp3d serial yes / no
active_serial = yes
#serial bridge yes / no
active_serial_bridge = yes
#websocket yes / no
active_websocket = yes
#telnet yes / no
active_telnet = yes
#bluetooth yes / no
active_bt = yes

Once update is done all passwords set in file will be replaced by ********.



You can update esp3d firmware when board is starting using a binary image file of firmware esp3dfw.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfw.ok, if esp3dfw.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfw.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

Flash filesystem

You can update esp3d flash filesystem when board is starting using a binary image file of filesystem esp3dfs.bin at root of SD card. If update is sucessful the file will be renamed to esp3dfs.ok, if esp3dfs.ok already exists, it will be first renamed using some index. If update fail the file is renamed to esp3dfs.bad to avoid to try to update at each boot.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About FTP


FTP server accept only one connection at once, be sure you have limited the number of connections in your client settings

The FTP server can serve flash only, sd only or both at once.

Not yet implemented

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

About WebDAV

The WebDAV server serve filees on flash and sd at once through /webdav.

The authentication is not implemented yet.

WebDav rely on existing http server, so port is same as http server (80).

So access it is based on this URI: http://<your - ip>/webdav

Tested on Windows 11 and also on Filezilla Pro.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Make boot silent

At start the ESP board bootloader generate a report displayed on serial, this report may disturb communication with connected board. It may vary depending on boards but generally look like this:

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4

So make it silent is a must.

On ESP32

Bootloader report is not displayed if GPIO15 is connected to GND at startup.

On ESP32-S3

On ESP32-S3 bootloader report is always displayed by default, changing the behavior can be done only once for the pin GPIO46 in sdkconfig file change :

# Boot ROM Behavior
# end of Boot ROM Behavior


# Boot ROM Behavior
# end of Boot ROM Behavior

Then flash the board, you can reverse the change in SDK config file after as it won’t take in account anymore because the change is only allowed once. On Panlee and HMI S3 the pin that trigger the bootloader report is the GPIO 46 and it is low at boot.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of API

Web Handlers

/ (GET)

root is the default handler where all files will be served, if no file is defined, it looks for index.html or index.html.gz (compressed) if you call specific file, it will look for the filename and filename.gz (compressed) if no file is defined and there is not index.html(.gz) it will display embedded page another way to show the embedded page is /?forcefallback=yes

/sd/ (GET)

it will serve any file from SD card if there is one, it is only a wrapper to read SD card, no upload

/files (GET/POST)

this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list  
            "name":"index.html.gz", //the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/sdfiles (GET/POST) )

this handler handle all commands for SD, including upload on SD (only shared and direct SD) this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - list Will refresh the stats of the files - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list
            "name":"3Oc-pika2.gco",//the name of the file
            "shortname":"3Oc-pika2.gco", //the 8.3 shortname if available, if not the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/upload (POST)

this handler is for MKS boards using MKS communication protocol if enabled, it handle only upload on SD

/command (GET)

this handler is for all commands the parameter is cmd=... if it is an [ESPXXX] command the answer is the [ESPXXX] response if it is not an [ESPXXX] command the answer is ESP3D says: command forwarded and can be ignored

/login (GET/POST)

this handler is for authentication function if enabled possible options/arguments are:
- DISCONNECT=YES it will clear current session, remove authentication cookie, set status to disconnected and response code to 401 - SUBMIT=YES to login it will need also PASSWORD=... and USER=..., the answer will be 200 if success and 401 if failed if user is already authenticated it can use NEWPASSWORD=... instead of PASSWORD=... to change his password, if successful answer will be returned with code 200, otherwise code will be 500 if change failed or if password format is invalid


  • if authentified and no submission:
    {"status":"Identified","authentication_lvl":"admin"} and code 200
  • if not authenticated and no submission:
    {"status":"Wrong authentication!","authentication_lvl":"guest"} and code 401

/config (GET)

this handler is a shortcut to [ESP420] command in text mode, to get output in json add json=yes

/updatefw (GET/POST)

this handler is for FW upload and update Answer output is : {"status":"..."} if upload is successful the ESP will restart

/snap (GET)

this handler is on esp32cam with camera enabled to capture a Frame it answer by sending a jpg image

/description.xml (GET)

this handler is for SSDP if enabled to present device informations

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
        <modelName>ESP Board</modelName>
        <modelNumber>ESP3D 3.0</modelNumber>
        <manufacturer>Espressif Systems</manufacturer>

Captive portal bypass handlers

to avoid a redirect to index.html and so a refresh of the page, some classic handler have been added so they all go to / handler actually

  • /generate_204
  • /gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com
  • /fwlink/

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu



%%{init:{"theme":"default"}}%% graph LR; A[Serial] B[USB] C[GCode Parser] D[Stream] E[Command] F[System] G[Telnet] H[WebUI] I[WebUI WebSocket] K[WebSocket] M[SD Card] D-->|S|B D-->|S|A H-->|S|D G-->|S|D K-->|S|D M-->|S|D E-->|R|I F-->|R|I A-->|R|C B-->|R|C E-->|R|K E-->|R|G E-->|R|K E-->|R|G F-->|R|K F-->|R|G F-->|R|K F-->|R|G C-->|R|D C-->|R|G C-->|R|I C-->|R|K

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Web Sockets

there are 2

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3 and port is same as web port but use address /ws

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or “none” if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino and port same as web port but use address /wsdata

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame

C M 0 1 A

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Syntax conventions


This document is a receipe of conventions that may not be currently implemented yet, but will be from now, current code will be updated according to it before beta state.

Style should be also applied also



  • Use Clang-format
    • Download the tool according your system
    • Install client extension
      CLang-Format from Xaver Hellauer
    • Define the style
      set Google as default style


  • Avoid abreviation as much as possible
  • Avoid unnecessary long name
  • ESP3D is always uppercase in code, esp3d is valid only for filename, any mixing case is proscribed (e.g.:Esp3D/esp3D/Esp3d)
  • ESP command is always uppercase, so any reference to it (e.g.: ESP100) should be uppercase to avoid confusion, only filename can be lowercase, any mixing case is proscribed

File name

  • Use lower case for file names
  • Use underscores as words separators
    e.g: esp3d_settings.cpp

Directory name

  • Use lower case for directory names
  • Use underscores as words separators
    e.g: esp3d_commansds
  • Target directories are the only names that use full uppercase unlike others directories
    e.g: ESP32S3_ZX3D50CE02S_USRC_4832


  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • The first character should be lowercase.
  • Use upper case letters as words separators
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols can be used in names.
  • No keywords can be used as names.
  • Pointer variables should be prepended with ‘p’ and place the asterisk ‘*’ close to the name instead of the pointer type.
  • Static variables should be prepended with ‘s’.
  • always initialize the variable
    char adminPassword[20]{0};
    char *pAdminLogin = nullptr;


  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • The first character should be k.
  • Use upper case letters as words separators
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols can be used in names.
  • No keywords can be used as names.
    e.g: const int kTopLimit 100;


Define use uppercase letters only and underscores as words separators, dash is not allowed.
e.g: #define LOWER_LIMIT 10;


  • Enum should use enum class not plain enum neither enum struct
  • If enum is used by several file, enum should be defined in separate file to avoid repeated definitions, and add _type suffix to file name
  • The first character in the enum name must be in upper case.
  • Use upper case letters as word separators.
  • No underscores (‘_’) are permitted in the enum name.
  • Enum values are lower case and use underscores as words separators.
  • No need to typedef enum
  • Use type as much as possible to clarify any casting if necessary
  • Define enum values as much as possible to ensure consistency when doing update
  • Do not use #ifdef in enum unless all enum values are explicitly defined

e.g: esp3d_gcode_host_type.h

  • not explicitly defined
enum class Esp3dGcodeHostWait : uint8_t {
    no_wait = 0,

Usage example: Esp3dGcodeHostWait::no_wait

  • explicitly defined
enum class Status: char
    high = 'h',
    low = 'l'

Usage example: Status::low


  • If struct/union is used by several file, struct should be defined in separate file to avoid repeated definitions, and add _type suffix to file name
  • The first character in the struct name must be in upper case.
  • Use upper case letters as word separators
  • Struct values are lower case and use underscores as words separators if variables.
  • No need to typedef for struct
  • As we use C++20, initialize struct explicitly

e.g: setting_description_type.h

struct  SettingDescription{
    uint16_t size = 0;
    const char* defaultVal = nullptr;
} ;

usage example: SettingDescription notificationSetting;


  • The class name should be a noun.
  • Use upper case letters as word separators, and lower case for the rest of the word in the class name.
  • The first character in the class name must be in upper case.
  • No underscores (‘_’) are permitted in the class name.
  • The private and protected attribute name in class should be prepended with the character underscore (‘_’).
  • Each method/ function name should begin with a verb.
  • The first character of function/ method argument names should be lowercase.
  • Use upper case letter as word separator
  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols can be used in names except for the underscore(‘_’).
  • No keywords can be used as names.
  • Pointer variables should be prepended with ‘p’ and place the asterisk ‘*’ close to the name instead of the pointer type.
  • Static variables should be prepended with ‘s’.
  • Getter should use same name as attribute name.
  • Setter should use same name as attribute name with set prefix and upper case the first letter of name.


class Esp3dAuthenticationService {
    bool begin();
    bool isAdmin (const char *pwd);
    char * getPassword ();
    std::string _adminPwd;
    char *_pName;
    static char _sLogin; 


  • Each Function/Procedure name should begin with a verb.
  • The first character of argument names should be lowercase.
  • Use upper case letter as word separator
  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols can be used in names except for the underscore(‘_’).
  • No keywords can be used as names.


  • Namespace names are all lower-case, with words separated by underscores.
  • Do not use using but full namespace instead for clarity
namespace esp3d_hal{
    int64_t millis();

usage example: esp3d_hal::millis();


  • If variable
    • Use lower case for names
    • Use underscores as words separators
    • Add suffix _t e.g: typedef int setting_index_t
  • If function
    • Follow function naming syntax
    • Add suffix _t e.g: typedef std::function<bool(const char*, const char*,const char*)> processingFunction_t;

0 and nullptr/NULL

Use nullptr for pointers, and ‘\0’ for chars (and not the 0 literal).

For pointers (address values), use nullptr, as this provides type-safety.

Use ‘\0’ for the null character. Using the correct type makes the code more readable.


Prefer sizeof(varname) to sizeof(type). sizeof(varname) will update appropriately if someone changes the variable type either now or later.

auto type

Only use auto type if no need to to do type deduction, C++ code is usually clearer when types are explicit, especially when type deduction would depend on information from distant parts of the code.


  • Use C++-style casts
    e.g: static_cast<float>(double_value)
  • Do not use C cast unless the cast is to void
    e.g: (int)3.5;


  • Do not mix brace initialization and = for readibility

Lambda Expressions


Inspired from :

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

GCode streaming API


The Gcode Stream Client is the actual streaming service, it is the only one that send msg to output client. On another way the GcodeStreamClient is only one of the active clients which will get the msg from the output client. The GcodeStreamClient use the GCodeParser to parse in/out commands and handle messages correctly.


1 - Streaming Types There are several types of streaming services:
A - Unknown
The type is not yet defined, this type cannot be streamed until it is identified.

B - Single Command
This is for any normal GCODE or ESPXXX command coming from any client, this type cannot be interrupted once started, ESP700 / ESP701 do not support it. This type will be added to the script queue and processed FIFO. 

C - Multiple Commands
This is used by scripts stored in EEPROM (resume/pause/abort), this type cannot be interrupted, and all commands will be executed one after another until the end, ESP700 / ESP701 do not support it. This type will be added to the script queue and processed FIFO

D - Flash File Stream
This is the one that will be used to stream a file from flash, this type can be interrupted only between each command execution.
This type will put in hold if any command is present in scripts queue and resumed when the scripts queue is empty.
This type is used with the command [ESP700]stream=/fs/mystream.gco
the file name must have the /fs/ prefix to be sure that the file is handled properly, the [ESP701] commands can handle it but only between commands commands execution, that the purpose of the stream= tag. This type will be added to the stream queue and processed FIFO.

E - Flash File script
This is the one that will be used to stream a file from flash, unlike previous type this type cannot be interrupted and will be excuted until the end. This one is used with the command [ESP700]/fs/myfile.gco
The file name must have the /fs/ prefix to be sure that the file is handled properly. The [ESP701] command do not handle it. The file should only contain few commands and it is used by macros only
This type will be added to the script queue and processed FIFO

F - SD File Stream
This is the one that will be used to stream a file from sd card, this type can be interrupted only between each command execution.
This type will put in hold if any command is present in scripts queue and resumed when the scripts queue is empty.
This type is used with the command [ESP700]stream=/sd/mystream.gco
the file name must have the /sd/ prefix to be sure that the file is handled properly, the [ESP701] commands can handle it but only between commands commands execution, that the purpose of the stream= tag. This type will be added to the stream queue and processed FIFO.

G - SD File script
This is the one that will be used to stream a file from sd card, unlike previous type this type cannot be interrupted and will be excuted until the end. This one is used with the command [ESP700]/sd/myfile.gco
The file name must have the /sd/ prefix to be sure that the file is handled properly. The [ESP701] command do not handle it. The file should only contain few commands and it is used by macros only
This type will be added to the script queue and processed FIFO

E- Invalid
The type is not yet identified, this type cannot be streamed and will raise an error.

2 - Streaming Queues There are 3 types of queues for streams A - Stream queue This queue contain sd streams and fs streams, this queue has lower processing priority than script queue, which mean when the stream reach some state it can be interrupted, put in hold, and resumed. The active stream of this queue can be monitored and controlled with the command [ESP701] B - Script queue This queue contains single commands, multiple commands, sd scripts and fs scripts. The queue has higher priority than script queue and will be processed before the stream queue. There is not control of this queue from user point of view.

C - Emmergency Queue => TBC
This queue contain single commands that will be executed as soon as possible.

3 - Streaming queue states The stream states only applied streams queue and only to the active stream, not to scripts queue. A - idle The streams queue is empty, but the scripts queue may not be empty B - processing It means at least one stream in streams queue is being processed, even in hold due to scripts queue not being empty. C - paused The current stream in stream queue is paused. D - error Currently not implemented because when a stream go to error it is removed from stream queue to process the next one in stream queue if any.

3 - Stream command states The stream command states cover all states of a processed command. A - Undefined The state is undefined and the command will go to error state. B - Start This is the state to start a command or resume it. Next state is normally Ready to read cursor.

C - Ready to read cursor
This is the state before really processing command, this is the state used to put a stream in hold to allow scripts queue or to respond to external change of state for stream like pause/abort. If not change state requested then the next state will be read cursor state
D - Read Cursor
This state read coming processing command from file/multiple commands line or single command.
According to the command the next state will be send gcode command state or send esp command state.
E - Send gcode command
Send gcode command to the output client, the command may have been completed with line number and checksum if is requested.
Depending of the command the next state will be wait for ack if an ack is requested or ready to read next command if no ack is requested.
F - Send esp command
The command has been identified as ESP command, so it will be handled internaly and response will be sent to the original client
The next state will be ready to read next command.

G - Wait for ack
If the command has been identified as GCode command and this command will send an ack, this state it to wait for it, if no ack received before a specific timout the next state will be the error state, if the ack is received before timeout then the next state will be ready to read next command.
H - Resend gcode command
In case of GCode command that is completed with line number and checksum and if there a checksum error received, this state will be resend the current gcode command again, ater a specific amount of failure the command will go to the error state.
I - Pause
This state will make the current stream queue on hold and process add a specific script to scripts queue if defined in settings, the next state will be paused.
J - Paused
This state will be waiting for resume or abort request to complete the stream.
K - Resume
If the current stream is paused it will resume it by adding a specific script to scripts queue if .defined in settings, and changing the next state as ready to read next command
L - Abort
This state will abort the current stream by adding a specific script to scripts queue if .defined in settings and changing the next state as end for the next command.
M - End
This state will close the current stream and remove it from the corresponding queue.
N - Error
If there is an error during the stream processing the error state will be raised, this state will  notify the user about the error and the next state will be end state to remove failing stream.


the streaming is a loop of different operations 1 - Check external notifications / requests This will check if there is an external request for change stream status e.g: pause or resume or abort

2 - Check what is the current active stream This will check if there is a need of switching between queues and so switch between active streams, emmergency commands queue > scripts queue > streams queue

3 - Check what is the current active stream state This will check if there is a need of changing the current state of the current active stream and applied it

4 - Check the client rx queue and process it This will check if there is response / command in the rx queue, parse the response if necessary to search for a command ack, add any external command to the stream queue coming, etc…

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The WebDAV server serve flash and sd at once.


The protocol is based on HTTP and is designed to allow clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.
WebDav protocol provides facilities to copy, move, delete resources, to query and set properties on resources.
This protocol has several features but many are useless for the purpose of this project, so the protocol will be followed but using only the features that are needed.

The authentication is not implemented yet.

If no namespace is supposed ok for xml tags because there is no possible conflict in webdav requests/responses, Windows seems request them so they have been added.

As it is embedded system on local network, the header Date is not supported, indeed it make no sense to give 1970 based year date, if system date is not initialized.

WebDav version

The version of WebDav that will be used is 1 because we do not need PROPATCH, LOCK and UNLOCK methods. The DAV header will be set to 1. The allow header will be set to GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, MKCOL, COPY, MOVE.

Time format

Date format for WebDav like last modified and creation date is the GMT time format with name of day and month in english: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:04:34 GMT, because even if the rfc says if can be in this format :1997-12-01T17:42:21-08:00, it seems not usable on Filezilla Pro neither Windows, so english date is a must.

GET method

The GET method is used to retrieve information about the resource identified by the Request-URI. And the content of the resource is returned as the response body. The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow
  • Last-Modified
  • Content-Length (if the resource is a file)
  • Content-Type (if the resource is a file)

The content of the reponse is:

  • the file if the resource is a file
  • empty if the resource is a directory

The response code is:

  • 200 if the resource is a file or a directory and the request was successful
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 500 if any error during the file streaming
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)

HEAD method

The HEAD method is used to retrieve information about the resource identified by the Request-URI. The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow
  • Last-Modified
  • Content-Length (if the resource is a file)
  • Content-Type (if the resource is a file)

Unlike GET method, the HEAD method does not return the content of the resource.

The response code is:

  • 200 if the resource is a file or a directory and the request was successful
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 500 if any error during the file streaming
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)

OPTIONS method

The OPTIONS method is used to retrieve the communication options for WebDav. The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow No content The response code is always 200.

DELETE method

The DELETE method is used to delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow No content The response code is:
  • 204 if success
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)
  • 500 if any error during the file/dir deletion
  • 400 if the resource is / or /sd or /fs

MKCOL method

The MKCOL method is used to create a new collection resource at the location specified by the Request-URI. The request has the following headers:

  • Destination is the path of the resource to create. to be used instead of the Request-URI if present. The necessary headers in response are:
  • DAV
  • Allow No content The response code is:
  • 201 if success
  • 409 if the resource already exists
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)
  • 500 if any error during the dir creation
  • 400 if the resource is / or /sd or /fs

PUT method

The PUT method is used to create a new non-collection resource at the location specified by the Request-URI. The request has the following headers:

  • Content-Length is the size of the file.
  • Content-Type is the type of the file.

no Overwrite header because we always overwrite the file.

the request content is the content of the resource to create. The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow
  • Last-Modified No content The response code is:
  • 201 if success and file is created
  • 204 if success and file is overwritten
  • 412 if the resource is a directory
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)
  • 500 if any error during the file creation
  • 507 if the file is too big for the targeted file system


The PROPFIND method retrieves properties defined on the resource identified by the Request-URI, if the Request-URI is a collection it returns the properties of the collection and the properties of the members of the collection. The request has the following headers:

  • Depth can be 0 or 1 or infinity but we do not support infinity so instead we use 1 and that will be returned as the depth in the PROPFIND response
  • Content-Type is the type of the request body. It can be text/xml or application/xml or application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data but we only support text/xml. this content can be ignored because we will always return the same content type.
  • Content-Length is the size of the request body.

The request body can be ignored because we will always return the same content

The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow
  • Content-Type is text/xml
  • Connection: close
  • Content-Length is the size of the response body but because it is not possible to know the size of the response body before generating it because we do not know the number of resources in the directory, we will use chunked transfer encoding. so this header will not be present in the response.
  • depth=1 will only be added in case of a request of depth=infinity

The response body is an xml document containing the properties of the resource.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">
  <D:response xmlns:esp3d="DAV:">
	  <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
		<esp3d:getlastmodified>Wed, 25 Oct 2023 04:44:55 GMT</esp3d:getlastmodified>
		<esp3d:creationdate>Wed, 25 Oct 2023 04:44:55 GMT</esp3d:creationdate>
  <D:response xmlns:esp3d="DAV:">
	  <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
		<esp3d:getlastmodified>Wed, 31 Dec 1969 23:59:59 GMT</esp3d:getlastmodified>
		<esp3d:creationdate>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT</esp3d:creationdate>
  <D:response xmlns:esp3d="DAV:">
	  <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
		<esp3d:getlastmodified>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT</esp3d:getlastmodified>
		<esp3d:creationdate>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT</esp3d:creationdate>

The response code is:

  • 207 if success
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)

COPY method

The COPY method is used to copy the resource identified by the Request-URI to the destination URI. The copy is allowed only for a file and not for a directory. Only move /fs to /fs and /sd to /sd

The request has the following headers:

  • Destination is the path of the resource to create. to be used instead of the Request-URI if present.
  • Overwrite is a boolean that indicates if the destination resource should be overwritten if it already exists. If the header is not present, the default value is false.
  • Depth can be 0 or 1 or infinity but we do not support collection copy so this header is ignored

The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow

No content

The response code is:

  • 201 if success and file is created
  • 204 if success and file is overwritten
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 413 if the resource is a directory
  • 412 if the destination resource already exists and overwrite is false
  • 409 if overwrite is true and the destination and source are different types (file or directory)
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)
  • 500 if any error during the file creation
  • 507 if the file is too big for the targeted file system
  • 400 if source or destination is / or /sd or /fs, or try to /sd to /fs or /fs to /sd

MOVE method

The MOVE method is used to move the resource identified by the Request-URI to the destination URI. There is no merge of the destination resource and the source resource but the destination resource is overwritten/replaced if it already exists. Only move /fs to /fs and /sd to /sd

The request has the following headers:

  • Destination is the path of the resource to create. to be used instead of the Request-URI if present.
  • Overwrite is a boolean that indicates if the destination resource should be overwritten if it already exists. If the header is not present, the default value is false.

The necessary headers in response are:

  • DAV
  • Allow

No content

The response code is:

  • 201 if success and file is created
  • 204 if success and file is overwritten
  • 404 if the resource does not exist
  • 412 if the destination resource already exists and overwrite is false
  • 409 if overwrite is true and the destination and source are different types (file or directory)
  • 503 if any error accessing the local file system (e.g. access denied)
  • 500 if any error during the file creation
  • 400 if source or destination is / or /sd or /fs, or try to move /sd to /fs or /fs to /sd

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Hardware

Subsections of ESP32 boards

3.5' Rotrics

  • ESP32 + SDReader + PSRAM + 3.5’ TFT (480x320) with Resistive touch screen

image image


  • ESP32
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • FLASH: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SDIO 1 bit)
  • 3.5-inch 480x320 TFT display - ILI9488 (SPI)
  • Capacitive touch panel - XPT2046 (SPI)
  • Built-in microphone
  • Speaker
  • 1 USB-C (Serial 1)
  • 1 debug port: GND, 5V, EN, GPIO 0, GPIO 2, GPIO 1 (TX), GPIO 3 (RX)
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A

The USB-C connector is actually a raw serial 1 port, not a real USB port.

Serial 1 is the serial port used for communication with other devices.

Serial 0 is the serial port used for programming the ESP32, this port is not easily accessible because connector is not soldered.

So do not try to flash TFT using usb-c connector, it won’t work.

Note about USB-C connector

The ESP32 serial 1 TX is on both TX3 of USB connector, and ESP32 serial 1 RX is on both RX3 of USB connector, GND is GND, 5V is 5V, D+, D-, TX6 and RX6 seems not connected.

image image


Pin Usage
GPIO 18 CODEC_ES8388_I2C_SDA - CE(low) wired to GND
GPIO 21 TX 1
GPIO 36 RX 1


Pin Usage
ROUT2 speaker
LIN1 microphone

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

3.5' ESP32-3248S035R/C

  • ESP32 based + SDReader + 3.5’ TFT (480x320) with Resistive or Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32
  • FLASH: 4MB* (*Up to 16MB with hardware mod)
  • PSRAM: NO* (*Up to 8MB with hardware mod - See Hardware Mod section below…)
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 3.5-inch 480x320 TFT display - ST7796 (SPI)
  • Touch panel options:
    • ESP32-3248S035R - Resistive touch panel - XPT2046 (SPI)
    • ESP32-3248S035C - Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D or 0x14)
  • 1 RGB led
  • 1 USB-Micro to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A
  • Header P3 : GND - GPIO 35 - GPIO 22 - GPIO 21
  • Header CN1 : GND - NC (or GPIO 22 on some boards) - GPIO 21 - V3.3
  • Header power : VIN - TX - RX - GND


ESP Pin GPIO Description
1 GND Ground
2 VCC +3V3
3 EN RST / TFT_RST (Reset / LCD)
4 GPIO36 SENSOR_VP / RTP_IRQ (Res. Touchscreen)
7 GPIO35 Header P3 Pin 3
8 GPIO32 CTP_SCL (Cap. Touchscreen)
9 GPIO33 CTP_SDA (Cap. Touchscreen) / RTP_CS (Res. Touchscreen)
10 GPIO25 CTP_RST (Cap. Touchscreen)
13 GPIO14 TFT_SCK (TFT) / RTP_CLK (Res. Touchscreen)
14 GPIO12 TFT_SDO (TFT) / RTP_OUT (Res. Touchscreen)
15 GND Ground
16 GPIO13 TFT_SDI (TFT) / RTP_DIN (Res. Touchscreen)
17 SHD/SD2 HOLD (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
18 SWP/SD3 WP (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
19 SCS/CMD CS (SPI Flash)
20 SCK/CLK SCK (SPI Flash)
21 SDO/SD0 SO (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
22 SDI/SD1 SI (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
29 GPIO05 TF_CS (SD Card)
30 GPIO18 TF_CLK (SD Card)
31 GPIO19 MCU_MISO (SD Card)
32 NC NA
33 GPIO21 CTP_INT* (Cap. Touchscreen) / Headers: P3 Pin 1, CN1 Pin 2
34 RXD0 RXD2 Header P1 Pin 3
35 TXD0 TXD2 Header P1 Pin 2
36 GPIO22 Header P3 Pin 2 (also Header CN1 Pin 3 on some boards)
37 GPIO23 MCU_MOSI (SD Card)
38 GND Ground
39 GND Ground

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add Hardware Interrupt for GT911)

NOTE: This only applies to the screen with the Capacitive touch panel (ESP32_3248S035C)

There is a routing mistake on the ESP32_3248S035C board that accidentally connects the Capacitive Touch Screen’s GT911 Interrupt pin to GND instead of through the R25 jumper to GPIO21. This means that the code has to use polling (by default) instead of hardware interrupts to determine when the screen is being touched. This results in excessive CPU utilization of greater than 80%. Making the below modifications results in a significantly reduced CPU utilization of under 10% on avg (on static screens).

Steps (see picture)

  • Cut the PCB trace going to the GT911’s INT pin (labeled as pin 5 on the flex cable). This disconnects GT911’s INT pin from GND.
  • Connect a bodge wire from the GT911’s INT pin to the closest side of R25 (connecting it to GPIO21).
  • Remove (pull-up) resistor R18 (GPIO21 to 3V3). The GT911’s INT pin is not strong enough to drive GPIO21 low with this resistor installed.

NOTE: Remember to enable the HARDWARE_MOD_GT911_INT option in CMakeLists.txt

image-gt911-int-after-mod image-gt911-int-after-mod

Hardware Mod (Add External PSRAM)

This board has an external SOIC-8 footprint near the ESP32 module that is wired in parallel to the built-in SPI Flash. This can be used (with some modifications) to add an external SPI PSRAM in order to achieve more available memory.

NOTE: There are (at least) two revisions of this board.

  • On one revision, the external SOIC-8 footprint is populated with the SPI Flash IC. See Option 1 below for Mod details.
  • On another revision, the external SOIC-8 footprint is un-populated (the SPI flash is built into the ESP32 module). See Option 2 below for Mod details.

In either case, one will first need to acquire a compatible PSRAM IC. This can be desoldered from an existing board (i.e. ESP32-CAM board), or purchased separately. Make sure whatever IC you choose supports 3.3v and at least 80 MHz. Ideally it should support Quad SPI (QIO) as well.

Some compatible 8MB PSRAM ICs are:

  • IPS6404L-SQ-SPN
  • APM6404-SQ-SPN
  • APS6404L-3SQR-SN

NOTE: Remember to choose the correct variant in CMakeLists.txt to enable PSRAM support.

Option 1

On this revision, the PSRAM must be piggy-backed on top of the external Flash IC.

  • Place the PSRAM IC directly on top of the Flash IC (with the same orientation for Pin 1).
  • Connect all Pins (except for Pins 1 & 6) directly to the cooresponding pins on the Flash IC below.
  • Remove the RGB LED, as it conflicts with GPIO 16 & 17 that are needed for the new PSRAM IC.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 1 to GPIO 16.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 6 to GPIO 17.
  • Attach a 10k resistor between Pins 1 & 8 of the PSRAM IC. This is a pull-up resistor that ensures the PSRAM is deselected by default (i.e. when the Flash IC is in use).

Option 2

On this revision, the PSRAM can be soldered to the un-populated SOIC-8 footprint.

  • Cut the PCB trace going to Pin 1 as well as the PCB trace going to pin 6.
  • Solder the PSRAM IC to the SOIC-8 footprint (making sure Pin 1 is in the correct orientation).
  • Remove the RGB LED, as it conflicts with GPIO 16 & 17 that are needed for the new PSRAM IC.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 1 to GPIO 16.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 6 to GPIO 17.
  • Attach a 10k resistor between Pins 1 & 8 of the PSRAM IC. This is a pull-up resistor that ensures the PSRAM is deselected by default (i.e. when the Flash IC is in use).

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

2.8' ESP32-2432S028R

  • ESP32 based + SDReader + 2.8’ TFT (320x240) with Resistive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32
  • FLASH: 4MB* (*Up to 16MB with hardware mod)
  • PSRAM: NO* (*Up to 8MB with hardware mod - See Hardware Mod section below…)
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 2.8-inch 320x240 TFT display - ILI9341 (SPI)
  • Resistive touch panel - XPT2046 (SPI)
  • 1 RGB led
  • 1 USB-Micro to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A
  • Header P3 : GND - GPIO 35 - GPIO 22 - GPIO 21
  • Header CN1 : GND - NC (or GPIO 22 on some boards) - GPIO 27 - V3.3
  • Header power : VIN - TX - RX - GND


ESP Pin GPIO Description
1 GND Ground
2 VCC +3V3
3 EN RST / TFT_RST (Reset / LCD)
4 GPIO36 SENSOR_VP / TP_IRQ (Touchscreen)
5 GPIO39 SENSOR_VN / TP_OUT (Touchscreen)
7 GPIO35 Header P3 Pin 3
8 GPIO32 TP_DIN (Touchscreen)
9 GPIO33 TP_CS (Touchscreen)
10 GPIO25 TP_CLK (Touchscreen)
12 GPIO27 Header CN1 Pin 2
15 GND Ground
17 SHD/SD2 HOLD (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
18 SWP/SD3 WP (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
19 SCS/CMD CS (SPI Flash)
20 SCK/CLK SCK (SPI Flash)
21 SDO/SD0 SO (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
22 SDI/SD1 SI (SPI Flash / PSRAM*)
29 GPIO05 TF_CS (SD Card)
30 GPIO18 TF_CLK (SD Card)
31 GPIO19 MCU_MISO (SD Card)
32 NC NA
33 GPIO21 TFT_BL (TFT) / Header P3 Pin 1
34 RXD0 RXD2 Header P1 Pin 3
35 TXD0 TXD2 Header P1 Pin 2
36 GPIO22 Header P3 Pin 2 (also Header CN1 Pin 3 on some boards)
37 GPIO23 MCU_MOSI (SD Card)
38 GND Ground
39 GND Ground

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add External PSRAM)

This board has an external SOIC-8 footprint near the ESP32 module that is wired in parallel to the built-in SPI Flash. This can be used (with some modifications) to add an external SPI PSRAM in order to achieve more available memory.

NOTE: There are (at least) two revisions of this board.

  • On one revision, the external SOIC-8 footprint is populated with the SPI Flash IC. See Option 1 below for Mod details.
  • On another revision, the external SOIC-8 footprint is un-populated (the SPI flash is built into the ESP32 module). See Option 2 below for Mod details.

In either case, one will first need to acquire a compatible PSRAM IC. This can be desoldered from an existing board (i.e. ESP32-CAM board), or purchased separately. Make sure whatever IC you choose supports 3.3v and at least 80 MHz. Ideally it should support Quad SPI (QIO) as well.

Some compatible 8MB PSRAM ICs are:

  • IPS6404L-SQ-SPN
  • APM6404-SQ-SPN
  • APS6404L-3SQR-SN

NOTE: Remember to choose the correct variant in CMakeLists.txt to enable PSRAM support.

Option 1

On this revision, the PSRAM must be piggy-backed on top of the external Flash IC.

  • Place the PSRAM IC directly on top of the Flash IC (with the same orientation for Pin 1).
  • Connect all Pins (except for Pins 1 & 6) directly to the cooresponding pins on the Flash IC below.
  • Remove the RGB LED, as it conflicts with GPIO 16 & 17 that are needed for the new PSRAM IC.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 1 to GPIO 16 (can use the Pad of the RGB LED closest to the ESP32 module).
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 6 to GPIO 17 (can use the Pad of the RGB LED farthest from the ESP32 module on the bottom row).
  • Attach a 10k resistor between Pins 1 & 8 of the PSRAM IC. This is a pull-up resistor that ensures the PSRAM is deselected by default (i.e. when the Flash IC is in use).

Option 2

On this revision, the PSRAM can be soldered to the un-populated SOIC-8 footprint.

  • Cut the PCB trace going to Pin 1 as well as the PCB trace going to pin 6.
  • Solder the PSRAM IC to the SOIC-8 footprint (making sure Pin 1 is in the correct orientation).
  • Remove the RGB LED, as it conflicts with GPIO 16 & 17 that are needed for the new PSRAM IC.
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 1 to GPIO 16 (can use the Pad of the RGB LED closest to the ESP32 module).
  • Connect a bodge wire from Pin 6 to GPIO 17 (can use the Pad of the RGB LED farthest from the ESP32 module on the bottom row).
  • Attach a 10k resistor between Pins 1 & 8 of the PSRAM IC. This is a pull-up resistor that ensures the PSRAM is deselected by default (i.e. when the Flash IC is in use).

image-before image-before


image-after image-after

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP32-S3 boards

3.5' ZX3D50CE02S-USRC-4832

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 3.5’ TFT (480x320) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • PSRAM: 2MB
  • FLASH: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 3.5-inch 480x320 TFT display - ST7796UI (8080 parallel bus - RGB565)
  • Capacitive touch panel - ft5x06 (i2C 0x38)
  • Audio (NS4168)
  • 1 USB-C OTG (DFU/CDC) port
  • Wakeup and reset buttons,
  • Power switch
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A
  • Dimension: 110 x 61 x 13.5mm
  • 1 Debug interface (7pins): V5 - V3.3 - TX - RX - EN - GPIO 0 - GND / GPIO 14
  • 1 Extended IO interface (8pins): V5 - GND - EXT_IO1- EXT_IO2- EXT_IO3- EXT_IO4- EXT_IO5- EXT_IO6
  • 1 RS485 interface (4pins): RS485-A - RS485-B - GND - V5


ESP Pin GPIO Description
1 GND Ground
2 GPIO04 LCD_RESET / TP_RST (LCD / Touch Screen)
3 GPIO05 TP_SCL (Touch Screen)
4 GPIO06 TP_SDA (Touch Screen)
5 GPIO07 TP_INT (Touch Screen)
6 EN (Debug Pin 5 / Reset Switch)
17 GPIO10 EXT_IO1 (Export IO)
18 GPIO11 EXT_IO2 (Export IO)
19 GPIO12 EXT_IO3 (Export IO)
20 GPIO13 EXT_IO4 (Export IO)
21 GPIO14 EXT_IO5 (Export IO)
22 GPIO21 EXT_IO6 (Export IO)
23 GPIO0 BOOT / LCD_RS (Debug Pin 6 / LCD)
26 VCC +3V3
27 GPIO45 BL_PWM (LCD Blacklight)
28 GPIO35 LRCK (Audio)
29 GPIO36 BCLK (Audio)
30 GPIO37 DOUT (Audio)
31 GPIO38 SD_DO (MISO SD card)
32 GPIO39 SD_CLK (SD card)
33 RX0 RXD0 3.3V TTL Debug Pin 4
34 TX0 TXD0 3.3V TTL Debug Pin 3
35 GPIO40 SD_DI (MOSI SD card)
36 GND Ground
37 GPIO41 SD_CS (SD card)
38 GPIO42 TXD (RS485)
39 GPIO02 RTS (RS485)
40 GPIO01 RXD (RS485)
41 GND Ground

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4.3' HMI-V3

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 4.3’ TFT (800x480) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • PSRAM: 2MB
  • FLASH: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 4.3-inch 800x480 TFT display - RM68120 (8080 parallel bus)
  • Capacitive touch panel - ft5x06 (i2C 0x38)
  • Audio amplifier RealNetworks (i2C 0x68) Speaker
  • Built-in microphone
  • 1 USB-C OTG (DFU/CDC) port
  • 1 USB-C debug port
  • 3-axis accelerometer / 3-axis gyroscope mpu6050 (i2C)
  • temperature and humidity sensors hdc1080 / htu21 (i2C)
  • I2C / SPI / GPIOs
  • Wakeup and reset buttons,
  • Power switch
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A
  • Dimension: 110 x 61 x 13.5mm
  • Header 1 (10 pins): GND, 5V, EXT_IO2, EXT_IO1, 3.3V, RXD, TXD, GND, SCL, SDA
  • Header 2 (10 pins): GND, MOSI, CLK, MISO, CS, IO33, IO46, IO0, EXT_IO0


Pin Usage
GPIO 0 Upload mode

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7.0' ESP32-8048S070C

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 7’ TFT (800x480) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • FLASH: 16MB
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 7-inch 800x480 TFT display - EK9716 (Parallel RGB-565 interface)
  • Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D or 0x14)
  • Audio amplifier MAX98357 (i2s) Speaker
  • 1 USB-C to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • I2C / SPI / GPIOs
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Dimension: 181.0mm x 108.0mm
  • Header P1 (4 pins) (UART): Gnd, Rx, Tx, +5V
  • Header P2 (4 pins) (SPI): IO13, IO12, IO11, IO19
  • Header P3 (4 pins) (USB/UART): IO20, IO19, IO18, IO17
  • Header P4 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd
  • Header P5 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd
  • Header P6 (2 pins) Speaker: (+) (-)


Pin Usage
GPIO 19 CTP_SDA / I2S_BCLK (v1.0)

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add Hardware Interrupt for GT911)

NOTE: This only applies to the screen with the Capacitive touch panel (ESP32_8048S070C)

By default, this board does not connect the Capacitive Touch Screen’s GT911 Interrupt pin to any GPIO pins. This means that the code has to use polling instead of hardware interrupts to determine when the screen is being touched. This results in excessive CPU utilization of greater than 80%. Making the below modifications results in a significantly reduced CPU utilization of under 10% on avg (on static screens).

Steps (see picture)

  • Install a 0 ohm resistor or solder bridge across R17. This connects the GT911’s INT pin to GPIO18.
  • (If installed) Remove (pull-up) resistor R5 (GPIO18 to 3V3). The GT911’s INT pin is not strong enough to drive GPIO18 low with this resistor installed.
  • (If installed) Remove U1 (XPT2046). This is not needed for the Capacitive touch panel and may conflict with GPIO18 if left on the board.

NOTE: Remember to enable the HARDWARE_MOD_GT911_INT option in CMakeLists.txt

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

5.0' ESP32-8048S050C

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 5’ IPS TFT (800x480) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • FLASH: 16MB
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 5-inch 800x480 IPS TFT display - ST7262 (Parallel RGB-565 interface)
  • Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D or 0x14)
  • Audio amplifier MAX98357 (i2s) Speaker
  • 1 USB-C to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • I2C / SPI / GPIOs
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Dimension: 181.0mm x 108.0mm
  • Header P1 (4 pins) (UART): Gnd, Rx, Tx, +5V
  • Header P2 (4 pins) (SPI): IO13, IO12, IO11, IO19
  • Header P3 (4 pins) (USB/UART): IO20, IO19, IO18, IO17
  • Header P4 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd
  • Header P5 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd
  • Header P6 (2 pins) Speaker: (+) (-)


Pin Usage
GPIO 19 CTP_SDA / I2S_BCLK (v1.0)

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add Hardware Interrupt for GT911)

NOTE: This only applies to the screen with the Capacitive touch panel (ESP32_8048S050C)

By default, this board does not connect the Capacitive Touch Screen’s GT911 Interrupt pin to any GPIO pins. This means that the code has to use polling instead of hardware interrupts to determine when the screen is being touched. This results in excessive CPU utilization of greater than 80%. Making the below modifications results in a significantly reduced CPU utilization of under 10% on avg (on static screens).

Steps (see picture)

  • Install a 0 ohm resistor or solder bridge across R17. This connects the GT911’s INT pin to GPIO18.
  • (If installed) Remove (pull-up) resistor R5 (GPIO18 to 3V3). The GT911’s INT pin is not strong enough to drive GPIO18 low with this resistor installed.
  • (If installed) Remove U1 (XPT2046). This is not needed for the Capacitive touch panel and may conflict with GPIO18 if left on the board.

NOTE: Remember to enable the HARDWARE_MOD_GT911_INT option in CMakeLists.txt

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

4.3' ESP32-8048S043C

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 4.3’ IPS TFT (800x480) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • FLASH: 16MB
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 4.3-inch 800x480 IPS TFT display - ST7262 (Parallel RGB-565 interface)
  • Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D or 0x14)
  • 1 USB-C to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • I2C / SPI / GPIOs
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Dimension: 181.0mm x 108.0mm
  • Header P1 (4 pins) (UART): Gnd, Rx, Tx, +5V
  • Header P2 (4 pins) (SPI): IO13, IO12, IO11, IO19
  • Header P3 (4 pins) (USB/UART): IO20, IO19, IO18, IO17
  • Header P4 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd


Pin Usage

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add Hardware Interrupt for GT911)

NOTE: This only applies to the screen with the Capacitive touch panel (ESP32_8048S043C)

By default, this board does not connect the Capacitive Touch Screen’s GT911 Interrupt pin to any GPIO pins. This means that the code has to use polling instead of hardware interrupts to determine when the screen is being touched. This results in excessive CPU utilization of greater than 80%. Making the below modifications results in a significantly reduced CPU utilization of under 10% on avg (on static screens).

Steps (see picture)

  • Install a 0 ohm resistor or solder bridge across R17. This connects the GT911’s INT pin to GPIO18.
  • (If installed) Remove (pull-up) resistor R5 (GPIO18 to 3V3). The GT911’s INT pin is not strong enough to drive GPIO18 low with this resistor installed.
  • (If installed) Remove U1 (XPT2046). This is not needed for the Capacitive touch panel and may conflict with GPIO18 if left on the board.

NOTE: Remember to enable the HARDWARE_MOD_GT911_INT option in CMakeLists.txt

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

4.3' ESP32-4827S043R/C

  • ESP32-S3 based + SDReader + PSRAM + 4.3’ TFT (470x272) with Resistive or Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz with 384KB ROM, 512KB SRAM. 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5
  • FLASH: 16MB
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 4.3-inch 480x272 TFT display - ILI9485 (Parallel RGB-565 interface)
  • Touch panel options:
    • ESP32-4827S043R - Resistive touch panel - XPT2046 (SPI) - not yet supported
    • ESP32-4827S043C - Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D or 0x14)
  • 1 USB-C to Serial 0 (CH340C)
  • I2C / SPI / GPIOs
  • Boot and reset buttons
  • Dimension: 181.0mm x 108.0mm
  • Header P1 (4 pins) (UART): Gnd, Rx, Tx, +5V
  • Header P2 (4 pins) (SPI): IO13, IO12, IO11, IO19
  • Header P3 (4 pins) (USB/UART): IO20, IO19, IO18, IO17
  • Header P4 (4 pins) : IO18, IO17, +3.3v, Gnd


Pin Usage

* Requires Hardware Mod

Hardware Mod (Add Hardware Interrupt for GT911)

NOTE: This only applies to the screen with the Capacitive touch panel (ESP32_4827S043C)

By default, this board does not connect the Capacitive Touch Screen’s GT911 Interrupt pin to any GPIO pins. This means that the code has to use polling instead of hardware interrupts to determine when the screen is being touched. This results in excessive CPU utilization of greater than 80%. Making the below modifications results in a significantly reduced CPU utilization of under 10% on avg (on static screens).

Steps (see picture)

  • Install a 0 ohm resistor or solder bridge across R17. This connects the GT911’s INT pin to GPIO18.
  • (If installed) Remove (pull-up) resistor R5 (GPIO18 to 3V3). The GT911’s INT pin is not strong enough to drive GPIO18 low with this resistor installed.
  • (If installed) Remove U1 (XPT2046). This is not needed for the Capacitive touch panel and may conflict with GPIO18 if left on the board.

NOTE: Remember to enable the HARDWARE_MOD_GT911_INT option in CMakeLists.txt

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

3.5' BZM-V1

  • ESP32 based + TFReader + 3.5’ TFT (480x320) with Capacitive touch screen

image image image image


  • ESP32
  • FLASH: 8MB
  • PSRAM: 8MB
  • Micro-SD card slot (SPI)
  • 3.5-inch 480x320 TFT display - ST7796U (8080 parallel bus - RGB565)
  • Capacitive touch panel - GT911 (i2C - 0x5D)
  • Reset buttons
  • Power Supply: 5V / 1A
  • Dimension: 98.5mm x 56.3mm
  • Header H1 (3 pins) : +5v, Gnd, IO42
  • Header H2 (3 pins) : +5v, Gnd, IO41


Pin Usage
GPIO 41 IO41
GPIO 42 IO42

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Big thanks to :

@3DSmitty for pushing back this old project to the top list of projects.

Embedded code / inspiration code


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


What is ESP3D-WEBUI ?

ESP3D-WEBUI is a web interface designed to work with ESP3D, ESPDLib, ESP3D-TFT and grblHAL


The version to be used depend on firmware version itself, please refer to the firmware version page to know what Web UI to use.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of ESP3D-WEBUI

Version 2.1.X

This version is the production version, features are frozen, only bugfixes are accepted.

WebUI should support features of the following firmwares:

image image

The ESP3D-WEBUI 2.X must be used with ESP3D 2.X, ESP3DLib 1.X.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Version 2.1.X


The V2.1.X features are :

  • Multiple firmwares support: Repetier, Marlin, Smoothieware and GRBL.
  • Multiple languages support
  • Full WiFi configuration of ESP3D settings including web update
  • Control and monitor your connected board and firmware in every aspect (position, temperature, print, SD card content, custom commands, etc…)
  • Macro support to add custom commands in WebUI by adding buttons launching some GCODE files from SD or ESP
  • IP Camera support.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The Web UI is represented by one file : index.hml.gz The full package with all languages is available here But it may not fit your available size on flash, so you can select a single language package here which is lighter and will fit smallest boards.

Upload index.html.gz

Using embedded uploader

image image

If the embedded is not visible you can access to it using: http://your_IP_address?forcefallback=yes anytime

Using Web UI

You can upload file using Web UI

image image

image image

Finalize update

Refresh the page to http://your_IP to display updated Web interface.

image image

Note: you can also upload a customized favicon.ico

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Browser compatibility for ESP3D 2.1.X

OS Browser Support Comment Action
Win7/Win10 IE 11 Limited Dashboard is has one column due to no grid layout support Defined as limitation
Win7 Safari 5.1.7 2012 Low Dashboard is has one column due to no grid layout support / not good SVG support so no Jog UI Defined as limitation
Win10 Edge Ok
Win7 /Win10 Chrome Ok
Win7 Opera Ok
Win7 Firefox Ok
Android Chrome Ok
OSX Safari 11.1.2 2018 Ok

The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation


The WebUI unfortunatly does not support UTF8, so for special character specific to the language like : ¡ í á ó
please refere to : specialcharacters.php and wiki

Language currently supported

English (en) : 100% Here

French (fr) : 72% Here

German (de): 72% Here

Hungarian: (hu) 99% Here

Italian : (it) 72% Here

Spanish : (es) 72% Here

Polish : (pl) 87% Here

Russian: (ru) 87% Here

Ukrainian: (uk) 87% Here

Portuguese-Br: (ptbr) 97% Here

Chinese (simplified) (zh_CN): 99% Here

Chinese (traditional) (zh_TW): 99% Here

Japanese (ja): 99% Here

Turkish: (tr) 97% Here

How to translate

  • Translate the right side only if necessary
  • Check language.tpl if any update
  • Submit Issue or PR with modified file

Note: English is the reference but it can be adjusted if necessary, just add the corresponding reference to the english file.

To add a new language :

The template file is here

  • Change lang to the proper local descriptor
  • Translate the right side only
  • Submit Issue with modified file (do not do PR as another file need to be updated)

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Camera support

You can display external IP camera stream enabling the camera page, and put ip address in input control. The address depend on your camera, same for credentials

The screenshot is just an example

image image

If your camera cannot be opened in web browser, then it is not possible to capture it in WebUI.

If you use espcam32 and want to use esp3d also on it, you need to use ESP3D V3 with ESP3D-WEBUI V3

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


To be able to generate file from sources you need to install nodejs, gulp and some addons.
1 - Install current nodejs LTS (v10.15.3)
2 - Install gulp-cli globaly npm install --global gulp-cli
3 - Install gulp globaly npm install --global gulp@4.0.0
4 - Install all addons npm install

You should have something like this :

E:\github\ESP3D-WEBUI>node -v

E:\github\ESP3D-WEBUI>gulp -v
[22:17:03] CLI version 2.0.1
[22:17:03] Local version 4.0.0

E:\github\ESP3D-WEBUI>npm -v

5 - Do the code modification you want, then launch gulp package.

E:\github\ESP3D-WEBUI>gulp package
[15:17:13] Using gulpfile E:\github\ESP3D-WEBUI\gulpfile.js
[15:17:13] Starting 'package'...
[15:17:13] Starting 'clean'...
[15:17:13] Finished 'clean' after 5.6 ms
[15:17:13] Starting 'lint'...
[15:17:13] Finished 'lint' after 144 ms
[15:17:13] Starting 'Copy'...
[15:17:13] Finished 'Copy' after 21 ms
[15:17:13] Starting 'concatApp'...
[15:17:14] Finished 'concatApp' after 53 ms
[15:17:14] Starting 'includehtml'...
[15:17:14] Finished 'includehtml' after 7.91 ms
[15:17:14] Starting 'includehtml'...
[15:17:14] Finished 'includehtml' after 6.18 ms
[15:17:14] Starting 'replaceSVG'...
[15:17:14] Finished 'replaceSVG' after 5.36 ms
[15:17:14] Starting 'minifyApp'...
\style.css: 125691
\style.css: 102958
[15:17:16] Finished 'minifyApp' after 2.2 s
[15:17:16] Starting 'smoosh'...
[15:17:16] Finished 'smoosh' after 117 ms
[15:17:16] Starting 'compress'...
[15:17:16] Finished 'compress' after 26 ms
[15:17:16] Starting 'clean2'...
[15:17:16] Finished 'clean2' after 3.83 ms
[15:17:16] Finished 'package' after 2.61 s

If no issue, a file called index.html.gz will be generated at the root of repository, so you just need to upload it like described in installation page

By default is build a multilanguage file, if file is too big for your flash size you can build with only english and one additional language:

  • gulp package --lang en will only build english
  • gulp package --lang fr will only build french + english
  • gulp package --lang es will only build spanish + english
  • gulp package --lang it will only build italian + english
  • gulp package --lang de will only build german + english
  • etc…

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Full UI

image image

Terminal panel

image image

Jog panel

image image

Macro dialog

image image

Extruders panel

image image

Temperatures panel

image image

SD panel

Repetier / smoothieware

Long names support image image


Short names only image image

Camera tab

image image

ESP3D tab

image image

Status dialog

image image

Flash filesystem dialog

image image

Firmware update dialog

image image

Target Firmware settings


image image


image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Based on great UI from Jarek Szczepanski (imrahil): smoothieware-webui


A compressed css

Based on bootstrap 3.x

A stripped and limited version of svg icons

Based on Glyphicons Halflings to get a small footprint.

A Customized version of smoothiecharts

Based on smoothiecharts to display temperatures charts

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Version 3.X


The V3.X features are :

Global Features

  • Firmware update
  • WebUI update
  • List of enabled features /capabilities
  • Wifi configuration
  • Features configuration
  • WebUI features configuration
  • Haptic feedback
  • Audio feedback
  • Terminal commands
  • Emmergency stop
  • Pluggins support
  • Themes support (CSS)
  • Language packs support
  • Macro commands
  • Local FS listing / content management
  • External pages/panel support
  • PC / Tablet / phone UI
  • IP Camera & ESP32 Camera display support
  • Import / Export settings
  • Restart board support
  • Monolitic small footprint
  • Single user management support (auto close if not latest connected)
  • Authentication support (admin / user)
  • Configuration wizard (TBD)
  • Firmware supported (3DPrinter / CNC / SandTable):
  • Firmware NOT yet supported:
    • Reprap
    • Klipper

3D Printer Features

  • Target firmware configuration
  • Jog control / monitoring
  • Temperatures control / monitoring
  • Additionnal sensors support
  • Chart support for temperatures / sensors
  • Multiple extruder support
  • Target Firmware SD listing / content management (if supported)
  • TFT SD/USB listing / content management (if supported)
  • Fan control / monitoring (if supported)
  • Flow rate control / monitoring (if supported)
  • Feed rate control / monitoring (if supported)
  • Print control / monitoring
  • More to come…

CNC Features

  • Target firmware configuration
  • Jog control / monitoring
  • Laser control
  • Spindle control
  • Status monitoring
  • Probing control / monitoring
  • Code streaming using ESP3D V3
  • More to come…

Sand Table Features

  • Target firmware configuration
  • Jog control / monitoring
  • Status monitoring
  • More to come…

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The Web UI is represented by one file : index.hml.gz
The index.html.gz according targeted system is available here.

Select the file according your system type (CNC/3D Printer/…) and system firmware (GRBL/Repetier…).

The default language is english, additionnal language pack can be added later independantly.

Upload index.html.gz

Using embedded uploader

image image

If the embedded is not visible you can access to it using: http://your_IP_address?forcefallback=yes anytime

Using Web UI

  • You can upload file using Web UI file panel

image image

image image

  • You can also directly update index.html.gz using Web UI update button image image

Finalize update

Refresh the page to http://your_IP to display updated Web interface.

image image

Note: you can also upload a customized favicon.ico

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


The documentation section will help you on:

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Documentation


Generate template files

Use the script npm run template to geenrate up todate template files for all packs


  • CNC GRBL in languages/cncgrblpack
  • CNC grblHAL languages/cncgrblhalpack
  • 3D Printers (all) languages/printerpack
  • Sand Table (all) languages/sandtablepack

Generate language pack files

  • Rename the template file according the language code http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm using _ instead of - and add lang- in from of name. so for example :

    • for french language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-fr.json
    • for simplified chinese language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-zh_cn.json
    • for simplified chinese language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-zh_cn.json
    • for german language pack, en.json file would be renamed to lang-de.json
  • Modify the language pack file according to the language and test it against the WebUI

  • Compress the final pack use the following command to compress the final pack targeting the file :
    npm run package target=languages/<target pack>/lang-<target language>.json

    so for French language pack for example: npm run package target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json

Compare template pack with language pack file

This script is used to compare current language pack content against the template language pack to see if the language pack need to be updated.

npm run check reference=<template path file> target=<not compressed language pack>

npm run check target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json reference=languages/printerpack/en.json

> ESP3D-WEBUI@3.0.0 check
> node ./config/checkpack.js "target=languages/printerpack/lang-fr.json" "reference=languages/printerpack/en.json"

Comparing files

Checking extra entries...
S724 : Fermer l'application
...done, found  1 extra entries

Checking missing entries...
S14 : Settings
S24 : Close
...done, found  2 missing entries

Comparaison done

Propose / update language pack files

Please do a PR to webUI 3.0 github branch or submit ticket with compressed and clear version of the language pack file
if submitting PR please keep the clear version in languages/<target pack> and compressed version in dist/<target pack>

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Setup development tools

1 - Install current nodejs LTS (currently using v16.14.2)

node -v

npm -v

2 - Download all necessary packages in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm install

Start dev server

in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm run dev-<system>-<firmware>
  • where <system> is cnc (CNC system, laser, spindle..) , printer (3D printer), sand (Sand Table)
  • where <firmware> is :
    • grbl, grblhal for cnc
    • marlin, marlin-embedded (esp3dlib), repetier, smoothieware for printer
    • grbl for sand

will open http://localhost:8088 which display the webUI using a local test server

Build index.html.gz to /dist folder

in ESP3D-WEBUI directory (repository root)

npm run buildall

Will generate production version for each target and firmware in dist directory

to build specific index.html.gz

npm run <system>-<firmware>
  • where <system> is cnc (CNC system, laser, spindle..) , printer (3D printer), sand (Sand Table)
  • where <firmware> is :
    • grbl, grblhal for cnc
    • marlin, marlin-embedded (esp3dlib), repetier, smoothieware for printer
    • grbl for sand

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Update support

In ESP3D page your can update Web UI and Firmware of ESP board.

image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Camera support

You can display your camera stream using an extra panel or an extra page.


If your board is an ESPCAM32 board and you enabled the camera feature, you can configure as following image image


Do not put refresh under 200ms because it will not be processed so fast and will just do several retry before succeed

In Dashboard it will be displayed image image

External IP Camera

Any camera with an IP address and a stream page will be supported, in that case you do not need to use any refresh setting.

  • If your camera is streaming mjpg stream (many jpeg frames), use these settings, using address corresponding tou your camera.
    image image
  • If your camera has a web page to display streaming output, use these settings, using address corresponding tou your camera.
    image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Polling commands

WebUI support autoreporting but in case there is a need to get some information on demand, you can use polling commands.

A polling command is a GCode command that will be sent to the printer and the response will be parsed and displayed in the WebUI each xxxxms.

A refresh time of 3000ms is usally enough , shorter polling commands refreshtime may not be processed properly due to network latency.

Several polling commands for same refresh time can be added at once separated added by ;

Note: A refresh time of 0 means polling will be done only once when webui start.

Here the list of polling commands available per firmware type:


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M27 C Get current file name
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M106 Get fan speed
M115 Get printer capabilities
M31 Get print time
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M27 C Get current file name
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M106 Get fan speed
M115 Get printer capabilities
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
M105 Get temperatures
M114 Get current positions
M27 Get SD print status
M220 Get feedrate
M221 Get flowrate
M115 Get printer capabilities
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
? Get current status
$G View GCode parser state
$# View GCode Parameters
[ESP701]json Get current streaming status


Command Description
? Get current status
$G View GCode parser state
$# View GCode Parameters

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Themes are actually just gzipped css file that overload current css, their name must start by theme- to be recognized and have proper .gz extension if they are compressed. You only need to put inside the properties you want to customize.

Example of small changes

.feather-icon-container svg,
background-color:rgb(200, 200, 233)!important;


a svg.esp3dlogo{

.form-switch input:checked + .form-icon {

a.active svg,
a.active label.hide-low{

border-bottom:white solid 0.5px;


How to set a new theme

Upload theme

Upload gzipped (or not) theme using the flash file system panel in dashboard image image

Select theme

Select theme in interface settings image image image image

Once change are applied the webui will automatically restart

image image

Here some themes as examples:


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of API

Web Handlers

/ (GET)

root is the default handler where all files will be served, if no file is defined, it looks for index.html or index.html.gz (compressed) if you call specific file, it will look for the filename and filename.gz (compressed) if no file is defined and there is not index.html(.gz) it will display embedded page another way to show the embedded page is /?forcefallback=yes

/sd/ (GET)

it will serve any file from SD card if there is one, it is only a wrapper to read SD card, no upload

/files (GET/POST)

this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list  
            "name":"index.html.gz", //the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (FILESYSTEM_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/sdfiles (GET/POST) )

this handler handle all commands for SD, including upload on SD (only shared and direct SD) this handler handle all commands for FS, including upload on FS.
possible options/arguments are:

  • quiet=yes can be used when you don’t want list files but just upload them
  • path=... define the path to the file
  • action=... define the action to execute which can be:
    - list Will refresh the stats of the files - delete
    delete the file defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - deletedir
    delete the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
    - createdir create the directory defined by filename=... it will also use path=... to do full path
  • createPath=yes when doing upload and the path do not exists, it will create it, POST only
  • <filename>S=... give the size of uploaded file with name, need to be set before file is set in upload, POST only

the output is a json file:

    "files":[ //the files list
            "name":"3Oc-pika2.gco",//the name of the file
            "shortname":"3Oc-pika2.gco", //the 8.3 shortname if available, if not the name of the file
            "size":"83.46 KB", //the formated size of the file 
            "time":"2022-09-04 11:56:05" //the time when the file was modified last time, this one is optional and depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
            "name":"subdir", //the name of the file / directory
            "size":"-1", //the size is -1 because it is a directory
            "time":"" //no time for directories optional as depend on (SD_TIMESTAMP_FEATURE)
    "path":"/", //current path
    "occupation":"52", //% of occupation
    "status":"subdir created", //status 
    "total":"192.00 KB", //Formated total space of Filesystem
    "used":"100.00 KB" //Formated used space of Filesystem

/upload (POST)

this handler is for MKS boards using MKS communication protocol if enabled, it handle only upload on SD

/command (GET)

this handler is for all commands the parameter is cmd=... if it is an [ESPXXX] command the answer is the [ESPXXX] response if it is not an [ESPXXX] command the answer is ESP3D says: command forwarded and can be ignored

/login (GET/POST)

this handler is for authentication function if enabled possible options/arguments are:
- DISCONNECT=YES it will clear current session, remove authentication cookie, set status to disconnected and response code to 401 - SUBMIT=YES to login it will need also PASSWORD=... and USER=..., the answer will be 200 if success and 401 if failed if user is already authenticated it can use NEWPASSWORD=... instead of PASSWORD=... to change his password, if successful answer will be returned with code 200, otherwise code will be 500 if change failed or if password format is invalid


  • if authentified and no submission:
    {"status":"Identified","authentication_lvl":"admin"} and code 200
  • if not authenticated and no submission:
    {"status":"Wrong authentication!","authentication_lvl":"guest"} and code 401

/config (GET)

this handler is a shortcut to [ESP420] command in text mode, to get output in json add json=yes

/updatefw (GET/POST)

this handler is for FW upload and update Answer output is : {"status":"..."} if upload is successful the ESP will restart

/snap (GET)

this handler is on esp32cam with camera enabled to capture a Frame it answer by sending a jpg image

/description.xml (GET)

this handler is for SSDP if enabled to present device informations

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
        <modelName>ESP Board</modelName>
        <modelNumber>ESP3D 3.0</modelNumber>
        <manufacturer>Espressif Systems</manufacturer>

Captive portal bypass handlers

to avoid a redirect to index.html and so a refresh of the page, some classic handler have been added so they all go to / handler actually

  • /generate_204
  • /gconnectivitycheck.gstatic.com
  • /fwlink/

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Web Sockets

there are 2

  • terminal websocket used to stream data to webUI and exchange internal data

  • data websocket used to exchange data with external client (not used by WebUI)

Terminal websocket

use subprotocol webui-v3 the port depend on the firmware, please refer to the firmware documentation

text mode

Reserved messages between webui / ESP Format: <label>:<message>

  • from ESP to WebUI

    • currentID:<id> Sent when client is connecting, it is the last ID used and become the active ID

    • activeID:<id> Broadcast current active ID, when new client is connecting, client without this is should close, ESP WS Server close all open WS connections but this one also

    • PING:<time left>:<time out> It is a response to PING from client to inform the time left if no activity (see below)

    • ERROR:<code>:<message> If an error raise when doing upload, it informs client it must stop uploading because sometimes the http answer is not possible, or cannot cancel the upload, this is a workaround as there is no API in current webserver to cancel active upload

    • NOTIFICATION:<message> Forward the message sent by [ESP600] to webUI toast system

    • SENSOR: <value>[<unit>] <value2>[<unit2>] ... The sensor connected to ESP like DHT22

  • from WebUI to ESP

    • PING:<current cookiesessionID / none > if any, or “none” if none

binary mode


  • from ESP to WebUI stream data from ESP to WebUI

  • from WEBUI to ESP
    [-> File transfert from WebUI to ESP : not implemented yet]

Data websocket

use sub protocol arduino the port depend on the firmware, please refer to the firmware documentation

text mode

This mode is used to transfert all GCODE commands and their answers from printer/cnc

binary mode

This mode is used to transfert files to / from esp board (not implemented yet)

it use frame of 1024 bytes, can be increased after test

the frame format is : 2 bytes: for frame type 2 bytes: for frame size to check some integrity, currently as already part of frame no checksume is used x bytes : extra data according frame type

Frame types

Query status frame

type: client -> esp Status Request

S R 0 0

with hexadecimal values:

0x53 0x52 0 0

Response frame use inverted header: Response Status

R S 0 1 A

with hexadecimal values:

0x52 0x53 0 1 0x41

the first byte of answer is the state

Code Hexa Meaning
B 0x42 busy
O 0x4F idle/ok
E 0x45 error
A 0x41 abort
D 0x44 download ongoing
U 0x55 upload ongoing

extra data may be added :

For Error:

error code and string, 1 byte : error code: 0->255 1 byte : string size 0->255 XX bytes for the string

R S x x C 4 X .. ..

For Upload:

Upload informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x U X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

For Download:

Download informations: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size 4 bytes : currently processed bytes 4 bytes : last packet id processed

R S x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2

Start upload frame

header is :

S U 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S U x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

U S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert upload frame

header is :

U P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Start dowload frame

header is :

S D 0 0

the content is: 1 byte : path size 0->255 XX bytes : the path string 1 byte : the filename size 0->255 xx bytes : filename string 4 bytes : total file size

S D x x D X .. .. X .. .. S1 S1 S1 S1

if answer is :

D S 0 1 O

it means transfert can start

Transfert download frame

header is :

D P x x ID ID ID ID .. ..

4 bytes is packet id XXXX bytes is data

if packet is received the answer is


Command frame

header is :

C M 0 1 X


Code Hexa Meaning
A 0x41 abort

Abort command frame

C M 0 1 A

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Variables list

Several variables are available depending WebUI target


  • From output:

    • [PRB:0.000,0.000,0.000:0]
      #prb_x#, #prb_y#,#prb_z#
      optional according axis definition #prb_a#,#prb_b#,#prb_c#

    • from ? report MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
      #pos_x#, #pos_y#, #pos_z#, #pos_a#, #pos_b#, #pos_c#, #pos_wx#, #pos_wy#, #pos_wz#, #pos_wa#, #pos_wb#, #pos_wc#,
      optional according axis definition #pos_u#,#pos_v#,#pos_w#, #pos_wu#,#pos_wv#,#pos_ww#

Note: if variable is unknown, then it is set to 0

  • From UI

    • Probe Panel
      Probe thickness : #probe_thickness#
      Selected axis : #selected_axis#

    • Laser CNC Panel
      Maximum value of laser: #laser_max#

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Real time commands

Real time commands are not printable commands most of the time so it can be tricky to type them in terminal or to see them in terminal as echo. To workaround this you can use and see the text equivalent variables


  • 0x18 (ctrl-x) : Soft-Reset : #SOFTRESET#
  • 0x84 : Safety Door #SAFETYDOOR#
  • 0x85 : Jog Cancel #JOGCANCEL#

Feed Overrides

  • 0x90 : Set 100% of programmed rate. #FO100#
  • 0x91 : Increase 10% #FO+10#
  • 0x92 : Decrease 10% #FO-10#
  • 0x93 : Increase 1% #FO+1#
  • 0x94 : Decrease 1% #FO-1#

Rapid Overrides

  • 0x95 : Set to 100% full rapid rate. #RO100#
  • 0x96 : Set to 50% of rapid rate. #RO50#
  • 0x97 : Set to 25% of rapid rate. #RO25#

Spindle Speed Overrides 10%->200%

  • 0x99 : Set 100% of programmed spindle speed #SSO100#
  • 0x9A : Increase 10% #SSO+10#
  • 0x9B : Decrease 10% #SSO-10#
  • 0x9C : Increase 1% #SSO+1#
  • 0x9D : Decrease 1% #SSO-1#

Toggle commands

  • 0x9E : Toggle Spindle Stop #T-SPINDLESTOP#
  • 0xA0 : Toggle Flood Coolant #T-FLOODCOOLANT#
  • 0xA1 : Toggle Mist Coolant #T-MISTCOOLANT#


  • 0x18 (ctrl-x) : Soft-Reset : #SOFTRESET#
  • 0x80 : Instead of ? for requesting a real-time report #STATUSREPORT#
  • 0x81 : Instead of ~ for requesting cycle start #CYCLESTART#
  • 0x82 : Instead of ! for requesting feed hold “#FEEDHOLD#
  • 0x83 : Request parser state report #PARSERREPORT#
  • 0x84 : Safety Door #SAFETYDOOR#
  • 0x85 : Jog Cancel #JOGCANCEL#
  • 0x87 : Request a complete real-time report #COMPLETEREPORT#
  • 0x88 : Toggle the virtual optional stop switch #T-STOPSWITCH#

Feed Overrides

  • 0x90 : Set 100% of programmed rate. #FO100#
  • 0x91 : Increase 10% #FO+10#
  • 0x92 : Decrease 10% #FO-10#
  • 0x93 : Increase 1% #FO+1#
  • 0x94 : Decrease 1% #FO-1#

Rapid Overrides

  • 0x95 : Set to 100% full rapid rate. #RO100#
  • 0x96 : Set to 50% of rapid rate. #RO50#
  • 0x97 : Set to 25% of rapid rate. #RO25#

Spindle Speed Overrides 10%->200%

  • 0x99 : Set 100% of programmed spindle speed #SSO100#
  • 0x9A : Increase 10% #SSO+10#
  • 0x9B : Decrease 10% #SSO-10#
  • 0x9C : Increase 1% #SSO+1#
  • 0x9D : Decrease 1% #SSO-1#

Toggles and extras

  • 0x9E : Toggle Spindle Stop #T-SPINDLESTOP#
  • 0xA0 : Toggle Flood Coolant #T-FLOODCOOLANT#
  • 0xA1 : Toggle Mist Coolant #T-MISTCOOLANT#
  • 0xA2 : Request a PID report #PIDREPORT#
  • 0xA3 : Acknowledge a tool change request #TOOLCHANGE#
  • 0xA4 : Toggle the virtual optional probe connected switch #T-PROBE#

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Syntax conventions


This document is a receipe of conventions that may not be currently implemented yet, but will be from now, current code will be updated according to it before beta state.

Style should be also applied also



  • Install prettier extension `Prettier - Code formatter from Prettier
  • Define configuration file Select .prettierrc is present on root directory


  • Use DOM as much as possible, do not use document.getElementById
  • Avoid switch statement, use object with corresponding method instead
  • Native HTML tags must be lowercased

File name

  • Use one file or directory per main component
  • Split compoment as much as possible in multiple components
  • Use same file name as component name
  • If file does not contain components first letter of file name should be lower case
  • JSON file name / directory are lower case


  • The first character of name should be lowercase.
  • Use upper case letter as word separator
  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols / keywords can be used in names


  • The first character of name should be lowercase.
  • Use upper case letter as word separator
  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols / keywords can be used in names

JSON object

  • Start name by upper case first letter
  • Use upper case first letter for words separation
  • Do not use underscore / dash in name


  • Do not use class / render but Fragments / Elements
  • Start name by upper case first letter
  • Use upper case first letter for words separation
  • Do not use underscore / dash in name
  • Only export what is needed


  • The first character of name should be lowercase if more than one letter, or should be upper case.
  • Use upper case letter as word separator.
  • Any name should begin with an alphabet.
  • Digits may be used in the name but only after the alphabet.
  • No special symbols / keywords can be used in names

Inspired from :

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

File upload

The file upload is done using a multipart form data POST request.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="path"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="/8822552.jpgS"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="/8822552.jpgT"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myfiles"; filename="/8822552.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


All parameters are sent before the file data itself.

For each file:

The path parameter (required)

The path parameter is the path where the file will be uploaded. It is an absolute path starting from the root of the filesystem and do not contain the filename.

The file size parameter is the size of the file to upload. It is used to check if the file can be uploaded and is used to check if the file is fully uploaded. The argument name is the full file path with filename with a S suffix. The value is the size of the file in bytes.

The file time parameter (optional)

The file time parameter is the last modified time of the file to upload. It is optional but allow to set right time on file on ESP that has not time synchronization. The argument name is the full file path with filename with a T suffix. The value format is ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) without timezone.

The file data binary (required)

The file data binary is the file data itself. It is the last parameter of the multipart form data POST request, and it also contains the full file name.

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Extensions API

Basic code

<script type="text/javascript">

//Send message to web ui
function sendMessage(msg){
    window.parent.postMessage(msg, '*');

//Process Message coming from webUI
function processMessage(eventMsg){
    //now process eventMsg.data

//Setup message listener from webUI
window.onload = (event) => {
  window.addEventListener("message", processMessage, false);


<div class="container">
Display your HTML here

As you can see code is minimal - it will fit a Frame, webui css / theme will be added by webUI after loaded, so you do not need to add any, you can use any of existing class available in webUI.

Communication between frame and main window is done by messages using objects (string / array based), do not use any object that could ne be cloned or loading will fail.

Send message

message structure used by window.parent.postMessage(msg, '*'); has a defined format, some parameters are madatories, some are optionals and some depend on message type:
{type:'<message type>', target:'webui', id:'[origin]', noDispatch:[true], XXX:YYY}
<message type> is mandatory, it define the purpose of the message
target:'webui' is mandatory, it help to screen the message
id:'[origin]' is optionnal, it define which id must read the response if any, if present it can be used by extension to filter message, no id means the message is for everyone
noDispatch:[true] is optionnal, if true it will prevent to send answer if any, if not or set to false, it will send answer message if any
XXX:YYY are optionals/mandatories according message type

Send GCODE command or ESP command

Example: {type:'cmd', target:'webui',id:'terminal', content:'[ESP111]'}
type is cmd (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is terminal (optional)
content is the command that need to be sent, in our case [ESP111] (mandatory)

Note: there is no noDispatch:true so answer, if any from ESP firmware, will be sent
Note 2: there is no way to prevent the answer to be spread if it come from external board from serial, even if id and noDispatch are set

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

    • if success

          "type": "cmd",
          "content": {
              "status": "success"
              "response": "",
              "initiator": {  
          "id": "terminal"

      type is cmd
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "cmd", 
          "content": { 
              "status": "error", 
              "error":"Cannot connect", 
              "initiator": {  

      type is error for any error command
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send web query

Example: {type:'query', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'files', args:{action:'list', path:'/'}} type is query (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is terminal (optional)
url is the base url in our case files for /files (mandatory)
args is the set of arguments url in our case {action:'list', path:'/'} for /files?action=list&path=/ (optional for query)

Note: noDispatch:true and id:'term' are applicable in this case if needed

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    • if success

          "type": "query",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": "{\"files\":[{\"name\":\"config.yaml\",\"size\":\"1.55 KB\"}],\"path\":\"/\",\"occupation\":\"35\",\"status\":\"ok\",\"total\":\"1.31 MB\",\"used\":\"470.08 KB\"}",
              "initiator": {
                              "type": "query", 
                              "target": "webui", 
                              "id": "filemanager", 
                              "url": "files", 
                              "args": {
                                          "action": "list", 
                                          "path": "/"
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is query id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a JSON, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "query",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "Cannot connect",
              "initiator": {
                              "type": "query", 
                              "target": "webui", 
                              "id": "filemanager", 
                              "url": "files", 
                              "args": {
                                          "action": "list", 
                                          "path": "/"
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is query id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send web upload

Example: {type:'upload', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'files', content:[...],size:500, path:"/", filename:'file.txt'} type is upload (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is filemanager (optional)
url is the base url in our case files for /files (mandatory for upload)
content is the file in an array object (mandatory) size is the file size (mandatory)
path is the file target path (not including name) (mandatory) size is the filename (not including path) (mandatory) args is an object with optional arguments like for query, they are no used in post but in url itself

Note: noDispatch:true and id:'filemanager' are applicable in this case if needed

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    for upload the initiator does not contain the file content
    • if success

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": "{\"files\":[{\"name\":\"config.yaml\",\"size\":\"1.55 KB\"},{\"name\":\"file.txt\",\"size\":\"500B\"}],\"path\":\"/\",\"occupation\":\"35\",\"status\":\"ok\",\"total\":\"1.31 MB\",\"used\":\"470.08 KB\"}",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a JSON, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

    • progression message

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "progress",
              "progress": "100",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is progress, and the progression it self progress, in our case 100 = 100% and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

    • if error

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "Cannot connect",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case Cannot connect and also the initiator is the initial command for reference but without the file content

Send webdownload request

Example: {type:'download', target:'webui', id:'filemanager', url:'preferences.json'} type is download (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is filemanager (optional)
url is the url of the file in our case preferences.json for /preferences.json (mandatory)
args is an object with optional arguments like for query

Note: id:'filemanager' is applicable in this case if needed, but not noDispatch:true as the purpose is to get response

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data
    • if success

          "type": "download",
          "response": {
              "status": "success",
              "response": [...],
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is upload id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is success, the response it self response, in our case a blob which is the file that need to be read properly, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • progression message

          "type": "upload",
          "response": {
              "status": "progress",
              "progress": "100",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is download id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is progress, and the progression it self progress, in our case 100 = 100% and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

    • if error

          "type": "download",
          "response": {
              "status": "error",
              "error": "404",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "filemanager"

      type is download id is the id set in output message to help to screen
      content has the response’s status which is error, and the error it self error, in our case 404 (file not found) and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send sound notification

There is no answer for this message, so id is not necessary

  • Generate a beep notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'beep'}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case beep (mandatory)

  • Generate a beep error notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'error'}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case error (mandatory)

  • Generate a beep sequence notification
    Example: {type:'sound', target:'webui', content:'beep', seq:[{ f: 1046, d: 200 },{ f: 1318, d: 100 }]}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    sound is the sound type, in our case seq (mandatory)
    seq is an array of sequence of beep, in our case [{ f: 1046, d: 200 },{ f: 1318, d: 100 }] (mandatory), f is frequency and d is duration of the beep

Send toast notification

There is no answer for this message, so id is not necessary

  • Generate a success toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is a success', type:'success'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case success, and the text to display, in ou case This is a success (mandatory)

  • Generate an error toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is an error', type:'error'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case error, and the text to display, in ou case This is an error (mandatory)

  • Generate a normal toast notification
    Example: {type:'toast', target:'webui', content:{text:'This is a toast', type:'default'}}
    type is `` (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    content has the toast type, in our case default, and the text to display, in ou case This is a toast (mandatory)

Send translation request

  • simple translation Example: {type:'translate', target:'webui', id:'transpanel', content:'S153'}
    type is translate (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is transpanel (optional)
    content is the text that need to be translated, in our case S153 (mandatory)

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "translate",
          "content": {
              "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "transpanel"

      type is translate
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ? and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • full dump of translations
    Example: {type:'translate', target:'webui', id:'transpanel', all:'true'}
    type is translate (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is transpanel (optional)
    all to take all translations (mandatory)

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "translate",
          "content": {
              "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
              "initiator": {
          "id": "transpanel"

      type is translate
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case an array of all translations and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Send capabilities request

Example: {type:'capabilities', target:'webui', id:'transpanel'}
type is capabilities (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is infopanel (optional)

  • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

        "type": "capabilities",
        "content": {
            "response": "Your session will end soon, do you want to stay connected ?",
            "initiator": {
        "id": "infopanel"

    type is capabilities
    id is the id set in command message to help to screen
    content has the response it self response, in our case a JSON and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

Dispatch message to other extensions

Example: {type:'dispatch', target:'webui', id:'senderpanel', content:'any message' , targetid:'receiverpanel'}
type is dispatch (mandatory)
target is webui (mandatory)
id is senderpanel (optional)
content the message to dispatch using

Note: there no answer as the purpose of this is to send answer

Send Modal dialog display request

  • Simple modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'This is tile', id:'simple_modal', style:'default', bt1Txt:'S126', response1:'ok', text:'some text', overlay:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), This is tile is used as example but you better use predefined text that could be translated
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here simple_modal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for simple modal it is default,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), S126 will be translated as Ok, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here ok, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in modal, if it is predefined’s one it will be translated (optional)

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "ok",
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
                                          "title":"This is tile", 
                                          "text":"some text", 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case ok because only one button, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • Confirmation modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'S26', id:'confirm_modal',style:'question',bt1Txt:'S27', response1:'yes',bt2Txt:'S28', response2:'cancel', text:'S30',hideclose:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), S26 will be translated as Please Confirm
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here confirmation_modal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for confirmation modal it is question,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), here S27 will be translated as Yes, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here yes, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), here S28 will be translated as Cancel, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), here cancel, the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in moda (optional), here S30 will be translated asDo you want to update?

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "yes",
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case yes because user clicked on button 1, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

  • Input modal Example: {type:'modal', target:'webui', id:'modalpanel', content:{title:'S90', id:'input_modal',style:'input',bt1Txt:'S106', response1:'create',bt2Txt:'S28', response2:'cancel', text:'S104',hideclose:true}}
    type is modal (mandatory)
    target is webui (mandatory)
    id is modalpanel (optional)
    content is modal deescription:

    • title of the modal (mandatory), S90 will be translated as Create Directory
    • id is modal id (mandatory), here inputmodal
    • style is modal style (mandatory), for input modal it is input,
    • bt1Txt is the text to show on button 1 (optional), here S106 will be translated as Create, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response1 is the message sent if button 1 is clicked (optional), here create, the click close the modal
    • bt2Txt is the text to show on button 2 (optional), here S28 will be translated as Cancel, if not defined button won’t be displayed
    • response2 is the message sent if button 2 is clicked (optional), here cancel, the click close the modal
    • hideclose if set and true it will hide the cross button to close the modal (optional)
    • overlay if set and true it will automatically close modal if modal loose focus (optional)
    • text display the text in moda (optional), here S104 will be translated asPlease type directory name

    Note: close button and overlay feature won’t send any notification when modal is closed, be aware of it

    • Answer format: check the eventMsg.data

          "type": "modal",
          "content": {
              "response": "create",
              "inputData": "mydir"
              "initiator": {
                              content : { 
          "id": "modalpanel"

      type is modal
      id is the id set in command message to help to screen
      content has the response it self response, in our case create because user clicked on button 1, and the text entered is in inputData, here mydir, and also the initiator is the initial command for reference

      Note: inputData is present for both buttons clicked, so screening must be done according response

Install an extension in Web UI

Upload it to local filesystem or any path available to web server

image image

Add extra panel or page using this extension

image image

It will be displayed according your settings image image

Sample codes


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Full 3D Printer UI

image image

Camera extra panel

image image


image image

ESP3D page

image image

Settings page


image image


  • All settings image image

  • Polling commands image image

  • Macros image image

  • Extra panels image image

Informations page

image image

Target Firmware settings


image image


image image


image image


image image


image image


from @MonoAnji image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu


Big thanks to :

  • @aganov for suggesting to use PreactJS to simplify the development
  • @alxblog for the mentoring and contribution in Web UI rewrite, and for suggesting to use spectre.css instead of bootstrap
  • all contributors, feedbacks owners and donations.


If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Extra tools

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

Subsections of Extra tools

Subsections of Discovery tools

SSDP protocol

  • Windows :
    Supported out of the box, just go to Network page image image
  • OSX :
  • Linux :
    On Debian-style distros, install gupnp-tools and run gssdp-discover -i <devicename> --timeout=3
  • Android :
    SSDP/UPnP Scanner image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

mDNS protocol

search for esp3d image image

If any error or need any addition,
please let me know by opening a ticket here
or submit a fix by PR or use the edit button on top menu

SD tools

Format the SD card

The capacity must not be over 8GB, 4GB is the prefered one.
The sd card must be formated using Fat32 or extFat.

  • Windows:
    Do not use the windows formating tool, use the tool provided by sdcard.org tool instead.
  • OSX:
    please use sdcard.org tool
  • Linux: